Into Unscientific

Chapter 228: Historical Figures Get Together

If James Hope Grant is one of the two major culprits who burned the Old Summer Palace.

Then Charles George Gordon is undoubtedly a standard robber.

Charles George Gordon.

Sometimes called Charlie George Gordon because of the translation.

He was born on January 28, 1833. His father was a lieutenant general in the British Army. He studied at the famous Taunton School and the Royal Military Academy in the UK.

After graduation, Gordon became a crossbowman in the Corps of Engineers in 1850.

Follow the historical trajectory.

He will participate in the famous Crimean War in 1855, and went to China as a major when he was in the second crow.

He missed the attack on the Dagu Fort, but he caught up with the occupation of BJ and the Summer Palace, taking away a large number of precious cultural relics.

But Charles George Gordon was truly known to posterity until he commanded an army of notorious rogues:

Ever Victorious Army, also known as

Yanggun team.

The foreign gun team is an armed force composed of upright officials, merchants, foreign military officers from Britain and France, and hooligans from China, Nanyang and other regions in the late Qing Dynasty against the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

The first leader of the foreign gun team was Frederick Wall, who was succeeded by Bai Qiwen after his death.

Charles George Gordon was the third leader and the most evil one.

For example, everyone in the world has heard that Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda achieved the extremely cruel beheading of a hundred people in the Shiraisha Massacre.

But in fact.

Charles George Gordon accomplished this brutal, disgusting, bottomless 'achievement' back in 1863.

In addition, Gordon is also one of the few invaders who has recorded cannibalism. There are more than five cannibalism incidents mentioned in his letters alone.

However, it is outrageous.

In some of the marketing slogans of a certain sound in the later generations under the popular science "unknown history", they even used the murder of Suzhou to cleanse Gordon:

The murder of Suzhou happened in December 1863. At that time, Gordon promised Gao Yongkuan, Wang Anjun, Zhou Wenjia, Wu Guiwen, Zhang Dazhou, Wang Youwei, Fan Qifa, Wang Huaiwu and other "Eight Kings of Peace" that as long as they surrendered, they would not die. Danger.

The result was a few days before the surrender.

Li Hongzhang thought of his younger brother Li Hezhang who was shot in the leg because of the false surrender of the Taiping Army when he was surrendered in Taicang a few months ago, and then he turned back.

Then he killed the eight kings and more than 20,000 soldiers in Suzhou city.

Gordon later expressed his dissatisfaction with Li Hongzhang, and at the same time wrote a letter to Bruce, the British Minister to China.

Ask the British government to intervene and force Li Hongzhang to step down.

That's all.

In those marketing slogans, Gordon has become a "benevolent" and "trustworthy" upright person, don't you think it's outrageous?

In fact, Gordon had an opinion on this, mainly because Li Hongzhang acquiesced in Cheng Xueqi's killing and relegating to Hongmen Banquet to kill the eight generals, and he did not inform himself of the whole plan.

At that time, the "ever victorious army" was stationed outside the city, but did not participate in the whole plan until the end.

This made the "ever victorious army" lose the opportunity to capture Suzhou's first prize, and also lose the opportunity to enter the city to loot.

This point Gordon wrote in a letter sent to the British Army Commander Burrow in China, and it is now stored in the Naval War Museum in Dongguan.

Later in order to settle the matter.

Li Hongzhang entrusted Hurd, a Western official hired by the imperial court, to send Gordon a reward of 70,000 yuan.

Gordon first pretended to refuse, and then asked Hurd to deposit 10,000 of them into his foreign account, and the matter was settled.

This kind of outright executioner can still be whitewashed. It can only be said that some people don't even want the basic bottom line for the so-called "unpopular" traffic, and they are not afraid of being killed by those innocent souls.

Of course.

Under Xu Yun's flash bomb.

Gordon has lost the possibility of repeating the achievements of his previous life, which can be regarded as heaven's retribution.

After all, Xu Yun's A1 high flash really didn't deliberately throw it at Gordon, it was very, very accidental.

Even until Gordon's death, Xu Yun didn't know that he had become such a butcher.

The line of sight returns to reality.

With the collapse of the crossbowman front.

The English troops stationed at the battlefield of the entire chamber of commerce completely lost the powerful long-range fire support of the crossbow.

In addition, the provisional caravan army on the west side already has an overwhelming advantage.

So soon, the situation in the chamber of commerce was gradually brought under control.

The English soldiers who came to attack were either killed or captured, or the Gaul possessed them and surrendered instantly.

Others who reacted quickly took the opportunity to escape from the scene.

Then under the organization of Xu Yun and Ten Hag Rangnick.

The bodyguards in the station rushed out of the station in one breath, and went straight to the outpost for support.

The British army at the outpost only had a few bows and crossbows. Although the scene was suppressing the Scottish soldiers, their advantage was at most 70-30.

Therefore, when a new batch of fresh troops appeared, their fate was already doomed.

half an hour later.

"President Rangnick, Mr. Luo Feng."

Francis Mason Sa Daoyi, who trotted out from the outpost, had a bandage on his chest, and saluted Xu Yun and Rangnick with gratitude:

"If it wasn't for the help of the two of you this time, there would have been more casualties in the outpost and camp. Gentlemen, I salute you on behalf of everyone!"

Ten Hag Rangnick quickly waved his hands when he heard the words, and turned his body slightly to one side, avoiding the salute:

"Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it, Mr. Sa Daoyi, if Mr. Luo Feng hadn't acted, I'm afraid I would lose my life."

Francis Mason Sa Daoyi obviously understood this too, turned his body slightly, and bowed to Xu Yun:

"Thank you, Mr. Luo Feng."

Xu Yun looked at the officer rescued by him with a complicated expression, and opened his mouth, but he still didn't speak in the end.

Mason Sadow.

This is a relatively rare double surname composed of father's surname + mother's surname. The words Mason and Sa Daoyi are relatively unpopular.

So if nothing else.

Francis Mason Sato, who should have been renamed Hans David Christopher Sato in 1846.

That is, the biological father of Ernest Mason Sadowy.

That's right.

Another historical figure.

In fact, it is not surprising that there will be such a gathering of historical figures at the moment.

After all, this is the border between Scotland and England, and those who can be stationed here must be the elite of the elite.

These experienced soldiers are often the first candidates in foreign wars. For example, 90% of the British marshals after the 13th century have experienced experience on the border.

In addition, the time at this time is exactly between the first crow and the second crow. If it is not for the timeline change that prevents the first crow from happening, at least 80% of these people will go to the Huaxia battlefield.

Under such circumstances, it is quite normal for Xu Yun to meet some historical figures.

Even if he has the ability to check the list one by one, he will find many people whose names have been recorded on the scene.

Of course.

Although these people have connections with Huaxia, it cannot be said that everyone is a war criminal who should be shot.

These people may be heinous executioners, such as Grant and Gordon, Xu Yun did not feel any guilt about their deaths.

It may also be an international friend who has helped the local people.

For example, Gibson Lindsay, the great-grandfather of Mr. Michael Lin.

Mr. Michael Lin was an international friend who made great contributions during the Anti-Japanese War. He let the whole world hear the voice of Yan’an, and his contribution ranked among the top five among all foreign friends during the Anti-Japanese War.

In addition to the above two.

There are also some neutral and black people with relatively less brutal crimes.

For example

The son of Francis Mason Sa Daoyi in front of him, Ernest Mason Sa Daoyi.

This person was a key figure in Sino-British diplomatic relations in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. There are two most famous deeds in his country:

One is to propose that the imperial examination should be abolished for 5 years in areas where the Boxer Movement was more intense.

Later, under Zhang Zhidong's slow cheek, Sa Daoyi changed to the imperial examination.

The second one is quite special:

He was the British signatory of the "Xin Chou Treaty" and had many negotiations with Li Hongzhang.

The second point may seem unforgivable, but in fact, Ernest Mason Sa Daoyi was specially transferred from Neon for this negotiation.

Compared with the intersection with the local, Ernest Mason Sa Daoyi is actually more active in neon:

He used to work in Nihong, supported the Meiji Restoration, married Takeda Kanae, a Nihong woman, and had a son Takeda Hisaki.

His status in Neon is somewhat similar to Stuart.

So on the local side, how to say

Ernest Mason Sa Daoyi did not kill anyone, but some of the terms he proposed did increase the pressure on the Qing government.

In terms of definition, war criminals are obviously not counted, but to say that they beat workers is a bit of whitewashing, so it can be said that they are

A minion of imperialism? (This evaluation is not made by me, it is the evaluation written by Mr. Shou Chang on November 15, 1918, "New Youth", Volume 5, No. 5, dog head saves life)

At the same time, considering the death of a Sadao, the British side can also send Sadao evil, Salui.

So after hesitating.

Xu Yun still chose to save Francis Mason Sa Daoyi.

Looking at Francis Mason Sa Daoyi with a grateful face, Xu Yun took a deep breath and said word by word:

"Mr. Sa Daoyi, we have an old saying in China, which is to draw your sword to help when you see injustice, so there is no need to say thank you."

"But there is one thing I hope you can remember and tell your family."

Francis Mason Sa Daoyi's expression turned cold when he heard the words, and regardless of the pain in his chest injury, he put his right hand on his chest and solemnly said:

"Mr. Luo Feng, I swear in the name of the Mason and Sa Daoyi families that I will do my best to do whatever I can!"

Xu Yun nodded slightly, staring seriously at the other party's eyes:

"I hope your whole family will remember that it was the Huaxia people who saved your life. If you or your family have any contact with Huaxia in the future, I hope you will remember what happened today."


Xu Yun glanced at Sa Daoyi, who was full of question marks, turned and left the scene without further explanation.

Then he returned to the chamber of commerce station and found Thomson and Will in a medical point:

"Mr. Thomson, Will, are you feeling better?"

Thomson pointed to the bandages on his body, showing a rare expression of @a sense of relief:

"Although the movement is somewhat inconvenient, the life is not seriously affected."

Only then did Xu Yun nod his head reassuringly, and then glanced at the man next to Will who was being tied up.

The costume of this person is completely different from that of the English soldiers, with a strong Scottish rustic flavor, a rag is stuffed in his mouth, and he keeps whining.

Xu Yunjian glanced at him and asked Will:

"Will, this man is."

Will snorted coldly when he heard the words, and turned the person around:

"Mr. Luo Feng, do you know him?"

Xu Yun followed the trend and looked.

This man is a big man with a fierce face, tall, and his neck is a little rosy from drinking all the year round.

Xu Yun pondered for a moment, and said with some uncertainty:

"It seems to feel a little familiar, as if in... By the way, I seem to have seen him in Mendi Solo Village!"

"If I remember correctly, when Father Evar took us to Sterling to buy the spindle, he seemed to be sitting on the gambling table next to him!"

The reason why Xu Yun had an impression of this person was mainly because the current season has come to the end of autumn, and this person is the only shirtless person at the gambling table, which is very conspicuous.

In addition, Xu Yun had just arrived in this dungeon not long ago, so he had limited contact with characters.

Therefore, he naturally had an impression of such a maverick man.

Hearing Xu Yun's words, Thomson nodded solemnly:

"That's right, he is the hunter of Mendisolo Village, named Kurtz."

"After he found our trail, he went to the station in England overnight to report, and his brother McCall followed us all the way."

"After we entered the station, we passed on our latest movements to Grant who came by detour."

"But McCall died in the hands of one of Rangnick's bodyguards in the battle, and we only caught Kurtz in the end."

Speaking of which, Thomson pointed to the carriage not far away, and continued to explain:

"He is the only person who has seen our true faces, so Grant arranged for him to be stationed on the battlefield so that he can spot us in the dark. After all, our carriage is not difficult to distinguish,"

"Do you remember the crossbow arrow that was shot at you when you first emerged? That's what Kurtz pointed out, but they didn't know that Will and I were sleeping in a tent."

Xu Yun was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then suddenly realized.

He said how it was such a coincidence that he opened the curtain of the car and a crossbow arrow shot at him, and the deviation distance was so close.

Is the co-author locked by someone else?

After all, most of the vehicle types in the station can be divided into three types:

Wheelbarrows, large carriages for transporting baggage, and expensive carriages for businessmen like Ten Hag Rangnick.

Thomson's two-wheeled carriage was simply decorated, but it didn't carry much cargo. It was quite out of place in the camp.

Therefore, the recognition rate is still quite high.

Then Xu Yun thought about it, and asked Thomson:

"Mr. Thomson, what are you going to do with Kurtz now?"

Thomson thought for a moment, looked in a certain direction, and said:

"He is one of the few insiders of this attack, and he may be able to get some information about the mastermind behind the scenes, so let's leave it to the English military."

"For border army conflicts, both England and Scotland will inevitably send foreign (wai) and joint (jiao) ministers to investigate."

"The Minister of External Relations in England today is Henry John Temple, who is also a graduate of Cambridge University. He is one of his own people, and it is impossible to favor the mastermind behind the scenes."

Hearing Thomson repeatedly mentioning the word "behind the scenes", Xu Yun recalled it now:

"Wait, Mr. Thomson, you just said that Kurtz reported our movements to Grant, so you said"

"This attack was actually aimed at you?"

Hearing this, Thomson took a deep breath, took out a silver badge from his chest pocket, and handed it to Xu Yun:

"Do you recognize this?"

Xu Yun took a look.

The badge looks like a pair of spread wings, with Thomson's name written on the bottom:

William Thomson.

Then Xu Yun turned it over again, and there was also a line of content written in gilt fonts on the back:

Cambridge Apostles, Angel.

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