Infinite Sims

Chapter 219 Persecution

Dinghe County.

A group of soldiers surrounded the yamen gate in the center of the county, and there were more than 20 people standing inside.

Except for a few Dazhao people, the rest are all barbarians.

Nurhaji walked out from the crowd.

He is ugly among the people of Dazhao, but he is ordinary among the barbarians, with a pair of arms that are slightly longer than ordinary people.

"Early this morning, when I led the troops to pass by the post station on Chengning Road, I saw that no one came out to greet me, and the gate was closed, so I ordered my soldiers to check it out. Unexpectedly..."

Nurhaji paused, and seeing that everyone was listening carefully, he continued: "Unexpectedly, after opening the door, I saw three mad dogs with mouths full of blood, and seven corpses that couldn't be seen clearly."

Hearing this, many people's expressions changed.

Chengning Road Post Station is only half a day away from here, and it takes less than two hours to ride a horse, which means that this murder case is equivalent to happening right under their noses.

"Bring up the body."

Nurhaji walked to the side and gave up the middle position.

Ten corpses covered with white cloths were brought in and placed on the floor in the middle of the yamen. Judging from the shapes outlined by the white cloths, they should be the seven people and the three dogs.

"Pull away those three mad dogs."

Nurha gave orders to the soldiers standing aside.

As the white cloth was pulled away, three yellow-haired dogs with skinny bodies but pregnant stomachs appeared in front of everyone.

Most of the dog's head was stained with blood, and the edge of the dog's mouth turned dark red. There were many shreds of meat hanging on the sharp teeth, and there was a faint smell of blood.

County magistrate Futai has reason to believe.

If it was not the beginning of winter, the cold outside would have already frozen the blood on these corpses, and the smell of blood would not be so bloody.

"At the beginning, the three mad dogs wanted to attack my soldiers, but because they ate too much, their abilities were greatly reduced, and they were beaten to death with random sticks."

Nurha saw that most of the people who belonged to the barbarians around him turned pale, but those Dazhao people who were military advisers and civil servants looked normal, so they could only secretly scold them for not being up to date, and then ordered the soldiers to take the remaining seven pieces of white cloth uncovered.

The white cloth was pulled away by Qiqi, and seven corpses appeared at the same time.

The bloody body, with bumps on the hands, legs, and face, either one piece of flesh was missing or that piece of flesh was missing, as if something had bitten it away.

Thinking of the big bellies of the three dogs, several barbarians turned pale and bent over to vomit it out.

Nurha glanced coldly and said, "It has been verified that the bite marks on these seven people were all done by three mad dogs."

Someone asked: "Were they all killed by mad dogs?"

"The one who killed them was someone else."

Nurha glanced at the man, then came to the corpses, and said one by one: "This one was killed by someone cutting his throat from behind with a sharp weapon. This one, this one, this one, and this one were killed by someone from the front The throat was cut to death with a sharp weapon, this one was bitten to death by a dog as expected, and this one..."

He took two steps forward and stopped beside the worst corpse.

Compared with the torso of other people who were not bitten because they were wearing armor, this man who only wore an ordinary animal skin coat could hardly see a piece of intact skin on his body, even his internal organs were exposed, and a dagger was stuck in his mouth.

"This one was stabbed to death. The murder weapon was the dagger in his mouth, and it was far more than a single knife. Based on the depth of the injury, it can be inferred that this assailant is different from the assailant who killed the previous five people."

Nurhaji pulled out the dagger to show off, and then inserted it back again.

Many people saw it and couldn't help touching their mouths.

"Couldn't he be Abate?"

A savage recognized the blood-stained furs of the dead man.

"Abatai seems to be the postman of that post station, right?"

"I remember that he once complained to me that there were only six people under his command, and the others were all wearing ordinary cloth armor. This must be him."

"Who is it that dares to kill me Dazheng?"

"First he was stabbed with a dagger, and then bitten with a dog. This person must be the remnant of Zhao!"

"Nurhaji, have you found any clues to the murderer?"

Futai endured the discomfort of the corpses on the ground, and looked at Nurhaji with a normal face.

"There are clues."

Nurhaji turned his head and nodded to the soldiers outside the door.

The barbarians cast their eyes one after another, and saw two soldiers carrying a door panel in.

Before they could ask any doubts, the door panel was erected.

A line of blood words caught everyone's eyes.

"Murderers, 200,000 dead souls in Yecheng."

Someone whispered the words written in blood on the door panel, and suddenly felt scalp tingling.

They were less than a day's journey away from Yecheng, so they naturally heard a lot about the flames, heavy rain, and continuous wind that Yecheng faced after the ten-day massacre.

With no less than 200,000 corpses and those bizarre rumors, it has already become a haunted place in everyone's mind.

Nurha was expressionless: "It's not so much that I found the clues, it's better to say that the murderer left the clues."

"There are two hundred thousand dead souls in Yecheng, this person must be the remnants of the Great Zhao!"

Forte picked up the gavel and slapped it heavily with an angry face.

The sudden sound made many people around tremble, and several people who vomited just now were so frightened that their bodies became unstable and they knelt directly on the ground.

This kind of person is also worthy of being called Dashoren, ridiculous!

Seeing this, Nurha smiled coldly in his heart, and immediately said: "Besides this door panel, I also found some footprints around."

Futai immediately asked, "But did you find someone?"

Since there were barbarians among the dead, the murderer must be arrested as soon as possible, for the sake of all the barbarians in the county, but also for himself.

Nurhaji had all the corpses carried away, and then said: "I found the footprints of more than a dozen people, which disappeared more than a hundred meters away from the post station. After my soldiers searched, I only found a few people killed by wild dogs nearby." A dug up corpse."

Forte was a little disappointed: "Only these?"

"Besides that, there are some horseshoe prints. It looks like two horses."

Nurha didn't wait for him to ask, and continued: "The horseshoe prints are much clearer than the footprints. Although the traces disappeared later, I have initially found his foothold."

A barbarian's eyes widened: "Is this place of residence our Dinghe County?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Nurhaji.

It's not that they haven't seen their own people who died at the hands of Da Zhao people, but none of them ended up in such a miserable end as Abatai.

Those murderers who first stabbed the whole body with a dagger and then let the wild dogs eat them came to the county.

Just thinking about it made them tremble.

It's still wartime.

The barbarians who were left in charge of management in small places were either ordinary barbarians, or barbarians who had no hope of career in the army.

It was more than a simple embarrassment for them to face an unknown number of murderers.

"If it weren't for the murderer, he would be here."

"I will not let people block the yamen, and dispersed almost all Dazhao people."

Nurhaji's eyes flicked over the several big Zhao people beside him, and a hint of menacing power appeared on his face.

"Lord Nurhaji, we have absolutely nothing to do with those criminals,"

Several Dazhao people knelt on the ground immediately, expressing their loyalty nervously: "Our loyalty to Dazheng can be learned from the sky, and the sun and the moon can shine."

"I can guarantee these people, there is absolutely no way they have anything to do with Great Zhao Remnants."

Futai spoke out at the right time, and added: "In the past few months, they have cooperated with me to arrest many remnants of the great Zhao."

Only then did Nurhaji look away from them, and said, "I need you to send all your troops and people you can trust, to find out the culprit."

Hearing his words, many people questioned.

"But we don't know what those criminals look like, how can we find them?"

"Since they are using weapons, it is impossible to give them up. Maybe they can look for them."

"What if they hid their weapons?"

"If no one is found, and those murderers are offended, what should I do?"


Futai didn't speak, just looked at Nurhaji quietly.

He already had an idea in his mind, and he also confirmed that Nurhaji had the same idea as him, but it was inconvenient for him to say it out as the county magistrate.

"I've asked someone. There should be a woman from Dazhao at the post station. I haven't seen her body. She may have come here too. You can try to find her."

After all the voices disappeared, Nurha sneered and said: "If you still can't find them, then force them out."

"Force? How to force?"

A barbarian looked puzzled.

"Arbitrarily arrest a few people in the name of the murderer's accomplice, and then call everyone in the county, saying that if the murderer is not confessed, those people will be executed the next day."

Nurhaji touched the saber at his waist and grinned: "Then, just put them in prison."

Someone asked: "What if the murderer still doesn't come out?"

"The next day after those people were executed, another group of people were arrested, and the number doubled."

Nurha's words and deeds were extremely calm and erratic, as if what he was talking about was not a matter of life or death, but a trivial matter that was too ordinary.

"Most of those big Zhao remnants care more about the lives of their own clansmen. If this is the case, maybe they can really stand up for themselves."

"They may go to prison, and we only need to lay a net inside."

"More than that, if they don't stand up, this move will also deter other Dazhao people, making them afraid to help those gangsters."

The barbarians exchanged a few words with each other, and finally they all affirmed the idea.

Such a gang of murderers is right under our noses, if we don't get rid of them, we will have trouble sleeping and eating.

"Since this is the case, everyone should mobilize the power in your hands now, and everyone will gather at the gate of the yamen later."

Forte picked up the gavel and photographed it, finalizing the matter.

A group of barbarians quickly dispersed and left the yamen, but there were also a small number of barbarians who had no one to use and chose to stay.


The few big Zhao people in the yamen didn't have any worries.

As they betrayed their colleagues to get their current positions, their family members will definitely not be used as bait.

On the contrary, they are very eager to catch the murderer.

After all, if it wasn't for the murderer who tortured and killed a barbarian like this, how could they have caused suspicion and almost killed them.

Perhaps, after returning, we can inquire about the murderer's information.

Several people looked at each other and found that the other party was the same, so they all smiled heartily.

"Open the door! Open the door!"

Hundreds of assembled people took to the streets one after another, and after blocking the main entrances and exits, they began to search from house to house.

In this process.

Many searchers will deliberately move certain things vigorously in order to damage them and vent their dissatisfaction with the winter operation.

After some people searched for their belongings, they would take most of them away.

Anyone who dares to stop them will be threatened with arrest, making those ordinary Dazhao people dare not speak out.

People who do this are usually from Dazhao.

On the contrary, those barbarians, because they had plundered enough wealth from the people of Da Zhao earlier, looked down on this little money and didn't bother to do it.

And most of the time they just watched from the sidelines, acting as hands-off shopkeepers.

"A trash, so poor that he doesn't even have a copper plate."

"He Shi, if you find a stranger nearby, remember to inform the yamen, you know the consequences if you don't report it."

Several soldiers kicked off the torn clothes on the ground and walked out angrily.

"Several military masters, go slowly."

He Shi, who looked in his fifties, nodded and bowed, watched them leave, and then closed the door.

After putting down the bolt, he didn't tidy up the scattered items, but went straight into the room.

"The two heroes have already left."

He Shi came to the corner and knocked on the rice vat that didn't have a few handfuls of rice.

Then hold the rice vat with both hands, lift one side vigorously, and remove the rice vat little by little.

Below the rice tank.

It was an entrance to a basement.

"Old man, thank you very much."

Jiang Ren walked out from the entrance and straightened the bamboo hat on his head.

Even though the room was rather dark, and he was still wearing night clothes and a black robe, he still felt extremely uncomfortable when he moved during the day.

It's like sitting on an old-fashioned bus for days in a row.

It's okay if you don't exercise vigorously, but it's hard to say once you exercise vigorously.

Wan Jinghao also came out and thanked him.

They left from the post station and came to Dinghe County before dawn, just in time to meet He Shi who was out.

After learning that they wanted to find a hidden resting place, he didn't ask anything, and took the two of them back to his home by the path.

He Shi waved his hands and said, "Don't call me an old man, I'm only thirty-two years old this year."

Wan Jinghao asked in surprise, "How did it become like this?"

"It's a long story."

He Shi shook his head, not intending to explain, and said, "A barbarian was killed at the Chengning Road Station, did you do it?"

Before Jiang Ren and the two could respond, he went on to say, "Forget it, you don't need to tell me whether it is true or not. They just searched once, and they won't come again in a short time. You can rest at ease."

Wan Jinghao's face froze, not knowing what to say.

Jiang Ren smiled and said, "Brother He, I am very interested in the story of your growing old. If you are willing to tell me, although I don't have wine, I have a knife."

"What can two people do?"

He Shi shook his head, walked straight out of the room, and began to tidy up the messed up items in the room.

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