Infinite Heroes Seat

Chapter 86: Mystery

Harry gritted his teeth and said: "Remember, he sent me to Voldemort last year in order to win the trust of Voldemort. For his own merits, he did everything. Who knows if he deliberately sacrificed himself? Sirius."

   "You are crazy!" Hermione felt that Harry was a different person in front of her. No, maybe he was like a different person when he met Guris.

   Under the light of the light, Harry's scar looked particularly scary, and it seemed to have grown a lot without knowing it.

   Hermione opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but Luna on the side suddenly interrupted, "Don't you have any way to confirm it? Which one of you should be where Black was originally. Just confirm it and it's over."

"Well, Harry, even if you want to save Sirius, you can go to the Order of the Phoenix to take a look, there should be a lot of time!" Hermione compromised first, she didn't want to have meaninglessness with Harry. Quarreled.

   Harry also nodded in agreement.

"We have to use Umbridge's stove to see if we can get in touch with him." Fearing that Dumbledore would collude with the wizard outside, Umbridge sealed all the stoves in the castle, except for her. my own.

   But thankfully, she was solved by Harry first, and a group of people came to her office easily.

   Harry walked into the fireplace, grabbed a handful of Floo powder and threw it into the fire. The green flames sprang up. Knowing to be fast, he plunged his head into the fire and shouted, "No. 12 Grimandy Avenue!"

   His head began to spin as if his whole body had been melted into the fire, although his knees were still firmly kneeling on the cold floor of the office. He kept his eyes closed to deal with the spinning dust, and when the spinning ended, he opened his eyes to pay attention to the surrounding area, Grimandy's cold kitchen.

There is no one here. He expected it, but after seeing the deserted kitchen, fear and panic grew in his stomach unpreparedly. At the same time, the hatred of Guris was also increasing. Sure enough, he was planning to sacrifice Sirius.

   "Sirius?" he cried, "Sirius, are you here?"

   His voice echoed in the room, but there was no echo.

   Hermione looked at Harry nervously. After a while, Harry's head stretched out from the fire, and he stared at Hermione gloomily, "No one there, I mean anyone!"


Damn, in a hidden place a few miles away, Mo Wen cursed in a low voice, and finally Harry and the others rushed here on the night sky, and even Hermione and the others followed, in his plan It shouldn’t be like this in the middle. For him, predicting whether the ball will be obtained by Voldemort is not important at all. This is just a bait to expose him. As long as Harry does not come, Voldemort will have to invade the Department of Mystery himself. There will be opportunities at that time. Let him be exposed, the people in the Order of the Phoenix are also ready, planning to take the opportunity to hit the Death Eaters hard.

   In order to ensure all this, he also specially cast a spell on the house elf Kreacher of Sirius's house to make sure that he would not lie at this time.

It’s a pity that I’ve missed a little bit. He got the real Slytherin locket from Kreacher ahead of time. Kreacher’s former owner ordered him to keep it strictly. So now Kreacher is almost not active in the Order of the Phoenix, but Looking everywhere for this locket.

   And Sirius was not a house-elf, and couldn't stay by the fire all day long, so Harry called for a while when no one responded, and mistakenly thought he was gone.

   And not far in front of him, Voldemort smiled.

"Lucius, Bellatrix, our little friends are dispatched, you take people to follow them, and then take the prophecy ball back to me, of course bring Harry back by the way, I miss him a little bit ."

   "Yes, my master." Lucius and another woman with a haggard face but a crazy eye flashing promised. Behind them were a dozen Death Eaters.

   "Guris, you go too, don't let me down."

   "Okay, Dark Lord." Mo Wen clenched his fists.


At the same time, on Diagon Alley in London, Fleur looked impatiently at the man in front of him who had been dedicated to herself. Ever since she found this temporary job in Gringotts, this man has been pestering herself, although he looks pretty cool, but Still can't compare to his own Darling.

   But at this moment, Furong's expression changed. She looked at the person in front of her and said seriously: "Bill, can you contact Mr. Weasley? I have an urgent need to find him."


   Department of Mystery, Ministry of Magic, Harry passed through the doors and came to the room as if in a dream. All kinds of flashing clocks, huge, small, ancient, mechanical, some hung between the bookshelves, and some on the scattered tables in the room, so a busy, merciless ticking sound filled the whole The space is like the sound of thousands of walking footsteps. The beating diamond-like light originated from a tall crystal clock jar at the far end of the room.


Harry's heart was beating frantically. He knew they had found the right way; he led the way, leading the way through the narrow space between rows of tables and titles, just like in a Going to the big crystal clock jar as high as he was standing on the table, it looked like it was full of tumbling sparkling wine.

   "It's this fan," Harry said again, his heart beating so fast and strong that he felt his voice tremble, "It's just from here—"

   They arrived, and they found the place: it was as high as a church, empty, with only some towering shelves filled with small dusty glass balls. They faintly flickered in the light of the many candles spread out along the shelf. The candle's flame burned blue, just like the round room behind them.

   Harry looked down at the aisle between the two rows of shelves, and walked slowly forward. He heard no sound and saw no signs of the slightest movement.

   "You said it was in row 97," Hermione said quietly, "but there doesn't seem to be anyone here."

   "His mouth may be gagged, or unconscious," Harry took a breath and looked up at the end of the nearest row. Under the candle holder of the blue flame, the silver number 53 flashed, but another uninvited voice said in his mind that he may be dead, or even more terrifying, he is not here at all.

   They walked through 84 rows, 85 rows. Harry listened hard to even the slightest movement, but he found nothing.

   I will feel it, he said to himself, his heart beats his head, I am right!

   "97!" Hermione said softly, but her brows were already frowning.

   They gathered at the end of the row, staring at the sidewalk. There is no one there.

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