Into Unscientific

Chapter 282 I found you, Conan! (Down)

mentioned earlier.

Black and white camera technology only appeared in 1839, only 11 years ago.

Therefore, for the vast majority of observation records.

In the era in which the mappers lived, although stars could be seen, the coordinate system could only be judged and recorded with the naked eye.

After all, the scale of the universe itself is already very large for human beings, and there are two stages of errors between hand-painted and naked eyes.

Therefore, these errors are fed back in the observation records, and the deviation value will be seriously inconsistent with the actual image.

Of course.

Considering that some students are somewhat confused about astronomical knowledge, such as what planets do not shine and cannot be seen with the naked eye, so here is one thing to explain first:

What exactly is recorded in the observation record.

From a qualitative point of view, observation records can be divided into two types:

One is naked eye observation.

The second is telescope observation.

If you still can't understand the above sentence, you can really ask someone else.

The celestial body that human beings can see with the naked eye is determined by the "apparent magnitude" of the celestial body, that is, the brightness of the celestial body seen by the observer with the naked eye on the earth.

The magnitude of the apparent magnitude can be negative, the more negative the higher the brightness, and vice versa.

Objects of magnitude greater than +6 are almost impossible to see with the naked eye.

For example, Pluto is +13.65 and Neptune is +7.9.

So in the case of naked eye observation.

Except for Uranus, which is visible under extreme conditions.

The only planets that can be seen are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

Therefore, 99% of the recorded star maps before the invention of the telescope are stars.

As for the telescope, it is different. It can observe many planets, including Neptune, Pluto and various asteroids, etc.


The word 'many' here is relative to the naked eye.

If compared with star detection, the difficulty of planetary detection will be infinitely higher.

Because planets neither emit visible light nor are they generally large in size, they can only appear by reflecting light from stars.

Since it is difficult to observe planets directly, in the current astronomy community, indirect means such as Doppler spectroscopy and transiting the sun are mainly used to capture planets.

Doppler spectroscopy is to use the tiny shaking of the star caused by the planet's gravity to judge the existence of the planet, and can calculate the planet's mass and other information.

The law of transit judges the existence of a planet based on the decrease in the brightness of the star observed when the planet crosses in front of the star, and can infer the mass and size of the planet, and even its internal structure and other physical elements.

In addition, spectroscopic analysis can be used to investigate the dynamics and composition of the planet's atmosphere when the planet passes through the star plane. This is also the technical support that you can often see in the news that a certain exoplanet may be suitable for survival.

As of the update of this chapter, a total of only 5113 planets outside the solar system have been confirmed to exist.

More than 97% of the planets have not been directly observed, but have been confirmed by the means introduced above. (Check the website, if you are interested, you can save it and update it in real time. I found a new one yesterday)

In fact, it wasn't until 2004 that astronomers first directly observed a planet outside our solar system, called 2M1207b.

OK, back to the original topic.

Mentioned long ago.

The astronomical telescope was invented in 1609 by Galileo Galileo.

Therefore, the observation records earlier than 1609 are all observed with the naked eye, mainly for reference.

The data used to calculate the resolution are observation records with telescopes after 1609, including hand-painted images from 1609 to 1839, and black-and-white images from 1839 onwards.

This is also the reason why only over 4,000 of the tens of thousands of observation records will be used as screening samples in the end:

These are all records taken by astronomical telescopes or hand-painted, and it is possible to record the existence of Pluto on this scale.

Generally speaking.

In terms of mathematical definition, the accuracy of hand-drawn observation records for stars is only about 5%.

That is, among the 100 records, there are about 5 calculation results that conform to pure mathematics.

"The Yinjing deviation value is 0.0072, and no obvious abnormality was found in the No. 532 file!"

"The Yinjing deviation value is 0.0151, and no obvious abnormality was found in file No. 259!"

"The movement track of the file No. 0.4496777 of the Huangjing deviation value is obvious!"


"Chronoplast deviation."

Over time, individual observation records are identified and categorized.

Most of them were repacked back into the original archives, but a few were left on the desktop.

Looking at the two-centimeter-thick small pile of paper beside him, Xu Yun wiped the sweat from his forehead and let out a foul breath.

be honest.

Today's scene is more difficult than he expected.

When Xu Yun was still in business in his last life, he once listened to a lecture given by Mr. Zhang Jiaxiang under the organization of his work unit.

at the lecture.

Mr. Zhang Jiaxiang mentioned his respected teacher, academician Zhang Yuzhe, the founder of modern Chinese astronomy, and Xu Yun still remembers that part.

Academician Zhang Yuzhe was born in 1902, and he discovered the 1125th asteroid Zhonghuaxing in 1928.

In 1950.

Academician Zhang Yuzhe was appointed as the director of the Purple Mountain Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and carried out asteroid orbit determination.

But at that time, not to mention super calculations, even ordinary computers in China could not see half of the parts - the country will not set up the preparatory committee for the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences until six years later, and with the assistance of Big Brother, it has obtained the M3 model. computer-related information.

until 1958.

The electronic tube computer with 30 operations per second has only been manufactured in China.

So in the 1950s, Academician Zhang Yuzhe and Mr. Li Heng organized a team of more than 70 people to calculate and distinguish observation records with the naked eye.

Everyone should know more or less about the general environment at that time in 1950.

At that time, New China had just been established, and there was a lot of waste waiting to be done, and the country's money bags were tight.

Not to mention scientific research, even the number of aircraft on the ceremony is not enough:

At the ceremony, only 17 aircraft could be divided into 6 echelons, of which 9 P-51s flew back and forth twice.

So at that time, academician Zhang Yuzhe and the others didn't have much money to shoot photos - because the negatives were very expensive.

The observation data they identified mainly came from Big Brother, who had a good relationship with us at the time, and passed on more than 7,000 observation records within three years.

The number is indeed quite a lot, but there is a very troublesome thing about this thing:

They are all scanned versions, and the difficulty of identification and the original are completely two concepts.

It is under such conditions.

Academician Zhang Yuzhe and the others gritted their teeth to derive the formula, and then compared the observation records according to the difference.

In the end, between 50 and 54, they discovered more than 40 new stars, which laid an extremely solid foundation for the development of astronomy in China.

Say something that doesn't sound good.

Visual comparison is a very primitive, helpless, and even 'stupid' method.

But before computers, it was the only option available.

As in 1950, so in 1850.

Then Xu Yun took a deep breath and continued to proofread.

I saw him take another piece of paper, and quickly moved the pen according to the previous calculation process.

"f= @(x,y) 2.4645*x^2-0.8846*x*y+6.4917*y^2-1.3638*x-7.2016*y+1"

in a minute.

Xu Yun frowned slightly as he looked at the deviation value of the file numbered 1111 in front of him.

Displayed according to the notes on the portfolio.

This is an observation image taken by the Greenwich Observatory in July 1846.

Recorded through the galactic coordinate system, there are two pictures that are also black and white photos.

In theory.

The coordinate difference of this observation record should be accurate to four digits after the decimal point——taking the example from Shanghai to Jinmen mentioned earlier, the deviation value that can be determined by normal observation records is the distance between Shanghai and Tianjin. The difference in latitude and longitude of the cities between the gates is relatively wider.

For example, it may be from Songjiang to Jinmen, or it may be from Chongming Island to Jinmen. Only the specific city can be determined.

However, the accuracy of this observation record is very high. It can be confirmed that it is from the JA area of ​​Shanghai to the WQ area of ​​Jinmen. At most, the streets are not clearly distinguished.

However, the value calculated by Xu Yun is difficult to complement the trajectory of the file offset, and it roughly ran to Pudong.

See this situation.

Xu Yun hesitated for a moment, but still classified it into the category with obvious moving tracks.

Maybe there is a problem when the coordinate system is entered.

After all, the records of coordinates in the 19th century were still somewhat primitive, and probably had little impact.

that's all.

Time continued to pass.

seven thirty.

eight thirty.

nine o'clock

nine twenty

After more than three hours.

Johann Peter Gustave Les Gennes Dirichlet put down his pen and said:

"The deviation value of the Bank of China is 0.78124229. The moving track of the file is obvious!"

finish talking.

Subconsciously, he took out another piece of calculation paper and prepared for the next calculation.

But to his surprise.

This time, the assistant beside him did not report the coordinates, but said in a somewhat excited tone:

"Mr. Dirichlet, all observation records have been calculated!"

Dirichlet was taken aback when he heard this.

Immediately, he suddenly raised his head and looked around.

as expected.

All colleagues at the scene have put down their pens at this time, and Riemann is summarizing the observation records they have screened out one by one.

See this situation.

Dirichlet didn't feel relaxed at all, but became more and more nervous.

It is clear.

The result of everyone's hard work all night has reached the stage of final verification.

Whether or not the "Star Conan" can be found is all in one fell swoop!

Then Riemann moved the confiscated documents to Gauss, and said respectfully:

"Teacher, a total of 218 records are being summarized."

Gauss nodded at him, motioning for him to put it in front of him.

During the previous orbit identification process, Gauss had been sitting on the sidelines and resting his mind, and did not participate in the calculation process.

It's not that he's too old to participate in the calculation process.

It's because Gauss is the only one who has the ability to calculate Pluto's orbital equation through offset coordinates, including Xu Yun.

Of course.

Maybe wheat and Riemann can do it in the future. After all, one deduced Maxwell's equations, and the other tinkered with Riemann's conjecture.

But at present, they are all just the youth version, and the version update has not been completed yet.

As for Xu Yun.

to be honest.

Unless he is given a few days to calculate slowly, there is nothing he can do with these data.

After all, if it were that simple, Pluto would have been discovered long ago.

What Xu Yun can do is to slightly modify some of the data and add the correction values ​​recognized by later generations.

After all documents are put away.

Gauss picked up the pen and started the calculation directly on his seat without any shaking before casting the spell.

I saw that he first wrote down a formula on paper:

y row = cosa-d row/d ground cos(ω row/ω ground a).

z= 4.25 × 10-6cos(0.37π)cos(360a)


y = cosa-0.387cos4. 15a, z = 4.25×10-6cos(0. 37π)cos(360a).

The equation is simple.

It is the wave-type spiral motion equation of a planet in the system relative to a certain point on the equator of the earth under the double wave coordinate axes.

Then, another set of structural formulas is introduced, and the known long-term term is added to the formal calculation.

Xu Yun and Riemann accompanied Gauss, providing advice as a "descendant of fat fish".


"Coordinate difference is 0.6234"

Gauss' pen tip quickly danced on the calculation paper, and each item of data was quickly listed.

But students who know Pluto know it.

The trajectory of Pluto is actually very unethical, such as its orbit.

Pluto's orbit is a very large ellipse. Its perihelion is 4.4 billion kilometers, which is even closer than Neptune's orbit, but its aphelion is as high as 7.4 billion kilometers.

In terms of mathematical calculations, it is actually somewhat difficult to rely solely on the difference between pictures.

So it didn't take long.

The beating frequency of the Gauss pen tip slowed down, and it was obvious that he had encountered something that needed to be thought about.

ten minutes later.

For the first time the nib paused.

Although Gauss quickly resumed his pen, more pauses occurred in the following time.

Fortunately, with the assistance of Xu Yun and Riemann, Maimai, who was in charge of doing chores, occasionally came up with some ideas, so the whole process was pushed forward with difficulty but tenaciously.

at the same time.

Looking at the few people in the shed who seemed to be 'discussing the Tao', William Whewell outside the shed suddenly thought of something.

I saw that he recruited Lao Tang and gave him some instructions.

A few minutes later.

William Whewell walked into the shed with a plate of food, came to several people, and whispered to Xu Yun:

"Student Luo Feng, I have prepared some food and water. If you are hungry or thirsty, just take them."

Xu Yun glanced at the dean of his family who squeezed into the center behind him. Although he felt that the other party's behavior was a bit weird, he still took the plate and thanked:

"Thank you, Mr. Whewell"

The voice just fell.

There was a clicking sound outside the shed.

Xu Yun blinked and looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw Lao Tang was holding a video camera in his hand, standing not far from the shed, and the lens was pointed at the shed.

Xu Yun glanced at William Whewell, who was standing behind Gauss with an expression of "I think it can be calculated in this way", and then glanced at the plate in his hand:


Fortunately, Xu Yun had already handed over all the details to be hinted at to Gauss. Seeing that Whewell was still about to be exposed, he simply put down the plate and left the shed alone.

The waiting time for calculation results is long and boring, but some students don't want to miss this good show.

Therefore, while Gauss and others were calculating the data, Lao Tang and others simply opened the telescope to the students to observe the starry sky.

This was also one of Xu Yun's previous plans.

Compared with the three rounds of experiments on the photoelectric effect, the students tonight have a higher degree of participation.

Students who can be admitted to Cambridge these days don't talk about how high their quality is, at least they don't make loud noises in this kind of scene.

Therefore, the whole process basically did not cause much impact on the other side of the small shed.

When Xu Yun came to the side of the telescope, Tian Haosuo, an old acquaintance, just stepped down from the stargazing position and ended an observation.

This moment.

This oriental compatriot, who had just finished reporting the data not long ago, had an extremely shocked expression on his face, staring blankly at the sky.

Xu Yun walked up to him, raised his head, and said:

"Brother Hao, isn't the picture beautiful?"

".It's Brother Luo Feng."

Tian Hao was startled when he heard the voice, but he relaxed a lot after realizing it was Xu Yun.

He took a deep breath and nodded thoughtfully:

"To tell the truth, Brother Luo Feng, since my younger brother was born, this is the first time I have seen such a beautiful sight."

"There is a cloud in the ancients, the sky connects the clouds to the dawn and the mist, and the galaxy is about to turn into a thousand sails, but I am afraid that the layman Yi'an who wrote this poem has no idea that the 'galaxy' in her mouth is so vast."

Seeing Tian Haosuo's emotional expression, Xu Yun opened his mouth, wanting to say something inappropriate:

Dude, Xiao Li has not only watched the galaxy, but she can watch it for as long as she wants

However, considering that such flirtatious talk is easy to be beaten, Xu Yun still chose to shut up.

Of course.

Xu Yun's expectation that Tian Haosuo lost his composure like this was not so unexpected.

After all, this Tatara telescope is the treasure of the Greenwich Observatory, and it can be ranked among the top three stargazing equipment throughout the 19th century.

Don't talk about Tian Haosuo.

Even ordinary Cambridge students don't have much chance to get in touch with it on weekdays.

A "mengxin" who has never observed the universe with an astronomical telescope suddenly sees the vast starry sky. This impact will directly bombard the cognitive concept.

In fact, even in 2022, reactions similar to Tian Hao's are very common.

After all, the scale of the universe is really too big, and some numbers make people's scalp tingle every time they are mentioned.

Such as the most common sun.

The combined mass of all other substances in the solar system is less than 1% of the mass of the sun. Its mass is about 330,000 times that of the earth, and its volume is large enough to accommodate 1.3 million earths.

Is that too big?

Big wool!

9,500 light-years away from us lies a red supergiant star called UY Scuti.

Guess what its data is?

The answer is that the diameter is 2.37 billion kilometers, and the diameter alone is 1700 times larger than the sun.

That means it's big enough to hold about 4.5 billion suns, or 6,500 trillion Earths.

Even if we fly around this planet at the speed of light, it will take about 9 hours to complete.

However, this estimate includes an error of about 192 solar radii, which means that the radius of UY Scuti is between 1516-1900 solar radii.

If calculated by the minimum radius, its scale will be smaller than V354 Cepheus and VX Sagittarius, but it is still quite terrifying.

There is also a famous star called R136a1.

Its mass is about 300 times that of the sun, and its brightness is one million times that of the sun-it is also the largest and brightest star currently observed.

If Tianjin Fan was born in the star system where R136a1 is located, then his Sun Fist could definitely kill Vegeta.

There is a number on the official website of ESA, which is the European Space Agency, updating the discovery record of the Gaia probe:

At present, the number of observed stars has exceeded 1.8 billion. It also drew the clearest image of the Milky Way just a month ago. It is estimated that there are about 200-400 billion stars in the Milky Way.

With a diameter of about 200,000 light-years, the Milky Way is one of more than 50 galaxies in the Local Group of galaxies, which in turn is a member of the Local Supercluster of galaxies.

The Local Supercluster contains hundreds of galaxy clusters and covers an area of ​​about 100 million light-years across the sky.

The largest of these is the Virgo Cluster, containing at least 2,500 galaxies.

The superior structure of this supercluster is the Laniakea supercluster, which contains at least 100,000 galaxies, and there is a structure with a range of tens of billions of light years above.

These galaxies are large and small, and the Milky Way is just one of the medium-sized galaxies.

Small galaxies have about 10 billion stars, such as the Large Magellanic Cloud, which is closest to us.

Large galaxies are larger than we imagined.

For example, a galaxy 3 billion light-years away from us has been discovered, with a diameter 160 times that of the Milky Way and a mass about 240 billion times that of the Milky Way.

At present, the astronomy community named this galaxy after the giant "Alcyonius" in ancient Greek mythology. If the structure of stars there is similar to that of the Milky Way, the number of stars will be as many as 960 trillion.

Well, the above numbers are not wrong.

In reality, you often see the word "astronomical figure" used to describe a certain huge number, because when it comes to the scale of the universe, some large numbers will make your scalp numb. (I sincerely suggest that everyone must see the starry sky once in their lifetime. At present, the observatories available in China include Purple Mountain Observatory, Qingdao Observatory, Yanjing Observatory Xinglong Observatory, Magic City Sheshan Observatory, etc. Tickets are not very expensive)

"The starry sky"

Looking at the sky full of stars above his head, Tian Haosuo hesitated for a moment, then suddenly asked Xu Yun:

"Brother Luo Feng, do you believe in fate?"

"Is our life just like the stars in the sky, some people are born as stars, while others are just like planets?"

Xu Yun looked at the student from the East strangely, shook his head decisively and said:

"I do not believe."

be honest.

Xu Yun is optimistic about life in outer space, after all, the universe is too big.

At the same time, the several time travels brought by the halo inevitably made him feel a little in awe of the mysterious side - Baobuqi, this is a game made by some high-dimensional life, and there are a bunch of people watching him outside the screen.

But if it is fate, he really doesn't believe it.

Even if he is a character written by an author, he doesn't believe that everything is predestined.


I really thought that he had never been an internet writer before. Those pigeons could know the plot three hours ahead of the readers, which is considered awesome. How can they determine their fate?

Then he glanced at Tian Hao's place, thinking that this child must not be shocked by the starry sky and lose his mind, and start thinking about life, right?

So he thought about it, and said to Tian Hao:

"Brother Hao, let's put it this way, I don't understand it from a distance, at least I have seen many examples of changing fate against the sky."

"Some people started from scratch and worked hard to build a business empire."

"There are also ordinary citizens who took advantage of the trend and became well-known video. Ahem, theatrical performers."

"There are also people who were just ordinary workers who strayed into the literary world because of their hobby of writing. In the end, they gained both fame and fortune, and their wealth was free."

After speaking, he sighed and continued:

"I don't deny that some people's development trajectory may indeed be smooth, but what is the proportion of this group of people?"

"Look at our scene, look at the professors who are calculating the data, can this be summed up in the word fate?"

"At least for the general public, fate is often just an excuse for self-comfort."

In his previous life, Xu Yun first engaged in scientific research and then business, and at the same time engaged in writing. His social circle is wider than most people.

He has seen all kinds of people in these three industries, and he has seen too many examples of changing lives through hard work.

Life is very realistic and cruel. Some people are born in Rome, and some choose to lie flat. Xu Yun also respects their choices.

After all, everyone lives differently.

But if you attribute all of this to the word 'fate', you will be a little self-paralyzed.

Seeing that Tian Hao was a little moved, Xu Yun said again:

"Brother Hao, let me correct one more point of your wrong knowledge."

"That is, although the planet does not emit visible light, it emits infrared rays. If you don't believe me, you can find a professor at the scene, such as Professor Faraday, and tell him that infrared rays are not considered light. See if he hits your head."

"It doesn't matter if you find a star closer, you can rely on it to refract the light."

"But stars may decay and explode, and eventually turn into dust-forming soil—maybe you were a star in your last life, how do you explain it with fate?"

If Xu Yun's previous words were a bit like chicken soup, then the latter words were beyond Tian Hao's perception.

Xu Yun noticed that the hands of this oriental compatriot were shaking.

Afterwards, Tian Haosuo was silent for a long time, his gloomy eyes dimly brightened a little, and he said to Xu Yun again:

"Brother Luo Feng, so there is really no destiny in this world?"

Xu Yun sighed, patted his shoulder, and said:

"Brother Hao, I've said almost everything I need to say. You and I are both adults. You should have your own judgment on whether something is true or not."

After he finished speaking, he paused, hesitated for a moment, and added:

"Also, Brother Hao, let me give you another word."

Tian Haosuo was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly bowed his hands to Xu Yun, and said seriously:

"I also ask brother Luo Feng to enlighten me."

Xu Yun looked up at the sky, and said slowly:

"According to the principle of proton decay, even planets will explode one day—it doesn't matter if you don't understand, I'm telling the reader, the focus is on the back."

"Some of those scattered stars will form meteorites, and as long as the timing is right, they will shine when they enter the atmosphere."

"Although the time is very short, and it consumes its own lifespan, it is indeed... the light emitted by the planet itself."

"So brother Hao, what you said is wrong from beginning to end, from reason to physics."

Tian Haosuo was stunned for a moment.

at the same time.

In the small shed not far away, Gauss also let out a long sigh of relief, and gently put down his pen.

On the table in front of him, there were several observation records.

In these observation records, a certain area of ​​them is circled with a red pen, and a faintly visible star is outlined.

"I found you. Star Conan!"

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