Into Unscientific

Please give me monthly tickets for November and follow-up arrangements for this book.

Hello, dear readers, it’s another new month, and I would like to wish you a happy new year!

Last month, I originally said that the dungeon would be completed that month, but there were too many threads buried before, so it will probably be officially completed in the first ten days of this month, which is about ten days longer than expected. Overall, it is not bad.

This copy made our book increase by an average of 5,000 in half a year, which is unbelievable for a niche book like mine.

Logically speaking, there should be regular updates to the rules in November, but this month we will not do it due to physical problems - because we need surgery.

That’s right, I haven’t had surgery yet

In September, the first surgical index inspection failed, and a P value was not up to standard.

I originally planned to prepare for a re-examination the next week, but I didn't expect that my grandma was in critical condition in the hospital, so I rushed home urgently. The re-examination canceled the surgery and naturally I couldn't do it.

While my grandma was getting better, I had a fever again in early October, which lasted from the 3rd to the 15th before I fully recovered.

Everything is stable now. I have to have surgery this month.

So there will be no extra updates this month, but everyone who has a monthly ticket is still pitiful and pity me. Firstly, it is indeed miserable, and secondly, it is because I made a very important decision.

That is, after this copy is completed, write another copy.

This is actually a very difficult decision, because books with the word count like ours are basically no longer recommended, and we can only rely on the exposure of the monthly vote list.

Not an exaggeration.

If I choose to finish this book this month and start a new book in two months, the recommendation and royalties should be higher than this one.

But I am a bit, how should I put it, a bit hypocritical. I feel that writing a book cannot be just for money, otherwise I wouldn’t even have to open this book.

I have introduced those characters in the book, so at least I have to give an explanation to the readers - even if this will cost me a lot of royalties compared to writing a new book.

But why do I say that I am fake and noble? Because if I am really noble, I don’t have to hesitate for so long. Wow, kaka, to put it bluntly, I just want to save face.

It’s just feelings, feelings, the only way to expose our book is indeed the monthly ticket list, so here I beg for a wave of guaranteed monthly tickets for November, okay?

As for the extra chapter, it’s a bit exciting, but it hasn’t passed the review. I need to revise it, and I will revise it after I recover from the surgery.

No matter how little there are updates this month, it will never be less than 150,000 words, so please! Come vote! ! ! !

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