It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Chapter 122: Find me?

After leaving the hotel, Chu Heng rushed back in a hurry, all the way covered in stars and moon, against the wind and snow.

After coming home to the door, he took out an aluminum lunch box from the warehouse, which contained the meals he had put in before.

Potato braised pork, very fragrant!

When she unlocked and entered the room, Ni Yinghong was still sleeping. Maybe it was because the room was a little hot, or the girl was dishonest when she slept. Half of the quilt was kicked off for her, revealing a creamy white and delicate back, and a place where she could live and nurture.


How can the dog thing hold, take it off and get into the bed.

Ni Yinghong didn't even open her eyes, she knew that her own man had returned just by the faint breath lingering on the tip of her nose.

She turned herself over in joy, stretched out two snow-white lotus arms, and hugged the man tightly, with a satisfied and soft smile on her pretty face.

But in the next moment, her expression changed to panic!



after an hour.

After Chu Heng's unremitting efforts, little girl Ni was finally woken up.

By the time she had dinner, it was already past nine o'clock. The girl weakly glanced at the man, and stood up tremblingly with her weak legs: "It's too late, take me back."

"Why don't you go." Chu Heng held her little hand still.

"I don't!" Ni Yinghong shook her head like an out-of-control electric fan, her faith extremely firm.

If you stay any longer, you will die!

"Okay." Chu Heng sighed in disappointment, simply cleaned up, and carried the girl away from the large courtyard.

Well, the bike is temporarily here again, and I have to pick it up tomorrow.

On the way, the young couple quickly reached a consensus and made a decision to add five sheets and five cotton pads to the shopping list.

In the icy cold wind, the two walked slowly, thinking about the future life without shame and shame, and their hearts were full of expectations.

The two of them were sweet and sweet all the way, and it took a long time before they arrived at the Ni Family Courtyard.

They hugged tightly at the door for a while, and then they dispersed with great reluctance.

At this time, all the houses in the large courtyard had turned off the lights and rested. Ni Yinghong leaned against the wall and walked to the door of the house with trembling step by step. She pulled the door hard and found that it was locked!

Little Ni girl: ? ? ? ? ?

Why did you lock the door before I got back? Do you still have my daughter in sight?

Ni Yinghong bit her seductive lips angrily, then leaned against the wall and walked out of her parents' window, knocking gently on the window.

"Dong Dong Dong!"


Mother Ni's voice sounded inside, and there was a trace of anger in her voice that her beautiful dream was disturbed.


Ni Yinghong is even more angry, her daughter has not come back yet, you are always asleep, is it your daughter?

Mother Ni put on her clothes rustlingly, and pulled her slippers to the door. When she opened the door, she saw the girl who was full of resentment. She was even surprised: "Why are you back?"

Ni Yinghong was a little confused: "Where am I going if I don't come back?"

"You haven't come back at this hour, I thought you lived in Xiaochu." Mother Ni said angrily.

The girl's pretty face blushed, and her aura was extinguished immediately, and she said in a panic, "I... We're not married yet. What am I doing with him."

"You know you're not married yet?"

Mother Ni rolled her eyes at her, turned her head and walked back to the bedroom, and shouted in dissatisfaction: "I tell you, next time it's so late, no one will open the door for you, and you woke up just after falling asleep. God, it can really torment people."


Ni Yinghong responded weakly and rolled back to the bedroom with her neck shrunk.

Lying back on the bed, the tired girl couldn't fall asleep. She turned over every once in a while, turning over and over like a pancake, with that warm and solid embrace in her mind.

The girl counted the days with her fingers and sighed that time passed so slowly.


At noon the next day, Chu Heng ate a melon at the aunts' place just after dinner.

The rolling mill is about to build a new dormitory and a family building. Many employees of the rolling mill are starting to run around, giving gifts and looking for relationships.

Of course, there are also some people who feel that they are qualified enough, the old **** is sitting at home and waiting for the room. Without a house, it is simply unreasonable.

When Chu Heng heard the news, he admired Deputy Director Li's calculation for a while.

Building a building, from the bright side, he is seeking welfare for the employees, and he will definitely win the favor of many employees in the factory.

Behind the scenes, that old boy can reap a lot of people's hearts through the room allocation quota in his hand. This can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Maybe now the factory manager's words are not as effective as him.

And he is not a conspiracy, this is a bright conspiracy, even if the director of the rolling mill saw his plan, he would not dare to stop it, but he was on the opposite side of the people, no one else needed can kill him.

"Old Yin Pui is Lao Yin Pui!" Chu Heng was satisfied with this melon, and returned to the office with a cigarette in his mouth.

The old man in the house had already set up the carriage, and when he saw him coming in, he provocatively said: "Boy, do you dare to come for a few dishes?"

"I'm afraid you and I are naive!" Chu Heng pouted his lips contemptuously, picked up the chess piece and killed him with a "papapa".

You come and go on both sides, it's so lively.

After pushing the car for a while, Guo Xia suddenly ran over and said to Chu Heng, "Brother, a deputy manager of a seed company is looking for you."

"From the seed company?" Chu Heng was a little confused. Although he had friends all over the city, he really didn't know the deputy manager of the seed company, and he didn't know why he came to him.

He went to the front room full of doubts, and saw a middle-aged man with a bald head standing at the door with gifts such as tobacco, alcohol, and cakes.

Chu Heng frowned and glanced at the few cheap things in his hand. It was obvious that he was here to give gifts. He was immediately confused. The manager of a seed company gave a gift to a grain store registrar. It was a bit too fantastical, he stepped forward in surprise and asked, "Are you looking for me?"

"Are you Comrade Chu Heng? Hello, I'm Wang Jun, the deputy manager of the seed company!" The middle-aged man stretched out his hand with a smile on his face and shook it forcefully.

Although he didn't know each other, Chu Heng still had a professional smirk on his face, and said enthusiastically: "It turns out that Manager Wang is Peng Dishenghui, Pengdishenghui, why do you have today? Are you free here?"

Wang Jun was stunned for a while, seeing the reaction of the guy on the other side, how did he feel that they were familiar with Yazi?

But he clearly remembered that he had never been in contact with this young man!

However, he quickly realized that he was pretending to be polite to him. He couldn't help but re-look at Chu Heng, who was full of oily taste, and complained secretly in his heart.

I thought it was a fool, but I didn't think it was an old fried dough stick. It looks like I'm going to bleed a little today.

He smiled bitterly and said, "I am here today to ask you for something."

"Please? Do you want rice and noodles, or peanuts and melon seeds?" This was the first thing Chu Heng thought of, otherwise, what would he do in the food store.

"Neither." Wang Jun shook his head and looked around in embarrassment, with a look of hesitating to speak.

Chu Heng immediately understood, pulled him and walked out: "The house is too messy, let's chat outside."

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