Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 60: Arrogant Zhang Dapeng

  The only bank in the town. In front of the ATM, a woman stood motionless.

   She stared at the string of numbers on the screen blankly, feeling a little dizzy in her head.

   "120,000...120, many..."

   She read it blankly.

   This woman is naturally Xiao Fei's wife Liu Zhilan.

   Liu Zhilan's family is poor, and Xiao Fei's family is not rich either.

   Neither when she was a child nor after she married Xiao Fei, she had never seen so much money.

   After Xiao Fei's sacrifice, although the army received a pension, for some reason, it has not been paid yet.

   So this 120,000 is the first time she has seen so much money in her life.

   She thought of Lin Yi. She felt that Lin Yi was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old child who actually gave herself so much money.

   She is a little unbelievable.

   It took more than two minutes for her to recover.

   She decided right now. If the 120,000 yuan is returned to Lin Yi now, he will definitely not want it.

   Then use the 120,000 to let the family get through the current difficulties.

   After the pension is released, he will return it to Lin Yi.


   County Hospital.

   Er lied on the bed, and it was difficult to move.

  His waist was hit by a sharp stone and injured his lumbar spine. Now he can't even lie down, he can only lie on his stomach.

   His hands were cast in thick plaster, and his arms became two big sticks.

   By the door of the ward, with the sound of footsteps, Zhang Dapeng came in with a cigarette in his mouth.

   The smell of smoke soon filled the ward.

   The nurse who was piercing Er Liu frowned and said, "Smoking is not allowed in the ward. If you want to smoke, there is a special smoking area downstairs."

   Zhang Dapeng said indifferently, "The smoking area is too far, and my body is not very convenient."

   "Then you can bear it. Anyway, you can't smoke in the ward."

   "Who stipulates that smoking is not allowed in the ward? I still want to smoke today. The most annoying young nurses like you, all the time, I have calluses on my ears."

   sat down on the hospital bed as he spoke, pulled the quilt that the nurse had just folded, placed it behind him, and leaned on comfortably.

   He flicked it casually, and blew the soot to the ground.

   Unfortunately, a little spark fell on the hospital bed and burned a small hole in the bed sheet.

   The nurse couldn't help but said: "Why are you doing this, this is the hospital, you can't..."

   "Go go, little girl go and play, uncle has no time to play with you."

   Zhang Dapeng said impatiently.

   The nurse was just a trainee nurse who had just arrived. When Zhang Dapeng was so angry, there was a little crystal in her eyes. After holding back the needle, he walked away quickly.

   Zhang Dapeng continued to flick soot on the ground, and asked Er Liu: "What's the matter?"

Er Liu looked miserable, as if he had eaten a bitter gourd: "Brother Zhang, talking about this, it's really evil... Yesterday we went to their house to throw a bottle of wine as you said. But I didn't expect a person from their house to come out suddenly. With three punches and two kicks, all the brothers were put on the ground. And this man was too cruel, and the brothers' hands and feet were crushed on him. Brother Zhang, you must help the brothers get revenge. "

   Zhang Dapeng said with a black face, "Tell me about that person's appearance."

"It was too dark at the time and we didn't see it clearly. It's just that this guy must have practiced, and his fist is harder than a rock. The power is also like a bull, and the brothers didn't react, so he fell to the ground. Anyway. , He must not be an ordinary person... By the way, do you think he is in the army again?"

   Zhang Dapeng lowered his head to smoke, and then he muttered for a while and said: "Impossible, the last time that happened, the army has tightened the control of those who served as soldiers, and they absolutely dare not make trouble again."

   "Who would it be?"

Zhang Dapeng thought for a while, shook his head, and said, "Before I am discharged from the hospital, you should not be sent out again. After I get better, we will show him a big scene. He can beat him, right? I will let him. If you hit ten, you can't hit a hundred, you don't believe him!"

After listening to Er Liu, he said with joy: "If there are a hundred people, he will be able to fight no matter how bad he is. Then we will want to dismantle and dismantle. But... Brother Zhang, this kid is very evil. Can't help him?"

   Zhang Dapeng sneered: "A hundred people still can't cure him. I still have a trick to send him to jail, and go with that guy named Leng Feng."


   In the next twenty days, Xiao Fei's house seemed very safe, and nothing happened.

   Those harassers are not coming, and no one dared to throw bottles of wine into their yard at night.

   Lin did not appear at Xiao Fei's house again, but had been protecting them in the dark.

   When he wants to come, it is much better to protect in the dark than in the light.

   For more than twenty days, nothing happened, Lin Yi slightly relaxed his vigilance.

   This morning, Lin Yi was free and went online at the only Internet cafe in town.

   There is nothing left or right, it is better to spend more time watching movies and get familiar with the plots of those movies. It will be necessary to enter these film and television planes in the future.

   At the same time, after Liu Zhilan sent her daughter to school, she went to work in a clothing store in the town.

   About half an hour later, five young men in their early 20s, seventeen or eighteen, walked in with a young man in their thirties.

   "Brother Zhang, congratulations on leaving the hospital."

"Brother Zhang, it's great that you can come back. Brothers all want you to Brother Zhang, now that you are discharged from the hospital, you have to throw away the old set, and the brothers will replace you. Get new ones. Although the clothes in this town are not as high-end as those in the brand-name specialty stores, they are also the heart of the brothers. Today I will replace them with new ones from top to bottom, from inside to outside."

   Liu Zhilan looked at the man in the middle.

   only glanced at it, and felt his body tremble.

   This person is not someone else, but Zhang Dapeng, the leader of the demolition team.

   Zhang Dapeng looked at a few pieces of clothes, but felt dissatisfied, and said, "Is there only a few broken clothes in town?"

A little brother quickly said: "I heard that some new styles have been heard, so let the clerk introduce them to us. Hey, what do you look at, don’t you know if you come to receive guests? Come and introduce to us, what new styles are there. You are welcome, take out all of your most expensive."

   Liu Zhilan didn't seem to hear her little brother at all, and looked at Zhang Dapeng blankly.

   "Hurry up, don't make our brother Zhang angry."

   Liu Zhilan still did not move.

   Seeing Liu Zhilan motionless, everyone looked here.

   Zhang Dapeng also looked over, and after looking at it, he realized that the clerk was Liu Zhilan.

He suddenly came over with a smile, patted himself on his body, and said maliciously: "Liu Zhilan, look, brother is fine, everything is fine. The soldier kicked Lao Tzu into the hospital. What? He squatted, and Lao Tzu stood in front of you well, what is this called? This is called evil rewards evil, good rewards good."

   Liu Zhilan trembled all over, unable to speak.

   Zhang Dapeng smiled and said, "Say hello to you, go back and pack your things, I will go to tear down your house this afternoon. I have to prepare tea and dinner and entertain my brothers."

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