Infinite Sims

Chapter 215 Watering with blood, soul composting, body forging with flames...

Chapter 215 Watering with Blood, Soul Composting, Flame Forging

Under the strangulation of the barbarian army and the servant army inside and outside.

The defenders of Yecheng could hardly organize any effective forces.

The defenders of Yecheng, which had already been rotted by moths, lost the power of the city wall, and quickly collapsed like flowing water. Many people even threw down their weapons in a hurry and surrendered on their knees.

But under the order of "not sealing the knife for ten days", these people have all turned into ghosts under the knife.

this day.

Whether it is ordinary people who are struggling to survive, or high-ranking literati and nobles, there is only one ending.

Money was taken away, men were tortured and killed, women were bullied...

Even though there are occasional counterattacks, they will often die under the sword in the next moment. If they survive by chance, they will be tortured even worse than death.

The massacre continued for a day and a night.

On the streets, in shops, in mansions...

These places full of vitality in the past have become a dead place, corpses are lying on the ground, or limbs are mutilated, or clothes are disheveled, or blood is flowing all over the ground...

The only thing in common is that none of their eyes are closed!

Under the bright sky.

Most of the barbarians obtained a good fortune after plundering.

Many people also occupied the houses that once belonged to the powerful and their wives and daughters, and indulged in lust without restraint.

And those servants who used to be the people of Great Zhao, who are now ruled by the barbarians, got their tools and started to work under the unceremonious and fierce urging of the barbarians.

Dig deep pits in various places in the city, and then throw the surrounding corpses into them.

The population of Yecheng exceeds 200,000.

No matter how hard you try in a day, you can't kill them all, and there are still many survivors hiding in places that have not been discovered.

In order for the next nine days to proceed smoothly, it is natural that these corpses must be dealt with in a centralized manner first.

Otherwise, not to mention what diseases would be caused, just the stench from the corpse would make them unbearable.

Breeze Academy.

Several servants with green cloth strips wrapped around their heads, wearing crooked light armor, and holding steel knives were walking along the path cursing.

"Son of a bitch, they enjoy it, let's come out and dispose of the body."

"You're fine, I even robbed some money. Yesterday, a few people and I found a rich daughter, and we discussed with them that they don't want any money, but only the rich daughter. In the end, I enjoyed it all night. Today, I was snatched away by a barbarian with an upturned nostril." .”

"The daughter of a rich family? How does it compare to the girl from Yihong Courtyard?"

"If you think about it with your butt, you know, it must be the daughter of a rich family."

"Hey, she's still a virgin, when she cries, what kind of pity do I have?"

"I feel sorry for you."

"Yes, it's just that I feel pity. Now that I think about it, I shouldn't have slept last night."

"Don't think about it, your rich daughter is now being crushed by countless savages."

"A barbarian raised by pigs and dogs!"

Several people chatted here, and they all cursed in unison.

Although they were scolding, they lowered their voices on purpose, and it was difficult to hear unless they were close to them.

"There are dead people here!"

Passing a corner, the person in front stopped.

A few people from behind bypassed him, and immediately saw two men and a woman lying on the coagulated blood.

"One head was connected to the body with only a layer of skin, one's stomach was cut open, and the other was stripped naked..."

"More than that, look at the bamboo behind the naked man."

"I'll go, isn't there intestines and internal organs hanging on it?"

When they saw this, they felt disgusted in their hearts and couldn't help but look away.

Even though they had seen quite a few corpses tortured and killed by barbarians outside the academy this morning, none of them felt as nauseating as these few.

Just as they were about to step forward to drag the corpse, they were stopped by another person.

"Wait, I seem to have seen this person before."

The man came to the naked corpse with his back turned upside down, turned his body upside down with his feet, and the moment he saw the face, he exclaimed: "Isn't this Mr. Wan Jinghao?"

A few people next to him covered their noses and surrounded him, and fixed their eyes on that simple and honest face.

"The chief who claims to be the most promising of Qingfeng Academy? Will he be admitted as a Jinshi within ten years?"

"If this is him, then the two next to him shouldn't be his family members?"

"It's possible. I heard that he has parents and an elder brother."

"Murdering them like this should not be for the sake of killing. There must be a personal enmity. Who do you think it is?"

"Who else could it be? It must be that loyal family."

"You mean the prefect?"

"It's the son of the prefect!"

They are all policemen in the county near Yecheng, and they all have small circles, so they have a fairly good understanding of the affairs of Yecheng.

"Want to die?"

An older man reprimanded them: "Prefect Niu is now a popular person around the general. If your words are heard, you can die yourself. Don't get me involved."

Several people curled their lips and did not speak again.

Then they worked together to transport the three bodies to the nearest corpse pit.

On the way, someone found the longevity lock stuffed in Wan Jinghao's mouth, greedily opened his mouth and saw that it was just a low-quality longevity lock, then closed his mouth in disgust.

Three bodies were thrown into the grave.

As the light changed, corpses were thrown in one after another, and Wan Jinghao was quickly buried under one another.

"It's getting stronger and stronger."

Jiang Ren woke up from samadhi, and saw that his sight was blocked by overlapping corpses, so he focused on his own body.

Since Wan Jinghao died yesterday.

The itchy feeling all over his body became more and more intense, and even affected his cultivation to a certain extent.

"In a sense, that's a good thing."

"As long as it continues like this, maybe soon, I can break through the physical limitations and make a difference."

Jiang Ren thought silently, as for how fast this "soon" is, he couldn't predict it.

It may be a day or two, or it may be a year or two.

Although it is impossible to judge the exact time, it is undoubtedly much better than before when no signs were seen at all.

Another massacre in the daytime.

As the corpse pit was filled with corpses, the sky gradually dimmed.

In the dark, Jiang Ren sensed a special feeling different from "itch". He even developed a sense of smell at this moment, smelling a strong smell of blood.

"How is this going?"

Jiang Ren broke out of his trance and looked towards the dark outside world.

In the darkness without a ray of light, he faintly saw long and thin blood-colored threads coming from all directions.

"The line of sight is blocked, and the surroundings are so dark that there is no light at all. How did I see these blood lines?"

Jiang Ren focused on his body, but didn't notice any changes.

Countless blood lines condensed around him, gradually turning into a blood cell, and then with the addition of more blood lines, it grew rapidly like a snowball.

"Why do I suddenly have a kind of..."

Jiang Ren was stunned: "How hungry?"

A strong sense of hunger appeared in his heart, as if he hadn't eaten for a day and a night, and then suddenly saw delicious food delivered to his mouth.

Before he could react, his body, which hadn't changed until now, was like a sponge, and began to crazily suck the blood from the blood cells.

But no matter how much he smoked, he was the size of a marble and nothing changed.

In this vision.

Jiang Ren's mind also became groggy.

Just like in a state of deep drunkenness, one can barely maintain a trace of reason, and can no longer observe and think effectively.

at the same time.

A little bit of white spiritual light transformed from the soul came from all directions and gathered beside Jiang Ren.

The difference from blood is that these auras containing souls seem to be in another dimension, and the two are not affected by each other.

The only difference is that the way of disappearing is not the same.

The blood is absorbed, the soul is dissolved.

Day and night.

Time passed day after day.

The speed at which the blood and soul condense slows down during the day, becomes active at night, and the range of radiation is also rapidly expanding.

First a street, then several blocks, until the entire city of Ye.

No one knows that the corpses hidden under the surface, their blood and soul are gradually being lost.

The time came to the eleventh day when the barbarians entered the city.

After ten days of massacres, almost no one in this city of 200,000 people was spared except for the family of the civil servants who claimed to have abandoned the dark and turned to the bright.

When the barbarian army left Yecheng, they sprinkled all the collected vegetable oil in the city.

Then torches were thrown on the countless unfilled corpse pits, and the flames, fueled by the grease, quickly spread from the surrounding vegetation to the building.

The barbarian army only traveled a dozen kilometers.

Looking back, I saw the soaring flames burning in Ye City and the black smoke rising straight into the sky.

"Magnificent views."

Duo Chi'er, who was sitting on the big red horse, nodded in praise, and then looked at Niu Kunyuan, who was also riding on the horse but half a body behind him: "Do you think so?"

Niu Kunyuan nodded again and again, flattered him a few times, and continued, "I believe that after this time, those people from Dazhao will learn their lesson and obediently open the city gate and surrender."

"hope so."

The general shook the reins, sat down on the red horse and suddenly accelerated.

Seeing this, Niu Kunyuan clumsily controlled the horse and chased after him.

At the same time, Yecheng.

The last trace of blood and soul dissolves.

Just when Jiang Ren was about to wake up, he immediately felt severe pain.

At this moment, he seemed to have a body.

He could clearly feel that every inch of skin, every muscle, every bone... was being burned on the flames.

If it's just like this, he can still bear it.

After all, the pain he had endured was not limited to his body and soul. His endurance value had already been greatly increased, and the ordinary pain could hardly even make him frown.

But this burning feeling is not an ordinary pain.

It gave Jiang Ren the feeling that many of himself were being burned at the same time.

Not ten, hundred, thousand.

Instead, there are a total of two hundred thousand selves, there will only be more and no less.

The pain kept pouring in, once again submerging Jiang Ren's mind, and the remaining rationality was on the verge of collapse.

One day, two days, three days...

The fire grew hotter and hotter.

Even though there was a brief drizzle in the middle, there was no sign of it going out.

The fat available for burning has been exhausted, and most of the combustibles have been burned, but the flames still have no tendency to decrease, as if turning Yecheng into a huge stove and torch.

Until the tenth night when the flames were lit.

Thick clouds gathered in the sky, and the flame finally weakened and shrunk until it disappeared until no trace of flame could be seen.


A long bolt of lightning fell from the sky.

Bean-sized raindrops quickly fell into Yecheng, where there was no one alive.


Jiang Ren, who was in the corpse pit, let out a painful howl.

The feeling of burning had just disappeared, and the endless sound swallowed his mind again.

This feeling was even more painful than being burned, and his reason, which was already struggling on the verge of collapse, was hit hard again.

No matter how uncomfortable it was, those voices did not disappear.

"I don't want to die!"

"Why did this old man end up being beheaded by a barbarian after doing good deeds all his life?"

"They killed my parents, they killed my wife and children, they killed my relatives and friends, they also killed... me!"

"I'm just an ordinary person, why did you kill me?"

"If you don't have strength, can you just let your wife be humiliated? Can you just let your son be skinned? Can you just let your own legs be cut off piece by piece?"

"The barbarians bullied my family, humiliated my family, and killed my family. I hate it so much!"

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts."

"So ruthless!"

"I hate..."

"Kill them... kill them..."

Clouds of invisible black smoke flew out from various corpse pits in Yecheng City, arrived at Jiang Ren's location, and then quickly poured into his body.

It rained continuously for ten days.

In the quiet night, the rain finally stopped.

The thick clouds that hadn't changed a bit for ten days disappeared at this moment, revealing the full moon hanging high in the sky.

There is a little light red color on the full moon, and there is a hint of enchantment in the beauty.

Under the moonlight.

You can see the bustling and bustling Yecheng in the past, but now it has been turned into ruins.

The clothes, flesh and blood of the 200,000 corpses buried in the corpse pit have been burned clean, leaving only countless broken bones and black ash.

In one of the corpse pits.

A vine invisible to the naked eye drilled out of it, twisting strangely like a long snake.

The vines did not affect anything around them, just like plants that do not exist in this world, mysterious, weird, terrifying...

In the following time.

These vines will return to the ground during the day, and will emerge from the ground at night, dancing their bodies wantonly.

Every day, more vines will grow, and the territory will expand.

Time passed quickly.

I don't know how long it has been.

This night, the vines drilled from the ground have covered the entire Yecheng.

They writhed crazily under the moonlight, like a group of crazy monsters, venting their energy that had nowhere to rest.

Suddenly, all the vines stopped twisting.

As if they heard some command, they all disappeared on the ground.

silent night.

There was a strange noise from the corpse pit where the strange vines first appeared.


A hand emerges from the broken bones and black ashes.

The skin is strangely pale, like someone who has been dead for a long time, but there is no shriveling.

At this moment, a hand came out not far away.

It was a skeletal hand without a trace of skin or flesh and blood, and there were many scorched black spots burned by the flames, and no living person's characteristics could be found.

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