Inherit For Three Thousand Years

Nine hundred and ninety sixth, the action continues

From the appearance point of view, the national treasury of the United States is a two-story building with a height of only 13 meters above the ground, and there are two floors of vaults below the ground. And its internal use area is not large. Compared with other large-scale treasuries, the National Treasury of * is even a bit shabby.

However, as an old building in the 1930s, its materials are absolutely solid: its main building is composed of 470 cubic meters of granite, all of which come from the best North Carolina Nassau granite quarry; to strengthen the building, 680 tons of rebar and 610 tons of structural steel were installed in its walls, pillars, and the outer walls were reinforced with concrete and granite.

Especially the underground part of the building, in order to prevent thieves from entering from the ground, the periphery of the main building is also completely wrapped by reinforced concrete.

Seeing the vault wrapped in reinforced concrete, Xiao Yao smiled slightly. After all, it is a national treasury, so there is really no security risk left.

Due to the constraints of the local geographical environment, there is no difficult-to-excavate granite under the ground of this building, which makes the vault lack a natural barrier. If a thief digs a hole from the ground, it is theoretically possible to enter the vault without anyone noticing.

In order to plug this loophole, the designer built a state-of-the-art and strong vault using steel plates, steel I-beams and steel columns, and wrapped it with reinforced concrete with a thickness of 64 cm. In this way, even if someone wants to enter the vault from the ground, it is impossible.

In addition to this large reinforced concrete project, the security of the national treasury really does not leave any loopholes.

Xiao Yao detected with his spiritual sense that the security door of the vault was 53 centimeters thick and weighed 18 tons, and it was not powered by any electronic mechanism. This should be to prevent it from getting stuck in a critical moment of power failure.

But this is a pain for the vault staff, because it means that they now have to manually open the huge door, which is not a simple matter, time-consuming and laborious.

It is a huge project to open this door. There are many security and alarm devices outside the vault, and a time lock is installed.

If you want to open this door, before opening it, the management personnel need to enter an independent random password at the same time to release the security device, and Xiao Yao also knows from the information he found that the management personnel do not know each other's passwords.

In addition to these facilities, the security measures of the national coffers are still in place everywhere.

For example, the entire vault is surrounded by barbed wire and high iron fences; countless night vision cameras, infrared alarm systems and motion sensors monitor everything around; There is a large minefield filled with mines.


There is also a special service team affiliated to the Jingcha Bureau of the National Mint on standby 24 hours a day in case of emergencies.

The national treasury, which is extremely safe in the eyes of the people of the * country, is not at all fortified to Xiaoyao.

Ordinary people will never guess what miraculous methods a cultivator will have, nor do they know how to guard against it.

The building of the national treasury did not use materials that prevent spiritual detection, which gave Xiao Yao an opportunity.

Of course, even if the national treasury uses materials that prevent spiritual detection, Xiao Yao still has other means to empty the gold reserves in the treasury.

Xiao Yao didn't waste time, and the gold in the vault was absorbed by him into the Holy Soul Realm within a short time.

He did not go to count how many tons of gold reserves there are in the vault, but he thinks there are at least 6,000 tons, which seems to be much more than the figure estimated by the outside world.

It is generally believed by the outside world that 4,500-4,600 tons of *country gold reserves are stored in the vault, accounting for 56.35% of *country's total gold reserves. Although it is no longer the era of the gold standard, these golds are still the lifeblood of the * country.

The actual number Xiao Yao got obviously far exceeded this number.

He felt that the extra part of the gold should be gold obtained by the United States from other sources, and it should be unknown.

For him, the more gold in the vault, the better, and the extra part was considered a surprise.

In addition to the total reserves of more than 6,000 tons of gold, the vault also stores a large number of antique works of art.

It was previously revealed that the national treasury of the United States once stored a large amount of gold and artwork, and the originals of the famous "Constitution of the United States of America" ​​and the "Declaration of Independence" were once stored here. In addition, royal symbols such as the crown, sword and scepter of the Hungarian royal family were also stored here.

But Xiao Yao didn't see any of the above, and the large number of antique artworks he got from the vault didn't include these.

Even without these few items, Xiao Yao is still very happy, because there are a large number of antique works of art stored in the vault, and each piece is a rare treasure.

Among these collections, there are 17 oil paintings with a price of more than 100 million US dollars, 6 sculptures with a price of more than 100 million US dollars, and 19 other Western cultural relics with a price of more than 100 million US dollars. Western cultural relics and artworks are already a huge harvest.

In addition, there are a total of 267 Western antique artworks priced over US$10 million, and there are only 126 Western antique artworks priced below US$10 million.

Most of the antique works of art collected in the vault are from the west, but there are also a lot of antique works from the east.

Xiao Yao is more concerned about the antique works of art from Huaguo. He roughly estimated that there are 43 pieces of various antique works of art with a price of more than 100 million yuan, and all kinds of antique works with a price of more than 10 million yuan. There are as many as 176 works of art.

Xiao Yao didn't know where the antiques in the vault were obtained from, but it didn't matter anymore. Anyway, these precious antiques were cheap for him.

It only took five or six minutes from Xiao Yao's arrival at the State Treasury until he left. No one knew that in such a short period of time, the heavily guarded national treasury had been completely emptied.

Xiao Yao arrived without a sound, and left without a sound, without disturbing anyone.

The trip went very smoothly, but Xiao Yao knew that within half an hour to two hours at most, the empty national treasury would be discovered by the staff.

With the lessons learned from the National Treasury of the United States, his next target, the Federal Reserve Treasury, will definitely increase its vigilance.

He plans to put the next action at night.

The reason why the action was taken at night was because the *Fed's treasury was not as deserted as the national treasury. During the working hours during the day, there were people coming and going in the treasury. In addition to the staff, there were even tourists visiting the treasury. It was noisy and noisy. busy.

According to the relevant regulations of the *country, if the relevant procedures are followed, the public has the right to visit even a place as tight as the *Fed's vault. Ordinary people must go through procedures and make an appointment in advance to visit the vault, usually at least a few months in advance.

But Xiao Yao believes that after the news of the theft of the national treasury comes out, the *Fed's policy of allowing the public to visit will definitely be canceled temporarily or even permanently.

Why do so many people want to visit *Fed's vaults?

The answer is simple, there is so much gold stored in *Fed's vaults that anyone would want to see it for themselves whenever they get the chance.

From a global perspective, 30% of the reserves of developed countries are in the form of gold, among which *China holds 8,000 tons of gold, followed by Germany *3,000 tons, France * and Italy * each hold 2500 tons, Russia ranks fifth, China ranks sixth.

With such a huge reserve, where are the gold hidden in all countries?

The central banks of various countries are very secretive about this issue, but one thing is certain, that is, not all official reserves are stored in their own vaults. On the contrary, gold in many countries is stored abroad. For example, Germany, which ranks second, puts 45% of its gold reserves in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

It is not only Germany that chooses to store gold in the Federal Reserve Bank, but also many other countries and organizations.

That is to say, not only the gold of the *country is stored in the *Fed's underground vault, but also gold stored here by other countries and organizations.

The sum of the gold stored here by various countries and organizations is said to have reached a terrifying amount of seven or eight thousand tons.

Who wouldn't want to take a peek at an underground vault that houses so much gold?

If there is a chance, Xiao Yao also wants to visit.

No. 33 Liberty Road, New York City is an old building with more than ten floors and a granite exterior. It is very inconspicuous among the row upon row of skyscrapers in the downtown financial center of New York City. But don't underestimate it, it is where the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is located.

That night, Xiao Yao arrived here quietly.

This place looks no different from other places, but Xiao Yao is sensitive to the fact that this place is already loose on the outside and tight on the inside, and it can even be called heavily guarded.

In the surrounding area, there are plainclothes Jingchas with guns all over the place. These Jingchas are always vigilant as if they are facing a big enemy.

After observing this situation, Xiao Yao still looked relaxed, and didn't take these heavily guarded wells seriously.

He didn't act in a hurry. He had long admired the famous *Fed's underground vault. Now that he was here, he had to visit it.

Although he couldn't enter the underground vault in person, it didn't prevent him from detecting it with his spiritual sense.

*The vault of the Federal Reserve has no door at all, but a solid steel cylinder 2.7 meters high and weighing 90 tons.

The outside of the steel cylinder is reinforced with a reinforced concrete wall weighing 140 tons. In the center of the steel cylinder there is a narrow passage 3 meters long. Just lightly operate the switch, and the steel cylinder can be rotated 90 degrees to expose the passage for people to enter and exit.

The entire steel cylinder system is operated manually and mechanically, even in emergencies such as power outages, the opening and closing will not be affected. It is said that it has been used since 1924 and has not had a single failure.

The access control system is not limited to this, but also has a variety of high-tech anti-theft technologies. For example, when the gate is closed, the vault will be automatically airtight. The vault can be closed immediately within 28 seconds, and the air inside is only enough for one person to survive for 7~ 8 hours.

For another example, everyone who tries to enter the vault must be scanned by the iris eyeball camera. The camera has stored the irises of the eyes of each of the vault's internal staff in advance. After scanning, the computer will check the records immediately. Once the corresponding iris record cannot be found. The library door refuses to open for you and at the same time sounds an alarm.

If you want to illegally enter the vault, first of all, it is a huge problem.

The security system of the underground vault can be said to be at the top level in the world. Xiao Yao's spiritual sense detected that inside and outside the vault, many armed guards with live ammunition are guarding in shifts, which can be described as heavily guarded.

The security measures inside the vault are also extremely tight.

Every time you take a step in the vault area, a set of super-advanced "automatic foot cameras" installed inside will accurately locate and record your specific position every second and every step, so that people sitting in the monitoring room can see at a glance. Anyone who walks inside will be noticed by the surveillance personnel if there is any abnormality.

Even if a thief got into the vault by chance, it would be extremely difficult to take the next step.

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