Infinite Sims

Chapter 334 Genocide

In the dimly lit room, there was only the sound of chewing and swallowing.

Zhou Yunlan sat on the bed blankly, bit off a small piece of the cold biscuit in her hand, chewed hard for a dozen times, and then swallowed it into her stomach.

After a night of sleep, what happened last night seemed like a dream.

But the blood stains on the clothes, the "borrowed" room, and the black square object on the table next to it all showed her that it was real.


Without paying attention for a while, Zhou Yunlan's throat was blocked by sesame seed cakes.

She quickly picked up the water bag next to her, opened it, poured water into her mouth, and slapped her chest hard twice before swallowing the blocked biscuits, and put down the water bag, feeling like she was alive after a disaster.

Looking at half a piece of biscuits beside the bed, she lost interest and looked up at Jiang Ren.

"What the hell is this senior?"

Zhou Yunlan was a little confused about the senior who killed the Quartet last night.

It is said to be a taboo, but it is sane and will kill on its own. When running away, it took itself with it, and asked her about Venerable Nie.

"Could it be to seize the house?"

Zhou Yunlan thought of the stories told by the older generation in the meeting.

According to legend, before the aura is not polluted, the powerful monks have the ability to change the world. Some of them will not die even if their bodies are smashed to pieces. As long as they find a suitable creature, they can take away the opponent's body, thus resurrection.

Could it be that the senior was an expert of the same generation as Venerable Nie, who accidentally fell down before Venerable Nie disappeared, and only recently managed to recover from his body?

After thinking about it, Zhou Yunlan felt something was wrong again.

The story says that the target of seizing the house must be a person, but the predecessor is now a taboo.

Zhou Yunlan couldn't figure it out, picked up the biscuits and gnawed them again, looked at Jiang Ren, and shouted in a strange way: "Senior?"

"What's the matter?" Jiang Ren asked.

"Ah, it's all right."

Zhou Yunlan waved her hands quickly, with a flustered expression.

Seeing this, Jiang Ren didn't pay much attention.

Zhou Yunlan chewed the biscuits slowly again, and after a while, she unconsciously turned her gaze to Jiang Ren: "Senior?"

"What's the matter?" Jiang Ren said.

Zhou Yunlan waved her hand again: "It's okay, I just want to shout."

Jiang Ren: "."

After a while, Zhou Yunlan finished eating the biscuits, and couldn't help but look at Jiang Ren: "Before..."


A bead hit Zhou Yunlan's forehead, knocking her head back involuntarily.

Zhou Yunlan let out a soft cry, covered the slightly red circular mark on her forehead, and said pitifully, "Senior, why did you hit me?"

"Don't call me if you have nothing to do, sleep when you are bored."

Jiang Ren felt a little helpless, and said, "Don't forget, you will go to the branch of the Recovery Society tomorrow."

After learning the information about this world last night, he discussed with Zhou Yunlan and asked her to lead the way to the branch of the Recovery Society tomorrow.

The reason why I didn't start today is because I need to be familiar with bringing into this body.


Zhou Yunlan lowered her head and stopped talking.

As soon as she mentioned the branch of the Recovery Society, she thought of the partners who died last night, and her mood became depressed.

Jiang Ren glanced at him, showing no comfort.

He is not the Virgin, let alone a nanny. Rescuing the other party is already the greatest kindness, enlightenment and comfort have nothing to do with him.

【Name: Jiang Ren】

[Race: Institution/Forbidden Object]

【Energy: 142】

[Talent: War Fortress, Flesh Eater, Molten Core, Terminator]

This mechanical body has no sense of smell or touch, but it gives Jiang Ren a keen vision without blind spots.

"War Fortress" allows him to conjure big killers anytime, anywhere, from non-lethal toy guns to top-notch thermal weapon overlords, the only limitation is energy.

However, "Flesh Eater" makes up for the lack of energy well.

As long as there are flesh and blood creatures, they can be devoured by him and transformed into pure energy, and because of the mechanical body, there is no side effect at all.

"The combination of four talents, just two of them, is not weak."

"But, it's still not enough."

"The main combat power system of the imperials who enslave the aborigines now comes from the imperials who control taboos."

"Their strength and weakness are inseparable from taboos."

"Those taboo objects are of various types, and they may be a piece of paper, a pair of scissors, a pair of glasses, or a shield, a crown, or a book."

"The strength and effect of the taboo's abilities vary widely."

"Weak ones can't even kill an ant. Strong ones can easily destroy a city with a population of one million."

"And it's different from monks who need to practice step by step in order to gradually become stronger. Some taboos with powerful effects can be mastered by even a young child."

"The only good news."

"Probably the more powerful the taboo, the greater the restrictions on its use."

"It is also because of this that the largest resistance organization in secret, the Recovery Society, has experienced countless sieges and suppressions in these years, and it is still like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, constantly emerging."

Even so, Jiang Ren still did not let go of his vigilance.

It's not scary that the enemy is strong, what's scary is that he doesn't understand the enemy's abilities, and he doesn't know if he can deal with those taboos with strange abilities.

In fact, when devouring flesh and blood last night, he also took a few taboo items by the way, and wanted to test the abilities of the taboo items.

No, he's completely unusable.

This feeling of getting the enemy's weapon but being unable to use it is really not ordinary helplessness.

"No result yet?"

In the castle-like Earl's Mansion, Earl Sunak looked sternly at the half-kneeling man in front of him.

The number one combat force under the rule, the great knight Bobby.

Bobby lowered his head: "This subordinate is unable to search, please punish the Earl!"

Sunak, who was sitting on the armchair, didn't speak. He closed his eyes and leaned back. After a long time, he said, "Get up and talk, how about the city gate?"

Bobby stood up and said solemnly: "After receiving the news last night, my subordinates immediately led people to block the gate of the city. They could only enter but not exit. Up to now, no one has left the city."

"That's good, the murderer must still be in the city."

Sunak opened his eyes, and a fierce look flashed through them: "I have already contacted Marquis Jeremy, and I will be able to get the location of the murderer when night falls at the latest."

Hearing the earl's words, Bobby was a little surprised: "I heard that Marquis Jeremy's forbidden item is extremely restricted to use. Not only can it be opened only once every six months, but every time it is used, it has to pay a high price?"


Sunak tilted his head back slightly, and said with a sneer: "That taboo is a mutated compass, and every time it is used, it must be painted with the brains and hearts of thousands of babies under one year old."

Bobby said nothing more.

He knew the half-year limit and the painstaking efforts of a thousand babies, both of which showed that the Earl must have paid a high price for wanting Marquis Jeremy to use that forbidden item.

In fact, more than that.

The territory of the Marquis Jeremy is at least tens of kilometers away, and the Earl may have used a lot of resources to contact him in such a short period of time.

"Wait until the murderer who assassinated my son is cleaned up."

Sunak stroked the golden ring on his index finger and said coldly, "It's time to deal with those low class people."

Hearing this sentence, Bobby hesitated a bit: "My lord, the low class people play a big role. If they are cleaned up, many things may have to be done by the citizens of our empire."

"I didn't say cleanup," Sunak said.

Bobby was puzzled: "The Earl, what do you mean?"

"You also know that after ten years of fighting, the number of inferior people is less than one-tenth of what it was when we first came to this world, but even so, their number is still nine to ten times that of ours."

"The absolute advantage in numbers, coupled with the sense of resistance contained in their blood, lack of faith and awe, may become a powder keg if they are not careful, and if they cannot be used, they will blow us up instead."

"So, after more than ten years of research, the upper echelon of the empire drafted a plan to remove the threat from the inferior people."

Seeing that Bobby was curious, Sunak didn't wait for him to ask, and continued: "Anyway, it will be implemented soon, and it doesn't matter if I tell you. One of them is to order all men of the lower class to cut their long hair and keep their hair. Keep your head."

Bobby didn't understand: "What's the use of cutting your hair?"

"There is a saying that has been handed down for a long time among the inferior people. Everything on your body is given by your parents, and there must be no damage at all."

Sunak took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and explained: "The haircut, on the one hand, is to make them approach us in terms of customs and culture, and gradually distance themselves from their own culture. On the other hand, it is to eliminate the stubbornness among them. molecular."

"In addition to haircuts, the same principle applies to clothing."

"Beyond that, it's propaganda."

"Combine the descriptions of inferior people in books and plays, add small eyes, short stature..."

Hearing the description of appearance, Bobby didn't understand again: "But the inferior people I have seen, on average, have bigger eyes and taller stature than people from our empire."

In fact, in this regard, he is somewhat envious of the lower classes.

After all, they don't have stench under their armpits, unlike the imperial people who spray spices before going out, otherwise the smell would be so strong that even they would hate it.

"Not now, but in the future."

Sunak looked at Bobby and said, "As long as the earning channels of the inferior people are strictly controlled, they can barely survive and live in places that lack light."

"In less than a hundred years, their descendants will inevitably have small eyes and short stature."

"In addition to the promotion of appearance, all works must add low-class clowns, and promote the concept of openness to low-class women."

"Open the first night right, before the lower class women can marry men, they must first hand over the first night."

"Whoever is determined by the lord or the lord, to help them carry out"

"Finally, strictly control the channels of their education!"


Hearing this, Bobby was horrified, but luckily he was from the Empire.

Once those plans are successfully implemented, it is conceivable that the inferior people will never stand up for hundreds of years.

"It's easy to destroy a race."

"Just let their men lose their backbone and blood, and make their women lose their kindness and shame."

Sunak concluded: "In this way, we can create a group of people who have no country, no race, no morals, no history, no culture - slaves!"

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