Inherit For Three Thousand Years

Ninety-six makes people jealous

"That's a good title, so I won't be under any pressure." Bai Yuzhen said generously.

After greeting Xiao Yao's family, Fan Jingyu began to introduce the middle-aged man who came in with him.

"Xiao Yao, let me introduce you. This is Jiang Shuwei, the head of our persimmon an orange."

Jiang Shuwei looks to be about 50 years old, with a medium build, but very capable and imposing.

"Mr. Xiao, hello, I'm Jiang Shuwei." Jiang Shuwei's greetings are concise and to the point.

When this Jiang Shuwei spoke, although there was no expression on his face, Xiao Yao couldn't ignore his righteousness.

With Xiao Yao's level of physiognomy, he can tell what kind of person Jiang Shuwei is at a glance. It's hard to see people like Jiang Shuwei who are upright and upright now. Such people deserve to be respected.

"Hello Jiang Ju, nice to meet you." Xiao Yao also didn't say much, but his attitude was very sincere.

After Jiang Shuwei and Xiao Yao's parents also greeted each other, someone called the waiter over and added three chairs temporarily.

Fan Jingyu and Jiang Shuwei's identities are too high, Ji Guangrong can still meet Fan Jingyu through his work, but others do not have this opportunity. Sitting at the same dinner table like today, even for Ji Guangrong, this is the first time in the world.

His work was not taken seriously. If it wasn't because he had just taken up his duties and wanted to meet Fan Jingyu, it must be because the company had an important event to have this opportunity. With his status, normally speaking, no matter what the occasion, he might not be qualified to sit at the same table with Fan Jingyu.

Now that Fan Jingyu and Jiang Shuwei are here to toast together, Ji Guangrong will naturally not let go of this rare opportunity to get in touch with the leaders. Before the waiter brought the chair over, he offered his seat and said, "It's really rude for the two leaders to sit inside today. I didn't know that the two leaders would come, so I didn't reserve the seat. I will punish you with three glasses of alcohol, and I will review it carefully."

Fan Jingyu waved his hand and said, "I still have guests, so I'll leave after a few glasses of wine. They won't sit for long. Everyone stay where they are, so there's no need to mess around."

"Then how can it be done? I know that the two leaders are approachable, but just let the two leaders sit at the door like this, I'm afraid we won't have the guts to drink the next drink." Although Fan Jingyu said politely, the leader said so He is approachable, and Ji Guangrong never dared to agree to it just like that.

"Today I came here in a private capacity to toast. Uncle Xiao and Aunt Bai are elders. They are both sitting at the door. How dare I sit inside? Do you think it makes sense?"

When Fan Jingyu said this, Ji Guangrong really didn't dare to be modest.

Letting Xiao Zhenshan, the boss, sit at the door was the reason. He originally thought that Xiao Zhenshan was just an ordinary junior section chief. There was a big difference in status between them. There was nothing wrong with the arrangement of sitting at the door.

If he had known the identities of Xiao Yao and Bai Yuzhen long ago, he would have invited Xiao Zhenshan, the host, to sit with him, the guest of honor, and there would be no such embarrassing situation now.

Fan Jingyu sat directly beside Xiao Yao, and Jiang Shuwei and Ran Lixin also sat down next to him in turn.

"Fan Shichang, Jiang Juchang, we are a family gathering today, all present here are my father's old colleagues and friends and their families, let me introduce first..." Xiao Yao introduced everyone present one by one.

"No wonder I heard a lot of laughter outside. It turns out that everyone is friends of Uncle Xiao and Aunt Bai. Unfortunately, I still have guests to entertain today, so I can't stay here all the time. I will borrow flowers to present Buddha and offer a glass of wine to all the friends present." , please raise your glasses together.”

Fan Jingyu spoke very sincerely, without any airs of officialdom, and after she finished speaking, she took the lead in drinking the wine in her glass in one gulp.

When the leader dries up the wine, everyone here will naturally not lose face, no matter whether they can drink or not, and whether the glass is white wine or red wine,

They all picked up their wine glasses to kill them in one gulp.

After toasting everyone, after the waiter filled the glass with wine, Fan Jingyu raised the glass again and said, "I want to toast Uncle Xiao and Aunt Bai with this glass of wine. , please don't blame Uncle Xiao and Aunt Bai, I'll finish this glass of wine, you two please feel free."

"Fan Shizhang is too polite. You are welcome to visit Fan Shizhang at any time." Xiao Zhenshan and Bai Yuzhen felt very honored to be toasted by Shizhang, and they both drank the wine in their glasses in one gulp.

After Jiang Shuwei also toasted everyone present with a glass of wine, Fan Jingyu and the three of them took their leave.

Sending the leader away, the mood of everyone present is still in agitation, and it is difficult to calm down for a while.

Xin Chengyou and Xiao Zhenshan have the best relationship, and there is nothing to avoid. Looking at Xiao Yao, he casually asked: "I haven't seen you in three days, I really should look at you with admiration. Xiao Yao, when did you meet Fan Shichang? so good?"

"Fan Shichang and I haven't known each other for a long time. We have eaten together a few times in the past two months, and we've gotten to know each other once and for all." Xiao Yao could only deal with it in such a simple way.

"You kid, don't tell me the truth. Look at Fan Shichang's attitude today. Can you two have a normal relationship?"

Xin Chengyou only asked because of curiosity in his heart. Seeing that Xiao Yao didn't want to say anything more in front of everyone, he naturally wouldn't continue to ask, and joked: "If you don't say it, don't say it, and I won't embarrass you. I just need to know You and Fan Shichang have a good relationship, that's enough. If you have any difficulties with Uncle Xin in the future, please don't refuse to help me if I ask you."

"Look at what you said, am I that kind of person? I'm not from a mixed system, so I don't need to deny my relatives. No matter what difficulties you have in the future, just tell me and I promise to handle it properly for you." Xiao Yao was very full of words, and agreed very happily.

Xin Chengyou is his father's best friend, and the relationship between the two families has always been very good. Xiao Yao has received more New Year's money and pocket money from Xin Chengyou since he was a child than from his father. His respect for Xin Chengyou is From the heart, without a little fake.

Now Lao Xiao's family is obviously prosperous. As friends, even if they can benefit, it is limited. But Xin Chengyou is different from them. The relationship between Xin Chengyou and Xiao Zhenshan is so strong, and now Xiao Yao has made such a promise, which is indeed enviable.

PS: It has been put on the shelves quietly. Today is the last day of the month. If you still have a monthly pass in your hand, it is useless to keep it. Please vote for this book!

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