Into Unscientific

Chapter 242 Trip to the Library (68K)

Chapter 242 A Trip to the Library (6.8k)

University of Cambridge.

Trinity College.

On the public walkway in the courtyard.

At this moment, Mai Mai was walking side by side with Xu Yun.

"Hey, Mr. Luo Feng."

When walking through a bend, Maimai couldn't bear it any longer. He nudged Xu Yun lightly with his elbow and muttered:

"Mr. Luo Feng, do you feel a little strange?"

"I don't know if it's my illusion, but the way my seniors and sisters looked at me seemed wrong along the way."

Xu Yun glanced at him lightly and said:

"Of course it's not an illusion, but you're wrong about one thing, they don't look at you, but me."


He turned his head and looked at a boy who was looking at him.

The two eyes collided.

The boy immediately snorted coldly, turned his head to the side, and turned away.

See this situation.

Xu Yun shook his head with a wry smile, the corners of his mouth curled up in a self-deprecating arc.

In fact, when he met Jones Bird more than an hour ago, he saw some clues from the other party's indifferent attitude:

If expected good.

The story of me 'going through the back door' should have spread after last night.

After all, there are not many postgraduate students at Cambridge University, courses, accommodation and other things will involve personal information, and the spread of news is inevitable.

So Xu Yun naturally downgraded from the status of junior/alumni to a supercilious generator.

As for the reason why these passers-by can recognize themselves immediately


How many orientals are there in Cambridge University now?

Even including Indians, there may not be more than three, right?

Under such circumstances, it was too easy to recognize Xu Yun.

In fact, for the students of Cambridge University, Xu Yun was able to hand over Maverick's handwritten letter to Trinity College, which was originally a very exciting and joyful thing.

If Xu Yun's request was only money or other remuneration, then almost no one would despise him, and he might even receive a lot of gratitude.

But Xu Yun's approach is not the same.

He won a postgraduate place in this way, which made many Cambridge students who were extremely proud of their identity very unhappy.

To paraphrase a famous quote from Qiao Feng:

"I, Xiao, a good man, am I as famous as someone like you?"

This kind of thing is also very common in the author circle of later generations.

Even if some authors who rely on data brushing get into the boutique group or even the great god group, other bigwigs will choose to isolate him.

Fortunately, Xu Yun has already gone through two dungeons. Before he was formally accepted by Mavericks and Lao Su, he had a lot of stares, and his mentality was relatively stable.


With such high-intensity eye-rolling, I don’t know if someone in Cambridge University has really awakened eye-rolling or Sharingan in the long run?

Afterwards, Xu Yun adjusted his breathing, and led the Mavericks to continue heading southeast.

After passing through several buildings and a bunch of stares, the two finally arrived outside a square building.

This building is located in an open space four to five hundred meters away from the Mathematics Bridge. It is boxy and unattractive, like an upside-down shoebox.

On the south side of the building, there is a protruding tower, raised high like an antenna, and it is also the most conspicuous area of ​​the whole building.

The height of the tower is about seven stories, and the rest of the building is three stories.

Xu Yun took the wheat to the entrance of the building with ease, and pushed open the heavy revolving door.

The moment the door was opened.

Jingle Bell.

With the sound of the wind chime.

In front of Xu Yun and Mai Mai, a passage seven or eight meters long suddenly appeared.

There are more than a dozen statues of historical great men lined up on both sides of the passage, with firm, gentle, or sharp eyes looking straight ahead.

A scent of paper mixed with rotten wood fills the nostrils at the same time. The gorgeous Tudor chandelier above the head is crumbling, and the Gothic architectural interior style is vividly displayed.

Xu Yun and Mai Mai seem to have entered the dark passage of history, sliding abruptly into the dusty Middle Ages.

This is the holy place of Cambridge University, the Cambridge Library.

well known.

There are a total of 140 libraries in Cambridge University, but there is only one that can really be called "Cambridge University Library".

That is the 'University Library' located near King's College Chapel.

That's right.

Its real name is the University Library, which is straightforward.

Founded in 1424, this library is also one of the largest in the world.

Originally, its collections were all based on donations, and the number has not been large.

But in 1709.

The library's collections grew dramatically after an unnamed lordship made the law obligatory for all books published in England to be sent to the library in hard copies.

Today it has a collection of more than 6 million books, including thesis and manuscripts of many famous people, and there are 100,000 Chinese books.

This is also Xu Yun's favorite place to stay when he was an exchange student in Cambridge in his previous life.

Actually for Xu Yun.

The first few trips to a university library are more of a rite of passage than studying or borrowing books.

Walking among the narrow and dark bookshelves, the silent cover of the book will make you even breathe.

You will be worried about alarming the alumni who are drowning in the sea of ​​books, and even more worried about alarming those immortal souls under the floor between the pages of the book.

Xu Yun is not a very bourgeoisie, but even he has to admit that walking in the corridor on a sunny afternoon is indeed a kind of enjoyment.

Perhaps the basilisk in Hogwarts wandered around the campus with this kind of thinking in mind.

Xu Yun's favorite action is to hold a magnifying glass to observe the grooves carved on the oak desk hundreds of years ago.

He also pushed open the unknown doors one after another, looking for those lonely but eternal spirits in the shadows.

But unfortunately.

The spirit was not found, and one time Xu Yun accidentally saw a young couple who were looking for excitement behind the door, and then...

The filter is broken.

From then on.

The Cambridge University library was still respectable to him, but the pilgrimage was gone.

Later, Xu Yun talked about a girlfriend who was also an exchange student. Xu Yun's first-hand cooking skills were practiced at that time.

She also likes to go to the library, and what she likes to do most is to look for those old books.

At that time, she told Xu Yun very gently:

The books here are heavier and darker than those in other libraries, because the souls of the writers and readers reside here.

So weighing a thin book of 200 pages in your hands is unbearably heavy.

Then Xu Yun told her seriously:

When a book is pulled out from the shelf, it will turn black when touched by fingers frequently, and the dust will erode into the texture of the book cover over time.

So no matter how much you wipe it, you can't get rid of that layer of darkness, which is not the color of the soul.

At the same time, when there is more dust, the weight will naturally be heavier. If you don’t believe me, you can shake it to see-oh yes, there may be mold or something.

Later, his girlfriend broke up with Xu Yun within a few months. On Children's Day, Xu Yun also saw her circle of friends celebrating the festival for her daughter.

cough cough

Of course.

For the most part, the atmosphere in Cambridge University Libraries is serious.

The line of sight is returning to reality.

Although 1850 was much earlier than later generations, the history of the school of 600 years and the history of the museum of more than 400 years still left a vast heritage.

At this time, Mai Mai seemed to be a devout believer, walking past each statue seriously, and kept chanting the names of these people at the same time:

"Henry Cavendish. Renowned Scientist. Peter's College"

"Sir Edward Kirk eminent jurist. Trinity College"

"Archbishop Thomas Cranmer Eminent Theologian. Jesus College"

"Oliver Cromwell famous military strategist statesman Sidney Sussex College."

"John Harvard. Founder of Harvard University Emmanuel College"

In the end, Mai Mai's eyes settled on a young man with sharp eyes:

"Isaac Newton, the greatest scientist in human history Trinity College."


Mai Mai suddenly thought of something, turned her head, and said to Xu Yun:

"Mr. Luo Feng, do you think Mr. Thomson and Senior Sister Avelyn are likely to be listed here in the future?"

Xu Yun nodded decisively. He didn't understand Avelyn, but Thomson in the original timeline was indeed among them:

"Yes, they are all excellent students, I think the possibility is very high."

Then he paused and added:

"Maxwell, actually, I think you can be one of them too."


Mai Mai pointed at herself with her index finger in surprise, subconsciously wanting to deny it.

However, the corner of his mouth muttered a few times, scratched his hair a little embarrassedly, and said in a low voice:

"Hopefully one day I will be content to be behind Archbishop Thomas Cranmer."

Xu Yun shook his head with a smile and didn't speak any more.

Silly boy.

Let alone Thomas Cranmer for future generations.

Of all the statues at Cambridge University, there is only a calf standing in front of you.

Even Mr. Thomson, whom you admire, can only be separated by seven figures, looking at you, the Scottish genius who has slept with him several times, from afar.

Then Xu Yun beckoned Mai to move on, walked through the passage, and walked into another door.

This door is connected to the hall of the south wing of the library, which is the tower on the seventh floor.

Just entered the door.

Xu Yun and Mai Mai saw a middle-aged man in a tuxedo with a solemn expression.

The appearance of this person is somewhat similar to James in Conan, with a square face, a bang on the right forehead, and a bushy figure eight beard.

Seeing the two people appearing, this person stopped them resolutely and politely:

"Gentlemen, please stay."

Cambridge University in 1850 was not free to visit like later generations, so the administrators had to take on the task of verifying their identity while not taking pictures and group photos:

"Gentlemen, the library is only open to on-campus students. Do you have student ID cards?"

Mai Mai and Xu Yun nodded at the same time.

They pulled out the student ID cards that Avelyn had dropped by them yesterday and handed them over.

The middle-aged man first took Xu Yun's student ID card and glanced at it, and said the name a little stiffly:

"Luoluo nude?"

The corner of Xu Yun's mouth twitched:

"Sir, it's Luo Feng."

"Feel sorry."

The middle-aged man apologized, and was about to return the student ID card to Xu Yun, when he suddenly paused:

"Wait, Luo Feng? Are you the oriental man who returned Mr. Newton's handwritten letter?"

After speaking, he thought of something else, and quickly took Maimai's student ID:

"James Clerk Maxwell."

Xu Yunjian shrugged his shoulders towards Mai Mai, and it seemed that the Harry Potter drama was about to be staged again.

as expected.

The middle-aged man saw that his expression was straightened, he shook his collar gracefully, and stretched out his hand to Mai Mai:

"Maxwell, Luo Feng, welcome to the University of Cambridge Library. I am the librarian, Alesia Hayfors."

Xu Yun slightly raised his eyebrows.


As expected of being a librarian, this pattern is different.

This was the second person who greeted him besides Mai Mai today.

In addition, the surname Haifus is not very common, combined with this person's professional judgment

If you guessed right, he is probably the founder of Shanghai Foss Bookstore in Cambridge Town?

The reason why Xu Yun had an impression of Havers Bookstore was because it was one of the oldest bookstores in Cambridge Town and had a great reputation.

Shao Xunmei also went to this bookstore with Xu Zhimo and Xu Beihong, calling it "Haifa Bookstore".

Come on second.

It is because of an article.

That's right.

It's time to flog the corpse of "Yi Lin" again.

It was still when Xu Yun was in high school, he once read an article in "Yi Lin".

It's called "Cambridge Bookstands".

Said in the book.

From the end of the 19th century to the 1940s, that is, between 1900-1940.

On the bookstall of Cambridge University, people can always see a smiling person with a cigar in his mouth, a mustache and a smile on his face.

He is Tai Wei, the owner of the bookstall.

Mr. Tai Wei's bookstall has been set up in Cambridge for more than 40 years. Because of the cheap price and rich collection of books, many professors and students have patronized this bookstall.

Among them, the most commendable is Keynes, the master of economics. He and Taiwei are close friends, and even helped Taiwei live broadcast the lectures.

Before his death, Tai Wei's school held a grand luncheon specially for him, and the teachers and students respected him as the honored guest.

Thanks to him for the "eternal and great knowledge".

The article sighs at the end.

A nation that knows how to respect small people can produce outstanding big people, followed by a series of self-reflection.

But Xu Yun didn't know until after he arrived in Cambridge.

Although Tai Wei is not a completely fictional character like the previous Alex Dauti, the real reason is completely different from what the article says.

The so-called Mr. Taiwei's real name is Gustav David, that is, David, or David.

The word Taiwei has a strong early translation color - yes, the first mention of him is the above-mentioned Shao Xunmei.

But Shao Xunmei only mentioned this person's name, and the rest of the content is all the plot added by the author of the article "Cambridge Bookstand".

The David Bookstore has indeed contributed a lot of books to Cambridge. About a thousand books in the Cambridge Library in 2022 were originally purchased from the David Bookstore, but the owner is not a small person at all.

Gustave David, a bookseller who moved to Cambridge from France, was born in 1860, so the time is right.

But he doesn't grow a beard, and he doesn't smoke cigars because of tuberculosis-the photo can be seen as soon as he enters David's bookstore, a bit like Dirac with a shaved beard.

So this is different from the article in terms of personality.


Gustave David was a descendant of a French aristocrat. When he first arrived in Cambridge, he immediately donated 5,000 pounds to the Christian College.

According to the purchasing power conversion mentioned earlier, it is about four million now.

In addition, Shao Xunmei bought "The Complete Works of Shakespeare" at a price of 3.5 pounds, which was 20% more expensive than the public price at that time, and the price was not cheap at all.

His first business was as a broker, that is, through his family channels, he sold translations published in Gaul and the Netherlands.

This solved the reading demands of many Cambridge students before Internet shopping, and only then did a bunch of Cambridge students patronize his store.

At the same time, he also specialized in selling the manuscripts of Cambridge University graduate students, each of which was signed by the author, which brought a lot of extra money to those collaborators.

That's why there is such a thing as students holding a banquet, 'respect as the guest of honor', and 'thank him for providing eternal and great knowledge'.

As for the relationship between him and Keynes, it was because the bookstore was located diagonally opposite the gate of Keynes College.

In addition, in "The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money", Keynes also complained about the premium of David's bookstore.

Because Keynes relied on mathematics and classical literature scholarships to continue his university studies. When he was a student, he was as poor as an Internet writer. Naturally, he was extremely disgusted with this kind of premium bookseller.

It turned out to be good in the end, and Keynes and David actually became close friends.

Such a businessman with a standard that can no longer be standard is now equivalent to a billionaire with a fortune of several hundred million, a proper upper class.

In the mouths of some people, he became a respected little person.

In the end, we have to reflect on ourselves. Where can you find reasoning for this?

It is precisely because of this incident that Xu Yun still remembers the other Haifusi bookstore mentioned by Shao Xunmei. (Note: Recently, due to some well-known reasons, some newcomers directly subscribe to the latest chapters. I wonder if you can accept this kind of rumor-dispelling science? Welcome to leave a message, and I will refer to it and adjust it as appropriate.)

Afterwards, Xu Yun and Mai Mai declined Havers' idea of ​​leading the way, and walked along the aisle to the borrowing area.

Wheat hadn't touched electromagnetism at this time, so what he was going to borrow was his own professional book, that is, a mathematics book.

After bringing the wheat to the mathematics area.

Xu Yun and Temporary parted and turned to another direction.


When he came to the edge of the area, Xu Yun pushed open a wooden door familiarly, and walked to the upper floor while holding the cold iron hanging railing.

There are not many students in Cambridge University today, and the empty corridors seem very quiet.

The sound of shoes hitting the iron stairs is even more harsh, giving people a vague sense of adventure.

The upper floor was even more deserted, and the light shone through the densely packed bookshelves, carrying a strong musty smell of paper.

Xu Yun walked and looked along the signs, hoping to find the special area he wanted.

In this era when there is no bibliographic code to query, finding books is not an easy task.

After more than ten minutes.

Xu Yun stopped under a sign.

He bent down and began to search carefully on the bookshelf:

"From Ordinary to Great: William Gilbert."

"Abandoned to King: Baahubali King."

""Rebirth of Hooker: Opening Sign-in Gravity Formula"."

""Millennium Celebrities: A Complete Book of Nordic Famous Figures"."

"Can the title of the book be without a colon: A history of the development of European literature."

"About Sir Newton and My Mother."

A few minutes passed.

Suddenly Xu Yun's eyes lit up.

He reached out and took out a well-maintained book from the bookshelf:

1650-1830: Two Centuries in the History of Science.

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