Inherit For Three Thousand Years

Fifty-seven The Condor Heroes Feast

Xiao Yao said with a smile: "Of course I made it for you and ate it with my own hands. You have helped me so much, so I have to express it grandly."

"It's really grand. For you, Young Master Xiao, being able to cook a few dishes yourself is even more rare than going to a five-star hotel to treat you to a big meal." Sang Qingye was a little secretly pleased.

Although she made up her mind to keep a distance from Xiao Yao, she must not have any thoughts that she shouldn't have. But for such an excellent man to cook for her himself, it is inevitable to be a little proud and secretly happy.

After Xiao Yao left, Sang Qingye couldn't wait to start the live broadcast, sharing her excitement with all the water friends in the live broadcast room.

Xiao Yao has already gained a very high popularity in the Qingye live broadcast room, whether it is for his appearance, or for his wealth, whether it is envy or jealousy, every time he is mentioned, there will be a high topic Spend.

After Sang Qingye announced in the live broadcast that Young Master Xiao wanted to cook for her by himself, the wolf friends directly concluded that the local tyrant Xiao was uneasy and kind, and reminded her to be careful of food poisoning. replace each other.

After Xiao Yao walked into the kitchen, he first checked the existing ingredients in the kitchen, and began to think about what dishes to cook.

He took a general look and found that the ingredients prepared in the kitchen included deer legs and hares.

"Dahai, you really have all kinds of ingredients in your kitchen, you have everything." Xiao Yao said in surprise.

Qin Dahai is short and fat, simple and honest, he usually doesn't talk much, he touched the back of his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "Now our Xunweizhai has become an online celebrity shop, Manager Zhou asked me to introduce more shapes Good-looking new dishes, you also know that I like to study these, so I prepared some more ingredients of various types, and tried to make a few new dishes when I have nothing to do. I am quite economical in researching new dishes, Even if the dishes are not successful, they will not be thrown away, and everyone likes to eat them."

Xiao Yao quickly comforted: "I didn't mean to blame you, and you don't have to be so economical. The innovation of dishes is the same as scientific research. You can't be afraid of waste. This is the price of innovation. What kind of dishes do you want to study in the future? Say, I fully support you."

"I really like to study new dishes, but I'm afraid of waste. With your words, I feel relieved." Qin Dahai laughed.

"I'm going to make a few dishes by myself. You can follow along and learn. If you can learn well, our Xunweizhai can be regarded as a signature dish." Xiao Yao is going to use the opportunity of cooking by himself to give Qin Dahai some pointers .

Qin Dahai asked in surprise: "So confident, did you learn crafts from an expert when you went to Kyoto this time?"

He and Xiao Yao have been roommates for a while, and he knows Xiao Yao's cooking skills very well. Although he is not as good as him, his cooking skills are not bad. Now that Xiao Yao said he was so confident, Qin Dahai became curious.

"You can think so, my current culinary skills must be more than enough to teach you, and you will know later."

While talking, Xiao Yao began to prepare the ingredients to be used.

Seeing that Xiao Yao took the deer leg meat and began to cut the rabbit meat again, Qin Dahai asked curiously, "What are you going to cook?"

"Have you read "The Legend of the Condor Heroes?"

"Of course I've read it. Anyway, I graduated from junior high school, and I'm not illiterate."

"I'm going to make a few dishes mentioned in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and what I'm making now is 'Who's listening to plum blossoms on the jade flute'." Xiao Yao said casually.

"I know this dish." Qin Dahai suddenly became interested, "Isn't this dish invented in a novel, can it really be made?"

"Of course it can be done. Hong Kong Island already had the Condor Heroes Banquet in the 1970s. Although the trial production was not very successful in my opinion, many people have made efforts."

Next, Xiao Yao talked about the relevant knowledge about the Condor Heroes Feast.

The "Condor Heroes Banquet" was first developed in the 1970s by Yung Kee Restaurant and gourmet Mr. Cai Lam. Currently, there are four institutions on Hong Kong Island that have prepared the "Condor Heroes Banquet".

The menu of the Condor Heroes Banquet is now more well-known as 8 dishes.

Among these 8 dishes, "Twenty-Four Bridges with a Moonlit Night" and "Hao Yu Soup" are mentioned in the novel, presenting the original flavor of the method described in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". The remaining six dishes were inspired by the novel and changed, respectively named: "Supernatural Powers in East, West, North, South, North", "Jiao Ruo Youlong Wuzhen", "Qigong Hexiang Beggar Chicken", "Suihan Three Friends Gathering", "Mandarin Duck Jinpa Wants to Fly Together", and "Peach Red Yululan Fragrant Roll".

After a brief introduction, Xiao Yao continued: "What I am cooking now is 'Who's listening to plum blossoms on the jade flute'. This dish is very simple to make, but it is very difficult to make it well. Many celebrity chefs and gourmets have tried to replicate the dish, but they have failed to deliver."

The method of "Who's Jade Flute Listens to Luomei" is not complicated. This dish is a bowl of moxibustion meat strips made by combining lamb sitting hips, pig ears, calf kidneys, deer leg meat and rabbit meat. Chewing one kind of meat alone is a kind of taste, and chewing two kinds of meat together is a kind of taste. If the change of order is ignored, then there are only twenty-five changes, which is the number of five or five plum blossoms, and because the strips of meat are shaped like flutes, So this dish is called "Jade Flute Who Ting Luomei".

This dish seems to be very simple to make, but if you want to have a different taste every time you chew it, or rich and tender, or sweet and crisp, to achieve a variety of flavors and changing effects, it is simply difficult to achieve in reality.

Countless people have copied this dish, but all of them are only unsatisfactory, far from the delicious requirements, let alone achieve the effect presented in the book.

But Xiao Yao turned the impossible into possible, actually presenting the original taste of this dish.

Seeing Xiao Yao's movements like flowing clouds and flowing water, Qin Dahai couldn't believe it!

Although Xiao Yao's cooking skills are good, they are obviously not as good as him, but the knife skills he has shown now are simply amazing, not to mention his pleasing movements.

After this dish was put on the plate, Qin Dahai couldn't wait to taste the remaining plate of roasted meat sticks.

After taking a sip, Qin Dahai was completely overwhelmed by the delicious food in his mouth. With an intoxicated expression on his face, he said excitedly: "It's really delicious. I have never eaten such an unforgettable food in my life. Food!"

Xiao Yao exhorted: "Think carefully about the key points I just explained to you. This dish will become our restaurant's signature dish in the future."

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