Infinite Sims

Chapter 284 Orphanage

"34.50 Hip coins."

Inside the mall, the cashier looked at the screen in front of him and said.

Phoenix handed out four ten-hip bills, carried a bag full of treats and toys, and walked out of the mall with the change.

"Today is an hour earlier than usual."

The corners of his mouth turned up, his smile still looked stiff, but there was a trace of tenderness in his eyes.

His father died of alcoholism in the winter, and his mother left him. Since then, he has entered the orphanage, the only place where he can feel the tenderness of childhood.

There is no intrigue, no intrigue.

From beginning to end, the status of that orphanage in his heart has not changed.

Even though he lost his job not long ago, he still hasn't stopped the habit of visiting every week. It is the haven of his soul, and only in it can he get a moment of peace.

That's why he participated in the demolition protest.

The kindergarten, which has been in existence for 60 years, has long lost government funding, and now only relies on donations from enthusiastic people in the society to barely maintain it.

Once it is demolished, I am afraid that the only way to go is to close it.

Phoenix doesn't want to see that happen.

Chi! bump! !

There was a sound of tire rubbing, followed by a loud bang.

At the intersection less than 100 meters ahead of Phoenix, a car accident occurred. A red car was knocked over by a silver-gray car from the side.

The front of the red car was dented by a large piece.

The silver car rolled over on the ground, the body was potholed, and most of the glass was shattered.

Such a scene immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding people.

Phoenix glanced at it calmly, and when he saw the green light at the intersection, he was about to cross the road.

But seeing the people around him rushing to watch, he couldn't help but stop, remembering the words of the dean's grandmother.

——Phoenix, you have to learn to control your emotions. If you don't know what to do, learn from others.

"Control emotions, learn to imitate..."

Phoenix read in a low voice, his face twitching.

It changed into the same expression as the people around it, surprised, curious, and unbearable, and then approached the scene of the car accident like the people around it.

In the silver car with the base facing up is a family of three.

A couple and a little boy less than ten years old, all three of them were wearing seat belts.

But the impact came too suddenly, and their luck was not very good. A piece of broken car glass pierced deeply into the little boy's eye socket, and the man's head showed a strange twist that surpassed the limits of the human body. A lot of blood gushed out.

Obviously, all three of them were dead.

As for the red car that caused the accident, two young people, a man and a woman, were sitting in it. Apart from the damage to the car body, there was no other condition.

The woman in the co-pilot was wearing cool clothes, with panic that hadn't dissipated on her face.

The young driver's face was reddish, and he didn't seem to want to rescue the crashed vehicle next time, and dialed the phone with an expression of indifference.

"Drinking? Running a red light?"

Phoenix looked at the reddish cheeks of the young man, and the street lights in the direction of his car, guessing the cause of the accident.

From the mouths of the people around him, he heard the identity and name of the young man.

"No. 6", the grandson of the chairman of Naiye Group.

A few minutes later, Phoenix left the scene of the crash with some people in a hurry.

Because he was delayed for a few minutes, his pace was much faster than usual, and when he arrived at the orphanage, he was already out of breath.

Even though the weather is cold now, there is still a lot of cold sweat on his back.

The donations received by the orphanage can only barely maintain the operation, and it is impossible to spend the money on repairing the building, so the outer wall looks very dilapidated.

The big iron gate was closed tightly, and lights could be seen from the house inside from a distance.

Phoenix rang the doorbell, and soon a young woman with freckles came out.

The other party is a volunteer from the orphanage, and she comes to help every week. Her name is Sylvie, and she is a very stable woman.

"Why did you come so early this time?"

Selvi questioned subconsciously, but soon felt that it was not good to speak like this, and immediately changed her words: "I know you are coming today, Mono and the others are planning to go to bed later."

Mono is the oldest of the orphans. He is eleven years old. He is the eldest brother of dozens of orphans and has a strong sense of responsibility.

Phoenix replied: "The boss allowed us to leave work an hour early tonight."

Selvi opened the door, smiled and said, "Your boss should be a nice person."

Phoenix thought for a while: "He is an old gentleman with a good character."

Hearing this comment, Selvie's eyes flashed with surprise.

There are very few people who can get this kind of evaluation from Phoenix. It seems that the old gentleman treats his employees really well.

"Uncle Phoenix!"

As soon as they entered the brightly lit room, the orphans who were playing games surrounded Phoenix one after another.

If you look closely, you will find that these orphans are either disabled or sick.

There is not only this orphanage in the city, but those orphanages are very realistic. In order to obtain donations from adopters, all orphans are accepted in good health.

Disabled or sick orphans like this are left to fend for themselves.

An old woman with white hair and glasses was sitting on a chair, watching the interaction between Phoenix and the children with a smile on her face.

Once, when this orphanage was still in glory, there were nearly 300 orphans.

Over the past 60 years, the number has reached nearly 10,000.

After those children left, there were only dozens of people who really insisted on coming back to visit regularly, and only Phoenix came the most diligently.

After a few words with the children, Phoenix distributed gifts and snacks to them and let them go to play. Then he came to the white-haired grandma, knelt down, and said softly, "Mary."

There is nothing special in the courtyard. Although the old man is the dean, she prefers not to call her by her name.

Mary smiled and shook her head: "Come here as soon as you come, and bring a gift, how many times have I told you..."

Phoenix smiled and didn't speak, but held one of the old man's hand and listened quietly to the old man's chatter.

Mary was about the same age as the orphanage was.

She can still walk and jump now, but the old and loose skin on the back of her hands, as well as her somewhat tired expression, tell Phoenix that she is old.

Will the orphanage still exist when Mary can't move?

Phoenix doesn't know, he just wants the orphanage to last as long as possible.

Maybe it's because I spent most of my childhood here, maybe I can't bear to part with Mary, or maybe I just don't want myself to have the last place to rest.

He doesn't know what the reason is, but he will try to keep the orphanage running.

"...Phoenix, how is your new job?"

It didn't take long for Mary's conversation to turn to his work.

Phoenix said with a smile: "The boss is an old man from the East. He treats me very well. Last week he knew that I had been unemployed for a few months, and he specially paid me this month's salary in advance. The working atmosphere is also very good."

"Okay, that's good."

Mary smiled gratifiedly: "Since this is the case, then you have to work hard and don't let down the trust of the boss."

"I will," Phoenix replied.

After only staying for half an hour, Phoenix left the orphanage.

It wasn't that he didn't want to stay longer, but Mary asked him to go back earlier on the grounds that the children were about to go to bed, and to accompany his wife by the way.


Phoenix headed towards home, without any emotion on his calm face.

Many people say that marriage is a very sacred thing.

Find someone you like, pursue or be pursued, the relationship will gradually deepen, and finally enter the palace of marriage.

But for Phoenix, marriage is nothing more than his imitation of ordinary people.

It is also for this reason that he is not picky about who he marries, and in addition to his mediocre conditions, he does not take the initiative to pursue the other half. The woman he finally marries is the divorced woman Amber who already has a daughter.

The marriage life of more than ten years has been as calm as water.

With Phoenix's apathetic personality, there's little argument, and there's little romance either.

After more than ten minutes, he returned home.

A house on the third floor of a building, with two bedrooms and one living room, is not very nice, but because it is close to the wealthy area, the security is not bad.

For this house, he emptied most of his savings.

Phoenix took out the key and opened the door.

As soon as he pushed the door open a crack, he heard low and regular calls from the bedroom.

Phoenix was familiar with this voice.

Because the owner of the voice is his wife Ai Meibo who has been with him for more than ten years.

After a moment of silence, he walked into the house, closed the door quietly, and came to the closed bedroom door in silence.

Hearing the constant voices inside, his face was very calm.

He was wondering how ordinary people would deal with this kind of thing? What expression should I make? What else should I say?

He thought he had enough time to think, but the progress inside was much faster than he imagined.

In less than ten seconds, Amber's cry stopped, and soon a strange and rough male voice sounded.

"How did you go about getting your husband to stop protesting?"

"I'm already persuading you, Benny, is there such a hurry?"

"It's not that I'm in a hurry, it's that the important people who are interested in that territory are in a hurry, and they also promised me that the sooner you solve your husband's matter, the more rewards they will give."

"Well, I'll try to persuade him."

"Amber, with that money, you don't have to pretend to your husband anymore. We can leave this city and live a life that everyone envies. The sooner you solve it, the sooner we can leave."

"I get it, I'll make him stop protesting, and if he doesn't agree, I'll put laxatives in his food so he can't go if he wants to."

"It should have been like this..."

Before Benny finished speaking, he heard the sound of the bedroom door being pushed open, and Phoenix stood expressionlessly at the door.

"Honey, that's not the case, you listen to my explanation..."

Amber pulled up the quilt in a panic to cover his body, not understanding why he came back so early today.

Benny narrowed his eyes slightly, his muscles tensed.

Phoenix looked at his wife who was naked on the bed, and the strong and strong strange man next to him, and pointed to the door outside: "This is my house, please go out, both of you."

Amber was a little overwhelmed.

Benny put on his clothes neatly, walked to the door, looked at Phoenix, who was taller than him but much thinner, squinted his eyes and asked, "Did you hear what we said just now?"

"I'm not going to stop protesting."

After Phoenix finished speaking, he turned around and prepared to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

After hearing about the two men's conspiracy, he decided to stand up, because protesting was far more important to him than his wife's affair.

However, just as he took a step, a sharp pain came from the side of his head, and then his vision went dark, and he fell to the ground.

"Benny, did you kill him?"

Amber said in a panic when he saw Phoenix on the ground.

Benny put away his fists: "He just passed out."

Hearing his words, Amber breathed a sigh of relief, but soon thought of Phoenix's indifferent words and expression just now.

Knowing that when he woke up, he might not be able to continue living in this house, nor would he be able to get the fortune from heaven, so he suddenly became depressed.

"Do you still want that money?" Benny asked suddenly.

Amber looked at him: "Think, what should I do?"

"If you want, listen to me."

After Benny finished speaking, he spat at Phoenix and then smiled darkly.

There are always some people in the world who are overwhelmed and want to challenge the big shots through normal means. There may be a small number of successful people, but most of them will eventually turn into the merits of others to advance to a higher level.

Only this time, the other person is himself.

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