Yang Anxin looked at her feeling angry, and she, who has always been kind to others, couldn't help but say at this moment: "Even if Chang Huan leaves, they are still a couple. It is a legally recognized marriage relationship, and it is not comparable to anyone else. And , breaking the military marriage is going to jail."

Hearing what Yang Anxin said, Ouyang Zhenzhen's face turned pale, and he gritted his teeth despite his guilty conscience and said, "Hehe, if they divorce, it's their own problems, and it has nothing to do with me."

Yang Anxin didn't bother to look at her anymore.

After a while, Pei Zhao came back with a very ugly expression on his face. Yang Anxin hurriedly asked: "What's the matter, does he know?"

Pei Zhao shook his head: "No one answered the phone, I don't know what's wrong."

Yang Anxin's face couldn't help becoming serious, and she no longer wanted to watch the game. She said, "Let's go back and look around. Chang Huan is gone, Lu Tuan may be so sad."

Pei Zhao agreed, and the group went back. When he was anxious, Pei Zhao suddenly received a text message from Lu Zhanke, saying that he had taken a step ahead and would return to the army before the end of the holiday tonight, so they don't have to worry.

Pei Mo sighed: "It seems that he knows that Chang Huan has left, otherwise he wouldn't have left."

"Then let's go back too." Yang Anxin wanted to leave. Originally, everyone came to play together, and they should have fun, but because of some people's malicious intentions, people's hearts are now distracted, walking away, scattered scattered, they lost the mind to play.

Pei Zhao asked Du Yucheng: "Do you want to continue playing?"

Du Yucheng also shook his head: "Let's go."

Everyone lost interest in playing, and all chose to go back.

This short trip can only be described in eight words. Come with joy, return with disappointment. The mood of several people has become very bad, except Ouyang Zhenzhen. I laughed so happily along the way, I don't know what kind of dream I am doing.

Ai Changhuan sat in the car and thought a lot along the way. Sometimes he thought about Qin Zhan, and sometimes he thought about Lu Zhanke.

In the end, it all turned into a long sigh. She said that she hoped that Lu Zhanke could forget her, but she knew that she probably would never forget Lu Zhanke.

No reason, just because that person once appeared in her life in a strong and perfect posture so seriously.

But, it can only stay in my heart forever. While sitting in the car, she sent a text message to Qin Zhan, telling him how soon she would show up at the train station, and if he could come, he would come to pick her up.

If he can't come, at least tell her, don't say nothing, as if he never showed up.

She turned up the ringtone of her mobile phone to the maximum, and if there was a call or a text message, she would be able to know it immediately. Then close your eyes and rest.

The car Du Yucheng found for her was a medium-sized passenger car, which drove from the mountains to the town only once a day. So she can't hesitate, can't look back. There were five or six local villagers in the car, all wearing Achang's unique costumes.

She was in a bad mood and didn't feel like talking to anyone. The car didn't arrive at the town's train station until the afternoon.

Ai Changhuan bought the last train ticket to City A that day, then sat in the waiting room, staring at the phone, looking up from time to time, hoping to see Qin Zhan in the next second.

But no, Qin Zhan never came, and there was no new text message on his phone.

The train station was originally bustling, but as the night deepened, there were fewer and fewer people. Gradually, only a few people were left sitting in the empty waiting room. A man wearing a vest and slippers kept sneaking eyes at her, stood up from time to time, and walked past her.

I don't know what to do. Thinking about it, she was a little scared, and she still couldn't wait for Qin Zhan's news, so she mustered up the courage to call Qin Zhan.

Qin Zhan said, don't call him if there is nothing special. For her, now is something special.

If Qin Zhan doesn't come, she will go back to City A by car. She didn't want to wait in silence. I called and it went through. Ai Changhuan felt a little joy in her heart, but on the other end of the phone, there was a cold mechanical female voice: "Sorry, the user you dialed has no answer at the moment, please call again later..."

Ai Changhuan didn't give up, and called again, but still no one answered.

She gradually became disappointed, why didn't he answer the phone? Doesn't he know that she needs him very much now?

She put the phone back into her pocket, but came across a hard box, took it out and saw that it was the box of cigarettes that Lu Zhanke gave her.

What a fool, he obviously doesn't believe that putting on lanterns can make his wish come true, but he wrote down piously that Ai Changhuan should not leave, he obviously doesn't smoke, and he dragged her to buy it because of the custom, what stupid things can he not do? Do?

Her eye sockets started to heat up again, and before she had time to think about it, she felt warm tears running down her cheeks, as if she was going to shed all the tears in her life this day.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the cigarette case. She heard that the nicotine contained in cigarettes can paralyze people's nerves and make people temporarily forget the pain. That's why so many people like to smoke. Now, she wants to try it. Is it true? has such an effect.

But when he opened the cigarette case, he was stunned. There were no cigarettes in the cigarette case, but a silly, ugly mobile phone pendant, which was a pair with the pendant on Lu Zhanke's mobile phone.

Ai Changhuan's shoulders couldn't help shaking, and the hand holding the pendant couldn't help tightening again and again. Why is this thing here?

Originally, according to Lu Zhanke's personality, he would directly say what he wanted to give, or help her hang it domineeringly, but now he hides such a thing in the cigarette case, what does this mean?

Ai Changhuan didn't dare to think about it any further, because she had already clearly felt the piercing pain in her chest, as if something was biting wantonly, biting her already broken heart even more sores. Hundred holes are dripping with blood.

Lu Zhanke found out, he knew she was leaving, and he didn't want to force her to stay, that's why... that's why he hid the pendant that was a pair with him here.

No wonder, no wonder when she hugged him before leaving, his expression was faintly sad, and it was precisely because he didn't stop her that she was able to leave so smoothly.

Because after Lu Zhanke found out that she was missing, he should have caught up with her long ago. For him, it was an easy task...

Ai Changhuan originally endured it, and secretly warned herself not to cry anymore, but now, after thinking about it, she will only cry more fiercely.

Lu Zhanke is a bastard, he showed such unexpected tenderness when she was about to leave, he clearly wanted her to never forget him and remember his kindness for the rest of her life.

Ai Changhuan couldn't help crying. At this moment, she didn't know whether to love or hate.

The man she chose after struggling disappeared without a phone call or text message, leaving her alone and being attacked by the cold, while the man she gave up was perfecting her in the most gentle way.

She became the biggest fool in the world. She was dizzy from crying, her eyes were red and swollen, and she checked the time. She was about to enter the station in ten minutes, so she decided to wash her face first.

The train station in this town is still relatively old. There were originally two rows of lights in the bathroom, but one row broke down at some point, and no one came to fix it.

Ai Changhuan was probably in a daze from crying, but at this moment, he even forgot to be afraid, staggered to the bathroom, turned on the faucet of the sink, and the water gushed out.

Ai Changhuan bent down, held up a handful of hands, then lowered her head to wash her face.

At this time, a dark figure stood behind her. When Ai Changhuan raised his head for the first time, he thought it was his eyes that were dazzled, but when he lowered his head again, he suddenly realized.

When she turned her head, what she saw was a disgusting face, which turned out to be the person who had been dangling in front of her eyes.

"Help..." She widened her eyes and opened her mouth to call for help.

But the man covered her mouth from behind with lightning speed, then put his arms across her neck, and dragged her all the way to the innermost room of the bathroom.

Ai Changhuan was so frightened that she suddenly woke up a lot, her hair stood on her head and she was frightened. She kicked her arms and legs and tried to grab something so that she would not be dragged away.

But there was nothing, she was dragged in by the man without grabbing anything, and then pressed against the wall of the bathroom, the disgusting man immediately pressed up, showing a lewd/evil smile.

Ai Changhuan's eyes widened in horror, she was completely stupefied with fright, and the stench from the man made her almost nauseous.

"Baby, you are so beautiful, I have a reaction when I see you..."

"As long as you are obedient and obedient, I will treat you well and keep you comfortable. I don't know if you are in the sky or underground..."

"Baby, is this your first time? The skin is really good, and the waist is so thin, it must be very exciting to twist..."

While talking obscene words, the man reached out to touch Ai Changhuan's waist.

Because I was going to leave today, Ai Changhuan was wearing the skirt she brought. When the man's palm came over through the thin fabric, she was so disgusted that she was about to vomit.

She kicked her legs wildly, trying to kick the man off her body.

The man didn't expect her to resist so fiercely at the beginning, and he actually got kicked. He raised his hand in a rage and slapped her hard.

Ai Changhuan was turned sideways, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth, and her cochlea immediately began to roar. She gritted her teeth fiercely, and shouted with the blood: "Help, help!"

As long as one person hears her, she will be saved.

The man panicked, covered her mouth again, and punched her hard on the lower abdomen with the other hand: "Stinky bitch, how dare you be dishonest!"

Pushing Ai Changhuan to the ground, he beat her hard on the back again: "I'll let you know what's going on, and I'll let you call for help!"

The man's strength was surprisingly strong, and that slap almost killed Ai Changhuan half to death. After these few punches, Ai Changhuan's life was almost gone, and he felt as if his internal organs were about to be spat out.

But she was not reconciled, unwilling to be ruined by such a disgusting smelly man.

She scratched and pulled on the ground with her hands, and used whatever she caught to fight back. She didn't know whether it was her luck or the man's unlucky luck, but she caught a forgotten vise.

After holding the vise in her hand, she took a deep breath, and then slammed the man's head fiercely with her backhand.

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