Inside and Outside World

Chapter 191: : Dong 8jie

"Lu Bu is here?"

This tavern in Atlantis is going against the sky! Ordinarily, the function of the tavern was originally just to drink, and it was considered lucky to have a mercenary occasionally, and the chance of a general appearing was extremely small.

With Wang Yun, Diao Chan appeared in the tavern, and now Lu Bu appeared in the tavern. Will there be Lu Bu's daughter: Lu Lingqi?

"Great, strong support, out-and-out strong support!"

Wang Yun was very excited.

"Lu Bu is okay." Xu Fu also nodded.

There are so many fierce generals among the Three Kingdoms. It has always been controversial who is the second most powerful general. Lu Bu is the out-and-out number one fierce general. The rise of a great civilized country has certain fantasy elements. How strong will this guy be? It must be at the same level as Xiang Yu, at the top of generals!

Yan Luo looked in the direction of the tavern, and a guy opened the door and walked out.

Wang Yun's smile disappeared, and his eyes widened.

It was an ugly guy with a thick and long beard like Zhong Kui who was catching ghosts, but unlike Zhong Kui, this man was fat and his belly was so high that it looked like a ball. The weight should be no less than 500 catties, right?

When did Lu Bu gain weight?

Of course it couldn't be Lu Bu.

Wang Yun was so angry that even his beard was shaking.

"Dong, Dong Zhuo is a traitor!"

Yan Luo: "..."

She thought it was Lu Bu who appeared in the tavern, but Diao Chan actually attracted Dong Zhuo.

"Where's my Diaochan?"

Dong Zhuo, who came out of the tavern, searched around, saw Wang Yun at a glance, and immediately revealed a fierce look: "It's you? A dead old ghost."

Fortunately, the title of Wang Yun is a dead old ghost, not a dead ghost.

Master Dong! The big boss in the early stage of Megatron Three Kingdoms.

Although this is a game and not the real Dong Zhuo in history, the characters born from the input information are exactly the same.

"Old man, this old man will fight with you!"

Wang Yun rushed up and waved his fist to hit Dong Zhuo, but was knocked down by a punch.

Dong Taishi's force is still not low. "Book of the Later Han Dynasty" records: "Zhuo's brawn is extraordinary, with two belts and two swords, and he gallops and shoots left and right, which is feared by the Qiang Hu." , Killing Hu Xin trembles with fear, this is to rely on strength to break through step by step. Moreover, this fat man can seize the critical moment to enter the Central Plains to abolish the emperor and control the central government, and his intelligence will not be low.

In Romance of the Three Kingdoms 12, Dong Zhuo's ability value is:

Command: 85, Force: 87, Intelligence 73, Politics: 59

Wang Yun's strength is only 6 points...

For Yan Luo, it is not a good thing for Fatty Dong to come to the situation now... By the way, will Dong Zhuo rebel against him and destroy himself?

"flower girl."

Although Diao Chan was not found, Dong Zhuo's gaze was fixed on Joan of Arc, and the goldfish's eyes released evil and predatory gazes.

Fortunately, Rise of Great Civilizations is a harmonious game.

Now is the critical moment in Atlantis. Yan Luo has no time to slowly restrain Dong Zhuo. This unstable factor will definitely affect the loyalty of Wang Yun and Diao Chan. He walked over and grabbed each other's neck, but Dong Zhuo's size Fat Dazu is 1.9 meters tall, and he couldn't lift it in mid-air.

"What do you want to do? Don't think that being the emperor can do whatever you want. Back then I..."

This sentence was slapped back with a slap.

Yan Luo pinched his neck with his left hand, and slapped his face with his right hand more than ten times in succession.

Fatty Dong's old face quickly swelled up like a blow, and a slap with 30 points of strength is not so easy to bear - Ma Di has a deep understanding of this.


How could Dong Zhuo, who once shocked the world, endure it? Immediately he was furious and wanted to fight back, but Pizarro and Archimedes came over with a sneer, one left and one right clamped his arms, strength expertise + vitality teacher elders, immediately restrained Grand Master Dong.

Yan Luo exerted vibratory force and penetrating force, and Dong Zhuo was foaming at the mouth after several blows, his teeth flew around, and his internal organs seemed to be overwhelmed.

"Dong Zhuo broke away from your power and became a general in the field."


He glanced at Dong Zhuo expressionlessly, the fat man's face was so swollen that even his eyelids became a slit, revealing a fierce light, he continued to raise his hand to slap his face.

After dozens of slaps like this, Grand Master Dong could no longer see the human form, it was like a pig's head.

"Don't hit me, don't hit me anymore, I'm convinced, my Grand Master Dong is convinced!" Dong Zhuo begged for mercy with tears streaming down his face.


Yan Luo continued to slap the face, even Wang Yun who got up took the opportunity to kick a few times.

It wasn't until the game was prompted that "Dong Zhuo has joined your faction", Yan Luo stopped, and said calmly, "From now on, you must remember these precepts: don't kill, don't steal, don't * *, don’t tell lies, don’t drink alcohol, don’t sleep on a gorgeous bed, don’t dress up or watch songs and dances, don’t eat after noon. These are the eight precepts of Buddhism.”

Dong Zhuo's character was extremely cruel, he slept in a dragon bed at night, he was extravagant and dissipated, and he had a lot of wine and meat. It can be said that he had violated each of the eight commandments.

"Understood? In order for you to always remember the precepts, I will give you a name. From now on, your name will be Bajie, Dong Bajie."

"This Tripitaka is your master."

Yan Luo doesn't intend to put Dong Zhuo in Stormwind City, he has already investigated the skills of this Grand Master Dong - except for the passive talent "fat", active "flying shot", "riding shot", "long shot", "rocket" Wait, there is another one who "holds the emperor to order the princes", which is a time bomb by his side, and it is better to follow the heroic soul.

As for whether it will be dangerous?

Dong Bajie's force must have surpassed that of Tang Sanzang.


Xiang Wukong should be coming soon, Fatty can't make waves with this senior brother.

"Dong Zhuo, you have today too hahahaha..."

Wang Yun laughed heartily, this time his loyalty has definitely improved a lot.

"The enemy is coming, Pizarro, Dong Bajie, you two are generals, follow me out to fight! Joan of Arc, take three horses!"

Three grass-mud horses raised in the stables were brought in. Alpacas did not develop cavalry in the real world because they were relatively small and not suitable for riding, but this is a game.

The designer thought about it at the time, why do all the cavalry ride horses? If horses had not been domesticated in history, how could they ride to fight? Cavalry? Lamb cavalry? Donkey cavalry?

As for camel cavalry and elephant soldiers have appeared in history, there are deer and pigs in Lord of the Rings, they can all be added to the mount any large animal in this game can be domesticated Become a mount, and even the Indian civilization has a characteristic unit: Eagle Cavalry, which is the earliest air force unit that can be unlocked in ancient times.

The alpaca in the game is much bigger than the real alpaca, similar to an Asian horse.

It's just that the load-bearing capacity is poor, and it can't carry heavy armored cavalry.

When the horse land was not there, Yan Luo rode an alpaca. Instead of taking the 130-jin Overlord Spear, he replaced it with a 5-meter-long Macedonian spear.

Pizarro riding another alpaca.


The alpaca screamed suddenly from the side, and Yan Luo turned his head to look, and saw the alpaca riding on four legs stretched out by Dong Taishi, and its body was on the ground, even its belly was attached to the ground - it was covered by Dong Taishi's weight of more than 500 kilograms. crushed.

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