Infinite Journey From Hogwarts

Chapter 3 Treasure Hunting

Cedric did not snooze like other little wizards. He got up on time at six o'clock and called the attribute panel in front of him again to make sure that what happened yesterday was not after the illusion.

Taking a deep breath, dressed and washed, Cedric walked out of the Hufflepuff common room. The kitchen was next to it, and the house elves inside were ready to serve the students at any time.

While eating breakfast, Cedric was thinking about his next plan.

His original plan was to study hard, avoid the 'death calamity' in the Goblet of Fire, and then make a lot of life-saving items. It would be best if he could learn the Charm of Fidelity and Loyalty, go to the ancient eastern country, and find an ordinary person to hide his home.

In this way, even Voldemort should not even try to find himself, and enjoy the happiness of the magical world after the savior defeats the great devil and the world is peaceful.

But now it seems that his plan must be overthrown, because he may not be able to bypass Voldemort.

I'm afraid that even if I give up studying at Hogwarts, that supreme voice will make me reappear in the challenge of the Goblet of Fire.

Fortunately, this is not an absolutely unsolvable death calamity, as can be seen from the name the system calls itself.

Potential detachment number 00067, which means two things, one is that one may 'detach' fate, and the other is that someone may have succeeded.

Moreover, the newly resurrected Voldemort is not irresistible, his soul is still in a weak state after resurrection, and for wizards, the soul is also the source of their strength in a sense.

As long as I can drag it until Dumbledore discovers the problem, I believe Voldemort will not continue to entangle with a small shrimp like myself.

After all, these two are good friends who love each other and kill each other for a lifetime.

The most important thing now is how to quickly improve one's own strength so that one has the ability to survive Voldemort's hands.

Magic in the world of Harry Potter is both simple and complex.

The simple reason is that most of the magic spells here are not difficult. Even the three unforgivable spells can basically be learned by every wizard, and they can be learned, which does not require excellent talents like magic in other worlds.

But this does not mean that the world of Harry Potter is a "low magic world". After all, whether it is the traceless stretching spell or the time converter, this kind of means that can play with time and space, even in many high-level worlds, there is no way to do it.

Not to mention magical creations such as Blessing Elixir and the Room of Requirement, which involve the fields of fate and creation.

Cedric didn't explore these too much before, but now, he thinks he has found a clue, and the magic power of chaos on the attribute panel should be the answer.

Because the original magic power of this world is chaotic and disorderly, it is both weak and powerful.

This is why it is difficult for wizards to actively improve their source of magic power. Muggles can produce genius wizards, and pure-blood families can also produce squibs.

This also means that no matter how hard Cedric works, it will be difficult for him to increase his Chaos magic power enough to face Voldemort in six years.

This is determined by 'talent'.

But strength is not equal to talent. Here, even ordinary people can kill most wizards with pistols, provided they know how to use the tools in their hands reasonably.

And alchemy creation is of course also one of the tools.

After thinking about it, Cedric has clearly outlined his plan for the next six years in his mind.

The first few days of school are for freshmen to familiarize themselves with the environment, and this is the same in the magic world. After breakfast, Cedric arrived at the eighth floor with "hard work" with Xixiu.

You must know that the moving stairs here are really not friendly to the freshmen. After all, Hogwarts was originally built as a wizard castle to resist foreign enemies.

In the witch hunting operations in the Middle Ages, even the four legendary wizards could only choose Gouan, a remote place, which is enough to show that the water in this world is very deep, at least there are more than just supernatural powers such as wizards.

After searching for a long time on the eighth floor, Cedric finally found the tapestry where the giant beat Barnabas with a stick.

I need a room to hide things... After Cedric walked back and forth three times, a quaint door appeared on the opposite wall.

Cedric pushed the door with Xixiu and entered. This is a dusty utility room, or a palace.

This place is really too big, like a giant waste collection station, Cedric estimated that even if he spends a few years, he will not be able to find real treasures in the garbage dump.

But fortunately, I have a secret weapon, and sniffed it out from the pocket of the mage's robe.

This little thing has been scurrying around in his pocket restlessly ever since he entered here.

Apparently the treasure room was to him what the smell of fish was to the cat.

After a few days of getting along, Cedric and this magical animal have established a preliminary friendship. After all, this is the magical version of the treasure hunting mouse.

Putting Xixiu on the ground, Cedric said softly, "Go and find all the good things."

Niu Niu, this magical animal has a natural ability to detect treasures, especially shiny treasures, and Cedric believes that he will gain a lot here.

This is a secret room that has existed for thousands of years. Even Voldemort would hide such a powerful item as Ravenclaw's crown here. Even if other magic items are not comparable to Ravenclaw's crown, they are still of great value. .

After getting Cedric's permission, Xixiu happily got into the 'garbage dump'.

What a hard worker, Cedric couldn't help but give him a fatherly smile.

He touched a few man-made crystals in his pocket, this is the reward he will prepare later, you must know that this magical animal has no resistance to shiny things, even though the man-made crystals are not of much value.

Taking out the "Basic Alchemy" that he carried with him, Cedric read the book while waiting for Nixiu to find treasure for himself.

Three hours later, after standing up and moving his stiff body, Cedric decided to stop today's treasure hunt.

After whistling a few times, Xixiu reluctantly got out of the pile of treasures. Cedric lifted Xixiu upside down while scratching its abdomen with one hand. This is Xixiu's 'laughing hole'. A large number of 'treasures' fell to the ground, and most of them were metal utensils.

Seeing a pile of damaged crucibles and crystal balls, Cedric was speechless. It seemed that his magic pet needed more training.

One of the crowns immediately caught Cedric's attention. Although it was covered with dust, the exquisite pattern and the huge gemstone in the center attracted attention.

Not to mention, this crown itself contains 'magic power', which attracts people to want to wear it on top of their heads.

This is another Horcrux of Voldemort. If he didn't know the danger of Horcruxes, maybe Cedric would become Voldemort's host like that silly girl in Ginny, and happily thought that he had found one' Grandpa'.

Although the Horcrux itself does not have much power, it is no less than some spells in deceiving people's hearts.

Even though Cedric had the protection of Occlumency LV2, it was difficult to look away again.

However, although he knew the danger of the Horcrux, Cedric had no intention of handing it in or destroying it. After all, this is a double-edged sword that can quickly enhance his strength, provided he knows how to use it reasonably.

After thinking for a while, Cedric asked Niffler to put the magical items he temporarily considered valuable into his pocket, and at the same time picked up Ravenclaw's crown and prepared to leave the Room of Requirement.

At this time, the supreme voice sounded in his ears again, "Fate is deflected, and taking Ravenclaw's crown (Horcrux) out of the Room of Requirement will cause unpredictable consequences and have a huge impact on this world. , will the potential detachment continue this operation?"

Cedric suddenly became aroused, and under the sound, he suddenly woke up from his greed, and looked at the crown in his hand, showing a complicated expression.

It seems that even Occlumency LV2 is still unable to stop the temptation of Voldemort's Horcrux, even though Voldemort was only an adult when this Horcrux was made, far from his most powerful moment.

If it wasn't for the reminder from the 'system', I'm afraid I would really take this horcrux out of the Room of Requirement. At that time, I wouldn't have the final say. After all, with such a powerful ability to charm human beings, this horcrux would really Longlegs ran away by itself.

Taking a deep breath, Cedric took Ravenclaw's diadem to find a cabinet and hid it. This Horcrux is temporarily unusable by himself, at least until he has a huge breakthrough in Occlumency.

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