Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 46: Go alone

   Zuo Yiran's best friend was frightened and called for help, but the few people in the distance ignored him at all.

   After she reacted for a while, she remembered that she had Zuo Yiran's dad's phone number, and quickly dialed the phone and cried, "Uncle, it's not good, it's not good, and I was also taken away!"

   On the other side of the phone, the boss left said: "Don't worry, please explain clearly what just happened."

   He is not in a hurry. There are more people targeting him, but he just wants money.

   And money is not a problem at all for him.

   Zuo Yiran's best friend said anxiously: "I was going to go to the movie with Yiran just now, but I got to the entrance of the cinema..."

   was talking about this, a figure suddenly passed by her.

   That speed turned out to be faster than the cars passing by on the road.

   Zuo Yiran's best friend was taken aback and forgot to speak.

   The few people on the roadside saw someone who was so fast, they all screamed, and then quickly took out their mobile phones and shot Lin Yi's back.

   On the other end of the phone, the boss left asked, "What happened at the entrance of the cinema?"

   Zuo Yiran's best friend came back to her senses, and hurriedly explained what had just happened.

   After listening to the boss, Zuo said: "Okay, don't say anything about this beforehand."

   "But I was also arrested, should we call the police?"

   "No, they must have paid for it, and they will contact me in a short time."


   Let's talk about Lin Yishi spreading speed and chasing after the van.

   was originally in the city, he should be able to catch up with the van easily.

   But because he was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, he avoided the camera all the way, and the speed was much slower.

   After a while, the van drove out of the city.

   Lin Yi was fast, but when he left the city road, there were fewer cars on the road, and the speed of the van increased. Lin Yi couldn't keep up.

   After crossing a bridge, enter the industrial park.

   At this point, Lin Yi was finally lost.

   Fortunately, he has a biological pulse. Using biological pulse detection, he quickly looked for the whereabouts of those people in the industrial park.

   About half an hour later, Lin Yi finally found four or five people inside the fence of an abandoned factory.

   These four or five people are all dressed in black, tall and strong.

   There are four or five brawny men in black in an abandoned factory, very suspicious.

   Lin Yi took advantage of their carelessness and quietly climbed up the wall—the two-meter-high wall, and he climbed it easily.

   fell silent, and then sneaked into the green belt behind these people.

   These people are guarding the surroundings, while whispering.

  Although they didn't speak loudly, Lin Yi is now a Level 2 evolutionary, with excellent ears, and he heard them clearly.

One of them said: "Brother Kuan really played a big ticket this time, and he even tied back the daughter of the big boss left. The big boss left is not a good one. I heard that there are people in both black and white. Dare to touch his daughter?"

   "You don't know that. This time Brother Kuan is only helping another elder brother. That elder brother has power in the whole province. I heard that this time I will transfer a dozen guns for Brother Kuan."

   "I'm going, isn't it true? Why didn't I get it?"

   "Nonsense, you have only been here for a few days, and I haven't gotten it yet. Of course, the dozen or so guns are used by those veteran and capable brothers."


   Lin also listened for a moment, became impatient, and jumped out of the bushes.

   With his hands folded into palms, he slashed towards the jaws of the two.

   Before the two could react, they felt severe pain in their jaws, and then they lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

   The other two met, and quickly touched the knife from his arms.

   But as soon as their knife came out, Lin Yi palmed the knife and hit them in the jaws.

   The two people, like the previous two, lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

   Lin also looked at the four people, and said to his heart that this trick really worked.

   This is the fighting technique that Avril Lavigne taught Lin Yi: Use a palm knife to chop the carotid artery of the enemy's jaw, and they will faint due to temporary blood loss from the brain.

   dragging the four people into the bushes behind, Lin also thought for a while, tore off a piece of cloth from a strong man's clothes, and covered his face.

   Since the other party has a triad background, in order to prevent unnecessary trouble, it is best not to be seen by them.

   At this time, Lin Yi was already thinking about rescuing Zuo Yi and then he was about to get himself a outfit.

   Otherwise, it will be very troublesome to take pictures with cameras and passersby's mobile phones.

   Then, he turned on the biological pulse, and while probing, he walked towards the middle factory building.

   On the road, more than ten people were stunned with a palm knife and finally entered the factory.

   At this time, he heard someone talking in the factory.

   looked at the center of the factory from a distance.

   I saw Zuo Yiran tied to a chair with a rag stuffed in his mouth.

   There are a dozen people walking around.

   And in front of Zuo Yiran, a middle-aged man who looks like a literati is holding a mobile phone and seems to be videoing with someone.

   Lin did not act immediately, so he hid in the dark and listened.

   Just listened to the voice from the mobile phone, which turned out to be the voice of the big boss Zuo: "Brother Kuan, your courage is getting fatter. I am afraid that this small place in Coal City can't hold you?"

   The person holding the phone smiled and said modestly: "Where is the boss left is the real coal city, and I'm Yu Fukuan in front of you, that's just a little brother."

   "Do you still know? Then dare to touch my daughter?"

   Yu Fukuan smiled gracefully and said, "Left boss is safe and not irritable. Of course I dare not dare to do this, but I can't help it if the boss confessed."

   "Sung Donghai?!"

   The left boss’s voice slightly changed.

   "Apart from him, who else would dare to call "the boss"?"

   Yu Fukuan said with a smile.

   The boss from Zuo seemed to think a little bit, and said, "I can give him whatever he wants, but he must never hurt my daughter."

   "Boss Cheng wants the land in the city center, and people talk to you a few times, but you don't know how to promote it. Boss Cheng has no choice but to tie up your daughter."

   "That piece of land has almost overwhelmed all of my net worth Cheng Donghai, this is killing me."

   Yu Fukuan smiled jokingly: "Oh, do you think it is your fate or your daughter's fate? Now look at how miserable your daughter is? As a father, this is your dereliction of duty."

   Yu Fukuan smiled and pointed the phone to the left.

   The left is also racing with things in his mouth, struggling, and whining.

   On the phone, the boss Zuo said anxiously: "Similarly, don't be afraid, Dad will never let you have anything."

"is it?"

   Yu Fukuan waved his hand to the person next to him, who took a knife and put it on Zuo Yiran's face.

   Yu Fukuan smiled and said, "I give the left boss ten minutes to think about it, but every minute, I will carve a flower on Ling Ai's face. When that happens, Ling Ai will really be a perfect piece of art."

   said and nodded to the brawny man holding a short knife.

   The person holding the short knife put the tip of the knife on the left Yiran's face and gave it lightly. It pierced a bit of the skin and a trace of blood leaked out.


   Zuo also kept screaming in pain, and his body kept struggling.

   But the brawny man with a short knife is not unbearable.

   Yu Fukuan smiled and asked, "Boss Zuo, how are you thinking about it? Don't worry, I have time. You take your time to consider it."

   "Yu Fukuan! Don't hurt it, I promise, I promise everything! That piece of land will be given to Chengdonghai, so don't hurt it again!"

   Yu Fukuan smiled and said: "Say it early, we don't have to spend so much work..."


   Before he could finish his words, the strong man with a short knife flew out and hit a table not far away, smashing the table into pieces.

   The person has no sound.

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