It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 2 The Transcript of Running Water, the Iron Fight

When clicking on a certain Chinese website and registering an account, Su Chen unexpectedly discovered that he actually had a registered writer account at a certain point.

"This name is too high school."

Su Chen saw that the author Id he used before was called "Vampire" and had already published a work.

It turns out that the owner of the original body is also very keen on writing, and published a work called "I'm Really Not an Elf" on a certain platform.

However, the results are very dismal, and the average order is only a few hundred.

Afterwards, Su Chen briefly read the contents of the book, but couldn't help but quit after reading the first three chapters.

"What is this writing?"

The sentences are not smooth, the words are chewy, the plot arrangement is unreasonable, and there are many poisonous points...

Such a book, even in this world, at the beginning stage of the development of online literature, cannot escape the fate of hitting the street.

Then he clicked on the book review area. There were only a few people with a fan value of more than 5,000. class comments.

Although there are not many fans, but the loyalty is OK.

Su Chen couldn't help but find it a little funny, and thought to herself that she should continue to use this account, which can be regarded as fulfilling the dream of a writer for the former owner of the body.

So Su Chen clicked on the Ward file and started her own moving business.

Su Chen has read too many web articles in the previous life, such as Coiling Dragon, Witch, and Abandoned Young Master. Or the sword on the Riqing side, the magic ban, from zero.

These works have not yet appeared in this world.

Regarding these, Su Chen has carefully searched for information on the computer and confirmed it.

In this world, there are no potatoes, no Ermu, and no Sanshao. Looking through the list of the most influential writers at a certain point, there are people and works that Su Chen doesn't know at all.

So he can carry it with confidence.

"What book should I open?" Su Chen tapped his fingers on the computer desk very rhythmically, lost in thought.

In the end, after much deliberation, he typed the four characters "Fights Break the Sky" on the document.

If you want to say that the most popular and influential work in the early days, it still has to be "Fights Break Sphere".

The originator of the "retirement and waste firewood" style, I believe it will shine in this world where the Internet has just started.

Su Chen, who was sitting in front of the computer, clenched her fists.

Fighting power, three stages!

So scary!


Coding out the first ten chapters in one breath, because it is copied directly in the mind, the speed is naturally very fast.

But the process was boring typing. After Xiuxian typed out ten chapters in one go in the middle of the night, Su Chen also felt mentally exhausted.

After opening the book in the fantasy category, uploading three chapters in one go, and saving the rest for manuscripts, it was already three o'clock in the morning. Su Chen couldn't help being sleepy anymore, turned off the computer, and prepared to sleep.

"I can't see any signs in the middle of the night, so go to bed first."

Yawning, Su Chen quickly fell asleep and went to play chess with Duke Zhou.

the next day.

In the company office of a certain website.

Bai Yu is a young editor in charge of the fantasy category of a certain website.

His usual job is to review and manage his authors, etc., as well as analyze website data.

Of course, the most important job is to review the works.

I have to review hundreds of books every day, and find good books that have commercial value and can be signed. This job is not ordinary boring. Like other old editors, Bai Yu's sense of expectation and interest in his career has long since dried up. , the rest is only boring day after day.

It is impossible for everyone to write the same works as the great gods, more of them are "drugs". We must carefully look at the many drugs and find out the high-quality ones. The degree of torture is not ordinary.

The category of fantasy is very popular at a certain point,

Especially the web literature in this world has just started, fantasy carries all the YY of young people.

This afternoon, Bai Yu, as always, held a coffee cup and reviewed in front of the computer.

There was no fluctuation on his face, and his eyes kept turning to stare at the screen because of the speed reading.

"At the beginning of the game, you fight and kill. It's inexplicable. Sixteen different characters appeared in just one chapter. It's a mess, and it's in the clouds. Alas, but the selling point is reasonable. Let's continue to follow up with some words..."

Looking at the manuscript quickly, Bai Yu sighed and continued to look at the next manuscript.

Eighty percent of the books are fantasy openings that people can't even read, but he has been in the industry for a long time, and he has long been used to it.

"Eh? Fights Break the Sky? That's a good name..." Bai Yu's eyes lit up, and she opened the book with great interest.

[This is the world of fighting spirit, there is no fancy and gaudy magic, there is only fighting spirit that has multiplied to the peak...]

Just after reading the introduction, Bai Yu was full of praise and had great expectations for the content of the book.

"The setting of this introduction is very novel."

If it wasn't for the headline party, then his vindictive setting would probably go viral.

As an editor of online articles, he still has this vision.

The author number of "Fights Break Sphere": Vampire, a total of three chapters have been uploaded.

White Feather began to read.

After that, he couldn't stop.

The opening is a refreshing setting, vindictiveness, divorce, Bai Yu seems to have discovered a new world, and read the three chapters uploaded by the author with the pseudonym "Vampire" in one go.

The flame of passion that had been silent for many years rekindled in his heart, and now he felt that he had found the feeling of chasing and updating online articles before, eagerly waiting for the author to update.

It seems to be a few years younger.

This work is so terrifying!

Bai Yu quickly took a deep breath, calmed down, opened the background, and sent a short message to the author "Vampire".

At the same time, he was also curious. He had never heard of this vampire, and it might be a new vest opened by some great god.

After sending the site short, Bai Yu let out a heavy breath, and continued to devote himself to the review of other works.


On the other side, in Su Chen's residence, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, and my sister had just finished the live broadcast.

It has been a night since time travel to this world, and with a lot of memories, Su Chen has gradually adapted to the current life.

After turning on the computer and playing two rounds of LOL with Su Xiaoxiao, Su Chen realized that it was getting late and it was time to prepare dinner.

That's right, my sister has to broadcast live all day long, which leads to him doing almost all the housework, including taking care of her sister, preparing three meals for her every day, and so on.

Just when he went in to deliver food to Su Xiaoxiao, he also saw the bullet screen jokingly calling himself a breeder, which made Su Xiaoxiao laugh out loud.

Standing up and putting on her coat, Su Chen planned to go out and buy some vegetables and meat while the supermarket was still closed.

Su Chen glanced at Su Xiaoxiao who was lying on the sofa beside her, and asked casually, "Shall we go for a walk together?"

"Walking? Don't ask me to help you carry the vegetables?" Su Xiaoxiao didn't raise her head, "I don't want to go to that kind of tiring exercise. I'm very tired after a day of live broadcasting."

it is as expected.

Su Chen curled her lips and walked out alone without any trace of ink.

Su Xiaoxiao glanced at the back of her elder brother leaving, lazily turned over, and continued to swipe her phone.

After a while, she felt a little bored, and threw her phone on the sofa. She suddenly felt that after a day of live broadcast, it would be nice to go out for a walk with the idiot brother.

beep beep beep——

At this moment, a computer notification sounded.

Su Xiaoxiao pulled herself together—it was obviously not hers, her computer had been turned off just now...

The voice came from my brother's room!

"Brother idiot's QQ notification tone?" With a hint of interest in Su Xiaoxiao's eyes, she tiptoed to Su Chen's room.


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