Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 76: Magical blood

   The situation is already very critical at this time.

The doctors next to    shook their heads.

   They have never seen such a situation.

   But in theory, if this happens, it means that the patient will die within two minutes.

   They all sighed secretly, and when they looked at Lin Yi, there was some complaint in their eyes.

   Originally the patient could live another ten hours, but now it’s okay, and they die directly. They don’t even have a chance to say goodbye.

   There are always some patients’ family members who are clever, and ultimately delay the patient’s condition.




   On the monitor, the broken line that was still violently fluctuating suddenly became a straight line.

   The above display: Heartbeat 0.

   This proves that the patient's heart has died.

   One minute at most, the brain will die.

   A doctor took off his mask, shook his head lightly, and sighed: "Oh..."

   Several other doctors also took off their masks.

   They have tried their best. In this situation, this guy who claims to be the younger brother of the patient did it himself.

no Zuo no Die.

   But now he is doing the death of the patient.

   It’s better now, the patient was killed, are you happy?

   Just when these doctors complained to Lin Yi in their hearts, di-

   The sound of the monitor, which had been constantly beeping, turned into a short sound.

   The doctors looked at the monitor in doubt, only to see that it was still a straight line, and the heartbeat displayed was still 0.

   They all thought they had heard it wrong.

   But after a while, di-

   Another short, soft noise came.

   Then, 嘀—— 嘀——

   There were repeated voices.

   They looked at the monitor again and saw that the straight line above had become a broken line.

   Although this broken line is far from reaching the normal heartbeat chart, at least there is a heartbeat.

   After only ten seconds: Di—Di—Di—

   The broken line has completely reached the normal level.

   Look at the heartbeat above, 72 beats per minute, it has reached a normal state.

  The patient's body temperature is gradually approaching 36 degrees.

   The doctors' eyes widened.

what happened?

  Obviously he was dead, why did he suddenly come back to life?

   Damn it!

   Really hell!

   incredible, incredible!

   They looked at each other one by one, their faces were incomprehensible.

   This is simply the strangest thing they have ever seen since they started in medicine.

   They looked at Lin Yi, Lin Xu, and the monitor.

   On the monitor, everything has returned to normal.

   At this time, each of them is interpreting the idiom "stupefied as a wooden chicken".

   This incident has gone beyond their cognitive scope and completely contrary to common sense.

   It took a full minute for the older doctor to react and hurriedly said to the other doctors: "Quickly, do a full examination again."

   When the doctors were reminded like this, they recovered from their shock, and immediately performed their duties and started to check.

   After more than twenty minutes, the test result came out.

everything is normal.

   And the results showed that Lin Xu's physical condition was better than before the operation.

   It is estimated that he will be able to return to normal levels in ten days at most.

   The doctors were shocked seeing the results one by one.

   The rejection reaction can't be suppressed just now, and the patient's heart has died.

   Now just inexplicably lose a few hundred CC of blood, the rejection completely disappeared.

   Is this a big joke?

   When is the treatment so simple?

   In shock, they all looked at Lin Yi next to him.

   Lin Yi had already pulled out the tube at this time. Seeing that his cousin's situation had completely stabilized, he finally breathed out in his heart.

  As long as the cousin is okay, everything else will be a cloud to him.

   Seeing these doctors all looking at him at this time, Lin Yi smiled at them and said a little apologetically: "Doctors, I was really sorry just now, I was too impulsive."

   Those doctors didn't have the time to care how Lin Yi collided with them. What they cared about was why Lin Yi's blood had such an effect.

   "How do you know that your blood can save the patient?"

   "It doesn't make sense at all, but it's done. How did you do it?"

   "Can you save a sample of your blood? I think it will be of great help to us and even the entire human race."

   "Your blood has great research value, and it is likely to be a valuable asset in human medical history."

   Lin also sweats darkly.

   I just wanted to save my cousin, but I didn't expect to be surrounded by these people like watching a panda.

  What is panda blood?

   This is the real panda blood.

   Because the hospital helped with blood transfusion, he saved his cousin, so Lin Yi readily agreed to their request for a blood sample.

   Anyway, they have already checked, and there is no problem with their blood.

   Even if they leave a sample, they can't study it.

  According to the systematic explanation: Lin Yi's blood has already been optimized. Whether it is self-healing ability or other abilities, it has undergone a qualitative change from the past. But the current medical conditions cannot be detected at all.

   At this time, Lin Xu finally opened his eyes, and when he saw Lin Yi for the first time, he smiled slightly.

   Lin Yi quickly held Lin Xu's hand and said, "Brother, you are all right."

   Outside the operating room, a doctor had already told Lin Yi's parents and Lin Xu's wife what had just happened, and they were all very happy.

   suddenly returned to heaven from hell, how can this not make them excited?

   At this time, the dean's phone rang suddenly.

   Dean came to the operating room and answered the phone.

   The voice on the other end of the phone seemed a little worried: "Dean Wu, is the patient dead? The patient's family is not making trouble? Well, these family members, I really don't know what they think..."

   "The patient's condition is stable."

"Huh?" The voice on the other end of the phone seemed surprised, "Not dead?! I didn't mean that, I was very strange. In that case, if you just casually transfused blood, the patient is likely to be There was an accident."

"There is no accident. After the patient's blood transfusion, the situation has completely improved. The rejection has completely disappeared, and his heartbeat, body temperature, etc. are all normal. We previously said that he is likely to die within twelve hours. Now it seems that we are wrong. In the current situation, there will be no danger for at least two days."

   "Is there such a thing?"

   The other end of the phone is still surprised: "If this is the case, then this is a miracle in the history of medicine. I will come over and take a look this afternoon."


   That afternoon, the leader came to the hospital and saw Lin Xu's situation.

   He was still astonished by this incident, so he deliberately found Lin Yi to understand the situation.

He asked Lin Yi: "We have checked that your blood is just ordinary type B blood, and it is even different from Lin Xu's blood type. If your blood is transfused to him, there will definitely be problems. Not only did he have no problems, but the situation Completely stabilized. I want to know, how did you know that your blood would save him?"

   Lin also knew that someone would ask himself this way.

   He can only pretend to be stupid: "I don't know. At the time, it seemed like in the dark, there was a feeling that I had to do this."

  The leader asked again, but Lin Yi still pretended not to know anything.

   In fact, Lin Yi asked the system at the time: "System, can my blood save my brother?"

   The answer given by the system is: "Try it and you will know?"

   In terms of systemic urine, such an answer is equivalent to giving an affirmative answer.

   Lin Yi just forced the doctor to have a blood transfusion.

   Otherwise, even if he died himself, he would not make fun of Lin Xu's life.

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