Infinite Sims

Chapter 290 The world needs to change


Most of the city of Kent was plunged into darkness, but the Chalem State Prison on the outskirts was as bright as day.

The outer layer of the prison was firmly sealed by several high walls, the lights illuminated every area, and the monitoring covered all blind spots.

Reasonable physical protection, strict defense rules.

It has been 4 consecutive years that this prison has not had a successful escape.

Several high walls protect the prison inside. There is a distance of tens of meters between the walls. The lights illuminate every blind spot. There are many monitoring and lighting lights on the walls to ensure that when someone approaches, they can immediately Find.

The top floor of the building in the very center of the prison.


Bezos closed the papers on the desk, tilted his head back, and twisted his stiff neck.

As the prison warden, he doesn't have much work to do, let alone stay up all night.

The reason why I stayed in the office so late was mainly to deal with my own private affairs, the company's account books for the second half of last year.

A lot of money can be withheld by random manipulation of taxation.

Even if Hipp has the strictest tax agency, it cannot prevent the rich from evading taxes... No, it should be called reasonable tax avoidance.

Bezos is no exception.

Compared with the tax savings, the money handed over to the accounting firm that handles tax avoidance matters is only a small part.

But there was some problem with the operation of the accounting company, which resulted in the failure to process his books in time, and a small part was not completed, but the audit by the tax agency would come soon.

In order to avoid accidents, he can only handle it by himself.

Bezos put the papers in a drawer, then pressed a button on the desk and said, "A glass of ice soda."

"Okay, Mr. Bezos."

A charming female voice came from the electric bell.

Within two minutes, a blonde knocked on the door and came in, holding a bottle of cold black soda on a plate in her hand.

The blonde girl had a curvy figure, her hips swayed exaggeratedly from side to side as she walked, and her charming eyes teased the warden.

It seems that as long as he hooks his hand, he can have a hearty battle with him.

But Bezos is not in the mood today. Dealing with tax issues is exhausting, so he just wants to drink a glass of ice soda and go to bed.

He took the soda, drank it in one gulp, and finally burped.

Bezos put down his glass, breathed out and asked, "Is there anything worth noting during the time I didn't go out today?"

The blonde put away her seductive look and movements, and said a few things worth paying attention to today in a serious tone.

No more, no less, and things related to Phoenix were quickly mentioned.

"Three newcomers messing with him? Are they idiots?"

Bezos shook his head, and then said: "Don't worry about this matter, as long as he doesn't kill people, he can treat it as if he didn't see it."

The blonde nodded slightly and moved on to the next thing.

Phoenix is ​​the most special prisoner in this prison, and his affairs really cannot be handled in the same way as ordinary prisoners.

If she hadn't read the information, she would never have believed that the other party was just an ordinary criminal when he first entered this prison. He was even beaten by gangs on the first day he entered this prison, and he lay down in the infirmary for several days.

But who would have thought that it took less than a month.

Unknowingly, Phoenix won the allegiance of several big gangs and indirectly controlled nearly half of the prisoners in the prison.

It's half, but it's actually no different from the whole.

Because the other half are either cowardly, or old, weak, sick and disabled. They usually only get bullied, and they can't join those gangs at all.

Using these controlled prisoners, Phoenix was able to cause riots in the prison.

At that time, there is no need for anything else. If dozens or hundreds of people die casually, the warden will be the end.

If it weren't for this, the warden wouldn't even ask for money, so he would change Phoenix to the most luxurious prisoner's cell in the prison and give him privileges over other prisoners.

"One last thing..."

Just as the blonde was about to finish her last question, she was attracted by the things outside the French window behind Bezos, and her expression paused slightly.

Bezos saw it and turned around suspiciously.

I could only see a few balloons of different colors clinging to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and I didn't know when they floated up.


Bezos frowned, got up and came to the floor-to-ceiling windows, squinting and looking out.

It was found that there were several balloons at intervals, and there were more than a hundred balloons within the field of vision.

"Who released the balloon?"

Bezos looked back at the blonde.

The blonde shook her head in confusion: "No one has applied for it, and when I came in just now, there were no balloons."

"Regardless of how these balloons appeared, get all the people on duty to move and get rid of the balloons for me..."

Bezos thought of the balloons adorning the Phoenix room with a bad feeling.


Suddenly, several balloons outside the floor-to-ceiling windows burst instantly.

A huge thunder sounded, and the explosion blew up the floor-to-ceiling windows, and countless fragments shot towards the room.

The fragments pierced dozens of blood holes directly on the unsuspecting warden and the blonde, and the two fell to the ground screaming.

The blond girl had several blood holes pierced through her head and died at the scene.

Bezos activated his arms in time to cover his face with extreme energy, passing through the shards of glass defended by his arms, the power was greatly reduced, but his face was bloody and bloody, and it did not go deep into the brain.

But his condition is only getting better, and if he can't get medical treatment in a short time, he will definitely die as well.

"Extreme attack?!"

The warden raised his head and looked out with difficulty.

It is only a very person who can make an ordinary balloon have the power of a bomb.

The explosions just now were just the beginning.

At this moment, the entire prison was shrouded in the flames of explosions, and the sound of continuous explosions was deafening.

"Who? Who the hell?"

Bezos coughed out a mouthful of blood, thinking of the slightly raised corners of his mouth when he met Phoenix a few days ago.

Reminiscent of the fact that Phoenix did not ask for balloon supplies, but there were so many decorative balloons in the room, he had a horrible guess in his heart.

Perhaps this is what Phoenix did.

Bezos' eyes went dark, and he fell into a coma due to excessive blood loss.

The explosion outside did not stop because of his coma, but became more violent.

The walls of the cells where the prisoners were held were blown down, the security doors leading from the cells to the outside world were blown up, and several high walls around the perimeter were also blasted with several gaps.

Most of the monitoring and lights were also destroyed in the explosion of the balloon.

In addition to buildings, many prisoners and prison guards were also killed in the explosion.

Numerous prisoners rushed out of the cell.

No one wants to go to jail, no matter the crime is minor or serious.

Except for a small number of those with less sentences and those who are timid, the rest of the prisoners, after the initial panic, quickly rushed out of the cell in the dark, excitedly wanting to escape from the prison and run to freedom.

Prison guards couldn't organize effective forces at all, and they were drowned in the large number of prisoners they wanted.

"I... I came out?"

Tatu stopped panting, and looked back at the high wall with a big hole blasted behind him, with some disbelief in his eyes.

Before the explosion, he was describing the case that let him in with Thompson and others.

The details of the crime were described, accurate to every minute and every second. Thompson and the others were so excited when they heard it, they wished they could go and replace him at that time.

As a result, explosions interrupted his narration.

The rubble produced by the explosion directly killed all of Thompson and the others.

Tatu was glad that he was only slightly injured, but at the same time, he learned that the outer wall was also blown through. Thinking of his decades in prison, he chose to follow the crowd to escape without hesitation.

"I don't know who made the explosion, it's too bold."

Tatu's breathing calmed down. Seeing the people around him who had successfully escaped from the prison began to flee in all directions, he also thought about which direction to flee.

Ordinary jailbreaks will also trigger strict pursuit procedures.

And such a large-scale prison escape will only be more stringent. I am afraid that not only the city of Kent will be arrested, but other surrounding urban areas will also call in police forces to arrest them.

And the vicinity is almost all wilderness. One is unlucky, and may not run far before being caught by the police who came to support, or even sent directly to the other party.

"Well, that person..."

Tatu's attention was attracted by a group of people on the side.

A dozen people gathered together and headed towards a small forest. Their movements were very different from those of other escaped prisoners, and there was no sign of panic.

But what attracted Tatu's attention was not the calm expressions and movements of this group of people, but the man who ran at the front.

In yesterday's cafeteria, he considered the most unoffensive man, a tall and strong man like an iron tower.

"I'm not familiar with this area, and I might get caught after I don't run very far. Why don't I follow them?"

Tatu didn't hesitate too much, and quietly chased after him.

Under the cover of night.

He who fell a hundred meters away can easily hide himself without being noticed.

Not long after entering the woods, he stopped, quickly hid behind a tree, and looked towards the place where there were few trees in front of him.

The strong man in the iron tower led a dozen people and stopped.

There are dozens of people around.

The moonlight shone through the sparse leaves, and one could vaguely feel the unusualness of these dozens of people.

Either he is physically strong and has a fierce expression, or he exudes a vaguely fierce aura.

Tatu recognized several of them.

It was the second group of prisoners that the other prisoners told him that he could not offend, except for Phoenix.

At this time.

A red balloon slowly floated up from the center of the crowd, suspended three or four meters above the ground.

The balloon attracted everyone's attention, including Tatu. Before he could think about what these people were doing together, he heard a pop and the balloon burst.

A sudden noise in a quiet environment can easily startle people.

Tatu was like this, his body trembling with fright.

He patted his chest, and then looked in the direction of the group of people, only to see that everyone turned their heads, and they all looked in their direction, or they were looking at themselves.

His face gradually paled.

Before he could react, he felt a cold hand touch the back of his neck, and at the same time a voice came to his ears from behind: "Don't worry, they won't hurt you."

Tatu's body was stiff, and he only felt his hairs standing on end.

Phoenix put down his hand on the back of Tatu's neck, turned Tatu's shoulder lightly, made him look at him, and smiled, "Since you're here, you're mine, so don't worry."

"Thank... thank you."

Only then did Tatu's heartbeat stabilize, but his voice was still trembling.

The appearance of Phoenix was beyond his expectation, but it also made him understand that these dozens of murderous criminals gathered together were waiting for Phoenix.

Phoenix smiled and asked, "Tell me, what crime did you commit?"

Tatu's eyes flickered: "Kill."


Phoenix pressed Tatu's head with his hands, slammed his head against the big tree next to him, bent his ears and said with a cold smile: "I don't like liars, you have another chance."

"Yes, yes, I'm telling the truth."

Tatu didn't dare to cover the bloody mouth on his head in fear, and replied tremblingly: "I did kill someone, but before I killed someone, I also forcibly had sex with her."

There are also high and low points between prisoners and prisoners.

The crimes he committed did not have a low sentence, but they were usually at the bottom of the list of prisoners.

Of course he didn't want to tell the truth if he could.

The reason for telling the story to the prisoners in the same cell is because they have already learned it from the prison guards and cannot hide it.

"How old are you?"

Phoenix put down his hand on his head, and the smile returned to his face.

Tatu breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Phoenix was asking about the victim, and immediately replied: "About six to seven years old."

"Take it."

Phoenix shoved something into his arms.

Tatu took it subconsciously, and found that it was a pink balloon, and his face turned pale: "What do you mean?"

Phoenix didn't answer, walked to a place ten steps away from Tatu, turned around, pointed at the balloon with his left hand like a pistol, and said at the same time: "Bah!"

In an instant, the pink balloon exploded.

The powerful force blasted Tatu into a pile of minced meat.

Seeing Tatu's end, the faces of half of the prisoners around changed slightly. They didn't understand why Phoenix killed him suddenly, and felt his moodiness more and more.

"Don't stand still, I still have a lot to do."

Phoenix walked out of the woods, walking neither fast nor slow, and urged without looking back.

He didn't explain why he killed him, because he didn't even know it himself.

If I had to give a reason, maybe I suddenly had an idea, and then I did it, it's as simple as that.

A group of people walked out of the woods lonely.

"The world needs to change!"

Phoenix licked the blood that splashed on his mouth just now, and the corners of his mouth turned up, revealing an exaggerated smile.

Before, he only felt dull and depressed.

But since the outbreak in the cell that day, even though he was trapped in the prison, he still had a feeling of excitement and freedom.

Now, this feeling is stronger.

He knows that the power he possesses now is not naturally produced, but endowed by others.

That person was the owner of the restaurant who worked part-time before entering prison, that old gentleman from the East.

It is the other party who gives him the power to change.

However, while that kind of power made him stronger, it also subtly changed his subconscious mind, making him serve the other party as his master.

Phoenix doesn't resent the change.

This is a fair deal, and the purpose of the other party is the same as his own, and they both want to clean up this dirty world.

Therefore, he will not oppose the other party's order.

But if one day, the other party's thoughts and actions are different from your own, then... kill the other party.

Many gods like to let believers call themselves Lord.

Just don't know what is the strength of the human being who named himself "Lord"?

Phoenix suddenly looked forward to that time.

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