Infinite Journey From Hogwarts

Chapter 7 Night Exploration of the Restricted Book Area

After a month of study, Cedric gradually became familiar with Hogwarts, and those spiral staircases no longer hindered him, and his reputation as "Ravenclaw in Hufflepuff" was also in the lower grades. gradually spread.

After getting acquainted with the academy, Cedric is ready to start his next study plan, and the restricted area is the place where he can increase his strength the fastest.

The restricted area of ​​Hogwarts is so awesome, it is the accumulation of four legendary mages and one academy for thousands of years. It can be said that there is no more black magic in the entire British wizarding world than here.

There's even a not-insignificant possibility that Voldemort obtained the recipe for Horcruxes from the Restricted Section.

Cedric is of course interested in the production of Horcruxes. Although this technology has major flaws, being able to avoid death is enough to offset all the shortcomings.

As long as one can make a Horcrux, the possibility of one's escape from fate can be increased by at least 50%.

After all, feigning death to escape is a tried and tested trick.

Moreover, Voldemort was able to successfully make Horcruxes in his student days, and Cedric believed that he would not be much worse than Voldemort in his student days-provided that he could find out how to make Horcruxes.

If you want to successfully wander in the restricted area, it is definitely not enough to rely on the disillusionment spell. Cedric does not want to be accidentally caught by Dumbledore and treated as Voldemort's second.

After all, he was so similar to Voldemort now that even with the mind of a white wizard, he couldn't tolerate the appearance of a second Voldemort.

And to successfully avoid Dumbledore, only one magic item is needed, and that is the famous Marauder's Map.

In a way, the Marauder's Map is more useful at Hogwarts than the Invisibility Cloak.

And this magic item is in the hands of Filch, a squib, so it's too easy to get it.

Filch's greatest joy was catching students who violated school rules, which meant he was often away from his office.

The original book mentions that the Marauder's Map was found by the twin Weasleys in his office as a blank scroll.

After figuring out Filch's routine, Cedric quickly sneaked into Filch's office with the Disillusionment Charm and Door Opening Charm while he was leaving the office. After searching, he quickly found this legendary item.

Back in the dormitory, Cedric did not open it directly, but studied the item first.

As an alchemical item, the craftsmanship of the Marauder's Map had a high status in Cedric's mind, even as high as the Horcrux.

First of all, this is an activated alchemy item, and Snape was mocked in the original book.

Animated objects are not uncommon in Harry Potter, but another feature of the Marauder's Map is surprising.

This map is connected to the entire Hogwarts, which is why the Marauder's Map can accurately report the location of everyone in Hogwarts.

This feature is even a bit frightening. If the four Potters hadn't obtained some special inheritance, it meant that they had found loopholes or flaws in the four legendary wizards.

For a wizarding castle like Hogwarts, the existence of the Marauder's Map cannot be described as a flaw at all.

If the enemies of Hogwarts got this map, they could even continue to erode the entire defense system of Hogwarts along the loopholes.

And Cedric is more inclined to the former, and contacting the invisibility cloak, one of the three Deathly Hallows, Harry Potter's father must have obtained some powerful inheritance.

One must know that even at the cost of one's life, an ancient curse could kill the Dark Lord in his heyday, which is an extremely terrifying thing.

It would be great if he could get this inheritance, Cedric couldn't help but fantasize.

Wanting to fart, Cedric patted his cheek.

There may be no way to find the inheritance of the Potters, otherwise they would not leave Harry with clues.

"I solemnly declare that I have bad intentions." Cedric said to the Marauder's Map.

Pen and ink suddenly appeared on the blank parchment, outlining a simple map of activities, with the names of the moving people constantly marked on it.

After studying for a while, Cedric had to admit that the techniques in the Marauder's Map were not something his current level of alchemy could understand.

Then he started planning tonight's night visit to the restricted area.

For the books in the restricted area, Cedric has a very clear goal, which is those ancient alchemy techniques.

In the Middle Ages, there were many cruel and extreme alchemy methods, such as Horcruxes that could be made by killing people. These methods are extremely immoral in modern times, so they were sealed in the restricted area of ​​Hogwarts.

As for those so-called powerful black spells, Cedric can only describe them as hehe.

The essence of the power in the world of Harry Potter is the magic power of chaos. Although the magic spell can add attributes to achieve various strange effects.

But this is just 'enchanting' rather than 'refining'!

Yes, none of the wizards in Harry Potter can change the nature of Chaos magic.

They are only using the magic power of chaos. When the magic power of chaos hits the object, the enchantment is completed, producing different effects.

In the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter confronted Voldemort for the first time, using a spell that many people didn't realize was wrong.

Harry Potter used "Expelling Arms", while Voldemort used "Avada Kedavra".

The three unforgivable curses used by the Dark Lord were resisted by the simplest basic attack spell of 'expel your weapon'.

But if you return to the essence of chaotic magic power, there will be no problem.

When two opposing spells collide, it is not the spell that determines the strength, but the strength of the user's own magic power.

As one of the Horcruxes, Harry Potter and a Voldemort's remnant soul can be said to be evenly matched in terms of magic power, but Harry has never realized this.

So Cedric didn't plan to spend a lot of time practicing those so-called powerful black arts.

Fighting waves is an unskilled fight, just remember to stand on the right side of the auditorium.

In the middle of the night, relying on the Disillusionment Charm and the Marauder's Map, Cedric easily reached the restricted area.

Without Mrs. Pince's guidance, it would not be easy to find the books you need in the restricted area.

However, Cedric had expected it a long time ago. He was going to browse through the entire list of books in the restricted area first, and then slowly spend time, 'borrowing' one by one.

""Cruel Ritual" is a good book, "The Crazy Alchemist" is also very interesting..."

When he was packing up his books after class, Foran, Cedric's only friend in Hufflepuff who could speak a few words, looked at him worriedly.

"Cedric, are you ill?"

"Why do you say that?" Cedric said while yawning.

"You didn't ask Professor Snape any extra questions in class today." Furen replied naturally.

Cedric was stunned, well, this flaw is relatively big, after all, even though wizards have high mana, they are still mortal bodies, especially the bodies of young wizards are prone to sleepiness.

"Don't worry, I'm just a little under pressure from studying recently, I will find a way to solve it."

As the number one student who was far ahead in the grade, Cedric's study pressure was a bit heavy, which immediately made Foran messy in the wind.

After being pointed out by Foran, Cedric certainly wanted to solve it, and the solution was very simple, all he needed was a bottle of energy potion.

This kind of primary potion is not difficult for Cedric, who is a level 2 potion learner.

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