Game life world.

Many races have heard the oath to the covenant and have understood many things.

"It turns out that the current peace was bought by our ancestors with their lives!"

Humans couldn't hide their inner pain and cried out in a broken way.

Sora looked at Rick, who was very similar to himself, and murmured, "Is this the prototype of the covenant?"

Jibril on the side fell into contemplation, always feeling that she had seen this Hugh somewhere.

But 6000 years is too long, and many things have been forgotten.

【The screen continues...】

Hubby followed Rick to the entrance of the secret base. At this time, the sky was extremely gorgeous, and a little brilliance poured into the world. It was not as hot as the sun, nor as cold as the night, and some were just gentle.

[Hey, let me ask you a question, what is the probability of me proposing to Xiubi now? 】

Hubby blinked and was stunned, but she still replied:

[The intent of the question is unclear, and the estimate is basically zero...]

Rick chuckled and said:

[Look, you are wrong. 】

Rick squatted down, took out a ring, and said to Hubby:

【Marry me, leave! 】

Hubby looked at Rick with incomprehensible eyes, and then said:

[Interpretation...failed...rejection request! 】

Rick was extremely hit, lying on the cold ground, tears streaming down his face, his whole body became pale and pale, and his body was constantly twisted.

【I'm really sorry! ! ! 】

[A mere virgin shouldn't push his nose on his face! ! ! 】

Before the end of the world, he ushered in the end of his marriage proposal being rejected.

The world... Destroy it... It doesn't matter anymore... People are already numb.

Hubby slowly walked towards the entrance and muttered:

【 a contract formed by human beings for reproduction】

[Hubie is a machine guy can't do this kind of behavior]

Rick from behind shouted:

[That’s okay, I just simply want to be with Hugh! 】

【 here by your side】

【It doesn't mean's a life partner】

【Machine Guy species cannot breed...】

【That's no problem at all! 】

[Machine Guys can't act... Rick will be a virgin for the rest of his life! 】

Rick hesitated for a few seconds, then gritted his teeth and said:

【That's okay! 】


【Don't care about those little details! 】

With a confused and sad expression on Hubby's face, his body trembled, and he whispered:

【No...because I destroyed Rick's hometown! 】

Twelve years ago, there was an unexpectedly large-scale engagement between the Mecha Guys.

The opponent is Yanlong, one of the three crowned with the title of "King" of the dragon spirit species.

In order to defend against Yan Longxiao, the machine guy turned the attack position, and that was Rick's hometown...

After listening to Hubby's words, Rick shook his head helplessly, scratched his cheeks, and showed a child-like innocent smile.

[I know all of these, even with these as the premise, I still fell in love with Hubby...]

Rick stroked Hubby's cheek and said gently:

[Let the past go by, it's pointless to entangle the past... gnashing teeth... remorse... crying... next time we must move forward]

Rick bent down and took Hubby's hand.

【Even in such a world, I want to be with Hubby】

Rick put the ring lightly on her ring finger.

【Would you like to be my wife?】

Hubby gave up thinking at this time, tears running down his cheeks, wrong storms and logical contradictions.

Let her understand that this is love.

[Little girl is not talented...forever...forever...please let me stay by your side...]

【I should say this...】


The world of passers-by women.

"Sister, I think I will marry a second-dimensional wife in the future!"

Senior Sister Heisi looked at the second-hand junior with dissatisfaction.


"Because of Kawaii!"


Dragon King World.

"Master, master, will you marry me in the future!?" Ai looked at the Dragon King expectantly.

"Ah... maybe..."

At the same time, several of the Dragon King's inmates were asked by those around him.


[The ghosts in the picture don't kill anyone, don't let anyone die, they only use various means, intelligence, tactics and tricks to induce the war situation]

The goblin species was provided to the orcs to create a mass destruction weapon called marrow blast that can kill even the god species.

And Rick appeared in front of the elves....

When he appeared in front of Hubby again, he was already on the verge of death and had been inhaling black ash for too long.

Rick, who had almost a breath left, looked at Hubby who looked anxious and asked weakly:

【Hubby, how long do I have to... 】

Hubby hugged Rick and said with an angry look:

[Rick must be alive before Hughbie dies! 】

Rick raised his head, half of his face was contaminated, and asked softly:

[How many years does the Guy species live...]

【And 892 years...】

[Haha...Then I have to work harder...]

The first goal of the ghost is completed, keeping the war circle away from humans.

The ghosts are constantly plotting war behind the scenes, and everything is according to their plan.

Almost all races are led by their noses.

However, there is still the strongest Flügel here, the gods.

When Clooney found Rick, looking at him like this, people were about to collapse and their hearts hurt.

That's when Rick also spoke out about their plans.

They're going to destroy the planet so that the chalice will appear and rebuild the planet!

(Brothers, I'm numb. I wrote from 1:00 to 5:00 this morning, but the chapter was sent wrong. I just finished editing and found that the manuscript was cut and not saved, so the content was completely lost, and I played with eggs for a few hours. Mentality exploded a little...)*

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