Infinite Sims

Chapter 272 The Desperate Little Girl

"A cripple who has been in a coma for more than ten years, why do you say that the higher authorities still impose such strict detention measures on him?"

"Maybe they're scared."

"Are you kidding me? Are they afraid of a criminal? A crippled criminal at that?"

"They are not afraid of criminals, and they are even more afraid of disabled people, but if they personally turn this disabled person into a criminal..."

"Stop, stop, I don't want to die yet."

"Okay, as you wish."

"Let's not talk about the disabled, our little nurse is here, guess what he will do today?"

"The bet remains the same?"

"Yes, afternoon coffee."


Like a cell in an advanced ward.

On the instrument display at the head of the bed, data representing heart rate and physical condition are running smoothly.

"Old man, did you miss me?"

Austin smiled sullenly at the unconscious old man on the bed, then stepped forward to start today's work.

I operated a few times on several instruments at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed.

After confirming that it is correct, restore the interface to the running state.

Although this place is a prison, and although his clients are prisoners, his job is not a prison guard, but a care worker, a senior care worker.

The old man looked a little miserable.

Since that case happened, he resisted arrest and his limbs were broken, and he has been in a coma.

But thanks to the body of the former warrior, coupled with the expensive diet specially used to hang his life, and the daily stimulation of the muscles and internal organs by the nurses, his life has been very stable.

The chances of waking up are less than one.

There is also very little chance of accidents.

This is why 24 hours a day, only within 8 hours of the day, the reason for the arrangement of nurses.

No matter where you look at it.

It's an easy job and pays well.

But the reason why Austin applied for this job was not for the easy and high salary, but for...

"Old man, it's the last day, and I really miss you."

Austin took out a small video device from the inner pocket of his jacket and set it up on an instrument at the end of the bed. The camera was facing the old man on the bed.

Compared with the cameras in the outside passages, there are no dead ends.

He didn't find any cameras in this room, so he could do some private things unscrupulously.

As a medical graduate of Bauhinia University, with his excellent grades in school, he should have been able to find a good job, not to mention that many hospitals have offered him olive branches.

No need to take risks, just follow the schedule.

He can easily become the middle class between the haves and the have-nots, and the top of the have-nots who are deliberately differentiated by the haves--the middle class.

In the same class, there is a big difference between the head and the tail.

He has a faster, easier and more promising road to wealth than a regular doctor.

That is - internet celebrity!

This wasn't something he came up with on the spur of the moment. Before that, he had a certain foundation.

During college, he created his own personal account, which currently has 110,000 followers on the world's largest video platform.

Due to the high fan attachment, even if the money earned is not as high as going to the hospital, it is higher than the legal minimum salary.

After several years of operation of the university, he has the foundation to become an Internet celebrity.

However, in this era of material desires and traffic, if he wants to become a top Internet celebrity, he must have works that can stand out.

to this end.

As early as two years before graduation, when the number of fans slowed down, he had already started thinking.

By the time he graduated, he had come up with several ideas that were risky but had a high probability of becoming popular.

Holding the concept of the supremacy of interests.

Austin ultimately identified the riskiest idea of ​​the bunch, but also the one with the biggest payoff.

Netizens representing justice imposed justice on Ron, who had not been punished since he was arrested.

Waited for three months and took a lot of relationships.

Austin got the job as he wished, so that he can produce his own popular works that cannot be copied.

Relying on the heat of Ron who turned sixty a few days ago and got up again.

He believes that the works he has shot this month will surely make him the top Internet celebrity.

Annual income of tens of millions?

Do not! It is over 100 million!

As for the legal problems that may arise in the middle.

Shipp is highly self-reliant, with laws sometimes varying greatly from state to state.

Austin has already selected a state that is more lenient in this regard, and only needs to pay a small fine by then, and there will be no trouble.

"Slap, spit, bind, drip wax..."

"I've already done all of this, and since today is the last day, let's have some excitement."

Austin thought for a while, took out the transparent plastic bag that had been prepared, put it in front of the phone camera and gestured, then looked at the old man on the bed, and said with a playful smile: "Old thing, as a farewell gift to you, today I Please drink real hot beer."

"Trust me, this is the taste you've never tasted before."

"What a lucky old thing, you'll be the first to drink it."


When the plastic bag appeared in the shot again, there were hundreds of milliliters of cloudy hot beer inside.

"I've eaten too much fried food these days."

Austin looked at the plastic bag and put one hand on his chin: "However, the color of this kind of hot beer is more pure."

His videos are all edited in post, and the sound will be re-recorded in post.

So it doesn't matter if you say something inappropriate in the middle, you just need to ensure that those wonderful shots are captured by the camera.

"I almost forgot. If I pour it in, it will leak out. It would be bad if someone finds out before I leave the city."

Just as he was about to make a move, he suddenly patted his forehead.

Austin hung the transparent plastic bag aside, and then took out a small funnel from his body.

The top of the funnel is slightly smaller than a palm, and a thin hose is below the funnel.

Step forward.

He squeezed Ron's cheek with one hand, and was about to stuff the hose down his throat with the other.

"Others say you are a vicious criminal, but in my eyes, you are a good person who helped me become a big Internet celebrity."

Austin looked at the old man in front of him who let him manipulate him, with a smug smile on his face.

Thinking of the former No. 1 person in the world, but now letting himself be ravaged and pranked, the whole person will be involuntarily excited.

While laughing, he didn't stop moving.

The moment he put the funnel into the old man's mouth.

His hands suddenly paused for an instant, less than a tenth of a second.

During this time, which was difficult for the naked eye to detect, a trace of tiny black gas entered Austin's body from the old man's face along his fingers.

There was a slight change in "Austin"'s eyes.

Soon he regained his composure, and the movements of his hands did not stop at all.

He let go of the hand that was stuck in front of the old man, the hose had been stuffed into the throat of the old man on the bed, and the old man's teeth just fixed the funnel.

"Please taste this bag of deliciousness!"

"Austin" picked up the plastic bag, shook it in front of the camera, and then slowly poured the liquid in the bag into the opponent's mouth through a funnel.

The voice of fear sounded faintly in his mind.

"What's going on, why can't I move?"

"This perspective is... Ron? Why am I from Ron's perspective?"

"How could I be in his body? Then who is controlling my body?"

"The devil? Ron?"

"Give me back! Give me back my body!"

"No, I don't want to drink!"

"It stinks, it's disgusting, take it away! Take it away!"

"Whoa! Whoa, whoa..."

The owner of the voice is obviously Austin.

"Isn't it delicious?"

Jiang Ren poured the last drop of liquid into the funnel, then threw the plastic bag into the trash can with a smile on his face.

Self-produced and self-drinking, he is indeed a person who is determined to make things happen and become a big Internet celebrity.

As early as the moment of contact.

Austin is no longer Austin.

It was Ron, the old man who was still lying on the bed just now, who really wore Austin's skin, that is, Jiang Ren.

As for the real Austin, he's in his face right now, lying motionless on the bed and swigging a drink of his own making.

The bodies of the two changed.

It's not about soul swapping or consciousness transfer.

Instead, except for the outermost layer of skin, the inner muscles, blood, bones, and brain have all been replaced.

"There is still half of the energy accumulated in the past few days, which is much better than the last start."

As long as a few days ago, Jiang Ren had already woken up.

No limbs, only a broken body, still trapped in the deepest part of the heavily guarded prison.

The body is monitored by the instrument in real time, and an alarm will be issued if there is a change, and the information will be sent out, and there is no chance of recovery.

This opening, more than "hell" can explain it.

From here, it can be seen how deep the world's malice and targeting are towards him.

If he hadn't received some help from the evil gods outside the territory by relying on the "magic sound penetrating his ears", he would not have been able to switch his body silently like just now.

While Jiang Ren was thinking.

He didn't stop what he was doing.

It looks like there is no monitoring around, but it is actually because the monitoring equipment in the room has higher technological content and is installed by a special person.

Hard to find for non-professionals.

Only people like Austin who have just been out of society for a long time and think they are superior to their peers will naively think that there is no surveillance in the room when they can't find a camera.

"There are still 7 hours and 33 minutes, enough time."

Jiang Ren looked at the time displayed on an instrument.

He not only changed positions with Austin just now, but also messed up his physical condition in the past few days and formed a new data to use as a substitute, so that the instrument could not detect that he had changed.

Avoid accidents as much as possible.

"The duration of the substitute effect is about 21 to 22 hours, which is enough for me to leave this prison."

"If you give me more time, the duration of the substitute can be longer."

"But Austin will leave the prison today. If he misses this best chance to escape, he will have to wait at least half a year later."

In the following time, Jiang Ren did not show the slightest abnormality.

Unless it is someone very close, it is absolutely impossible to find out that he has changed.

As for why this is done in a ward without monitoring, because there is actually monitoring in the room.

It's just that those monitoring are very covert. And there are more of them, almost including all kinds of corners, and there are special people at the other end of the camera to check.

Once it shows abnormality, it will still be impossible to escape.

Only this kind of idiot would think that such an important place would not be monitored.

Eight hours is not a long time.

I also had a meal of bread dipped in jam on the way, bid farewell to the liquid food of the past few days, and finally arrived at the off-duty time.

"Goodbye, old stuff."

Jiang Ren imitated Austin's tone of greeting, and then walked out of the cell without looking back.

The cameras on both sides of the channel have detection functions.

It can monitor the footsteps, heart rate and breathing of people who step on the channel in real time.

Even if the appearance and height match, the gap between the three is too large to trigger an alarm.

It has ensured to the greatest extent that if there is no permission, if you want to come in or go out, you will definitely attract attention.

But for Jiang Ren, this is not a difficult task.

His imitation of Austin does not dare to say 100%, but at least 90% is within the normal range allowed by the testing equipment.

Passing through the three metal doors smoothly, Jiang Ren saw the duty room ahead.

After handing over the key to the fat and thin prison guard inside, they exchanged a few words skillfully, greeted each other's parents, and left the area.

The most strictly controlled area is around the three metal doors.

Of course, when the alarm sounded, more than half of the guards in the prison would surround that area, and the military area located next to it would also send out a team of at least a thousand people to surround the prison.

This information was obtained by Jiang Ren's hard work.

But as long as he successfully leaves this area and bears Austin's identity, it will be very easy to get out.

at dusk.

Jiang Ren walked out of the building unhurriedly.

He didn't leave the prison in a hurry, but according to Austin's character, he first had dinner in the cafeteria, then went to the management staff to complete the resignation procedures, then returned to the dormitory, changed into casual clothes, and walked out of the prison gate with his luggage.

Gedani Prison was built in a no-man's land far from the city.

Except for a lonely road, there are only weeds and rocks left.

"Every time I come out, there is a feeling of a bird coming out of the cage."

Jiang Ren heard the sound of the door closing behind him, smiled slightly, and walked to the public entrance in front of him calmly.

If the air has a smell, now is the smell of freedom.

In such a remote place, there are very few passing vehicles, and it is almost impossible to stop a car.

So as early as when he went to the dining hall, he had already booked a car at a high price.

But this is just an operation to avoid suspicion. In fact, even if he doesn't make an appointment, there will be a car to pick him up.

Everything Austin did was captured by surveillance. When he didn't think about posting it, he was just looking for fun, but the people behind the surveillance didn't find him.

But now that he is leaving to post the video, it is impossible for the people behind him to ignore it.

After all, after the video is sent out.

It is likely to affect their jobs and prospects.

Therefore, the car that picked him up came from the Law Enforcement Bureau!


As soon as Jiang Ren came to the side of the road, a black car drove up at high speed and stopped precisely in front of him.

"Austin, get in the car."

There were three people in the car, and the man sitting in the co-pilot opened the window and took out an ID.

In addition to the photo on the ID photo, the most conspicuous thing is the logo of the agent of the Law Enforcement Bureau.

"No problem, please don't be impulsive."

Jiang Ren shrugged, opened the rear door, smiled at the agent inside, and got in the car.

There is nothing else to be so obedient.

I just didn't want to tire the detective in the co-pilot.

After all, holding a document in one hand and a gun in the other is quite tiring. Who makes him like to care about people?

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