It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Chapter 129: Minato

People in this era are proud of being diligent and thrifty. Bai Bart, who had a huge sum of 20,000 yuan in his hand, heard that it was cheaper to buy a second-hand one without a ticket. Okay?"

"That's not possible." Chu Heng, a senior Taobao master, assured him with a smile: "You have to trust the organization. How can they sell things that can't be used? Isn't that deceiving the masses!"

The current state-owned stores are just that good. They are absolutely genuine. If there is a problem, they will tell you clearly in person. If you want to buy it, you can buy it.

It belongs to Zetian and Renjie, one is willing to fight, the other is willing to suffer.

Bai Bart pondered for a while after hearing this, and thought of a compromise solution: "How about this, buy a new one with the tickets you've put together, and then buy a second-hand one for the rest?"

"No problem." As an invisible rich man, Chu Heng naturally wouldn't feel bad about counting the votes. He wiped himself and asked old man Lian to ask for leave, and then took Baibat home.

His tickets are all in the warehouse, but he can't take them out directly, he has to go home and pretend.

If he dared to take out a bunch of tickets directly from his bag, he would have to be regarded as mentally ill.

After all, who is not sick will take their family with them when they go out?

The two of them got home quickly. After entering the house, Chu Heng pretended to look through the chest of drawers, exposing his firm buttocks to the villain behind him. This was a great trust.

After a while, he took out a wooden box and a big push of bills from the cabinet, some of which he received from the pigeon market, and some of which were given by those who had been looking for him during these days.


The big dog threw the things directly on the table, and waved his hand boldly: "Just take whatever you like, don't be polite to the Lord."

This prairie guy is also sincere. He picked up the tickets and started flipping them one by one. The four major tickets and industrial coupons are his first choice. Seeing one, take one, and the other tickets are not spared. Canned food Tickets, tea tickets, milk powder tickets, sugar tickets and other rare things, he will take some.

After a while, the pile of tickets was reduced by half.

After the election was over, Bai Bart looked at the thick stack of votes and felt a little embarrassed. He thought about it and said, "It's too many, I can't ask for it for nothing, I'll exchange the money for you."

"What about me? What my brother lacks the most is this thing, take it with peace of mind." Chu Heng rolled his eyes at him, went up to collect the remaining tickets, and asked him, "Oh, I heard that your Block people like to eat pasta, do you want some noodles?"

Bai Bart was actually envious of his face tickets just now, but the food is too expensive, he was embarrassed to start, when the big dog offered to give it, he suddenly moved and shyly rubbed his hands: "This is not good. "

"When did you learn to be polite?" Chu Heng pouted, picked out a fifty-pound note and threw it to him, then took the rest to the chest of drawers, and handed his back to his comrade-in-arms again.

Bai Bart was completely moved: "You friend, I didn't cross."

Putting the things back into the warehouse, the two left the courtyard on bicycles. Chu Heng, who was over 1.80 meters tall, carried Baibat, who was more than 2 meters tall. He had a sense of sight of a small horse-drawn cart and was very happy. feel.

The two of them went to the police station to find He Zishi first. This guy is not a stingy person, so he just emptied his own family, with 18 industrial coupons and a watch ticket.

Then there is Guo Kai, this grandson can't do it anymore. After rummaging through boxes and cabinets, he found ten industrial coupons. He felt embarrassed. Finally, he gritted his teeth, found a colleague in the unit, and borrowed five coupons from others.

Leaving from him, the two went to Hu Zhengwen again.

This honest man is very arrogant now. His father-in-law paved the road straight and smooth, and his career was smooth sailing. His daughter-in-law even regarded him as a treasure.

As soon as Chu Heng and the others went to Hu Zhengwen's unit to talk about the situation, he, who was still in the apprenticeship stage, drove them home with the liberation of National Taiwan University.

At this time, the car is a treasure in any unit. If another apprentice does this, he will be kicked by the special mother.

"Tu Tu Tu!"

The big car swayed all the way, bumped and bumped, and it took a while to stop at the entrance of the Hu family compound.

Zhang Yi was on the night shift recently. When the three entered the room, she was still sleeping. Hu Zhengwen felt sorry for his daughter-in-law, so he didn't wake her up. .

But the girl slept lightly and woke up when she heard some movement. She opened her eyes and saw that her man had returned, and asked lazily, "Why are you back at this time?"

"The squad leader and Bai Bart are here. They want to count tickets to buy things. I'll come back to get them and wake you up." Hu Zhengwen looked at his daughter-in-law apologetically.

"Brother Hengzi is here!" Hearing the arrival of the benefactor, Zhang Yi hurriedly got out of the bed and put on clothes: "We can't neglect others, I'll cook a few dishes, and you can have some at noon."

Hu Zhengwen looked at his daughter-in-law's dark circles, a little unbearable, stepped forward to hold her down, and said, "Oh, don't be too busy, sleep well, I'll take them to the restaurant later."

"Then I have to get up and see you. Brother Hengzi is here. I'm still sleeping here. It's rude." …

After she was dressed, she simply washed her face, and walked out of the bedroom with small steps. When she saw Bai Bart, the murderous man, she was also taken aback. Soon to calm down, she glanced at the empty tabletop and greeted warmly, "Brother Hengzi is here, look at Hu Zhengwen, I don't know how to pour a glass of water."

"Don't be busy, we'll be gone in a while." Chu Heng smiled and waved his hand, Zhang Yi's condition after marriage was much better than The little face was flushed, and the smile was sincere and bright.

"What are you going to go? I'll cook a few dishes for you. You can go after you have eaten." After Zhang Yi poured a glass of water for the two of them, she hurried to the kitchen.

After a while, Mother Hu, who was eating melons outside, also heard the letter and came back. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were busy together, and they quickly prepared four dishes.

Fried eggs with green onions, fried peanuts with salt, fried pork with mushrooms, fried bacon with cabbage slices and vermicelli.

Full of sincerity.

Because there was still something to do in the afternoon, they didn't drink too much wine. The three shared a bottle of Jingzhi Baigan and drove the truck to the old company commander.

The main event is still here. Wei Chaoying is a powerful cadre of the Materials Bureau, so he can definitely get a lot of tickets, and Baibat still wants to buy tea bricks, so he needs to get this.

As soon as he went to the locality to tell the situation, the old company commander got a hundred industrial coupons and ten tea bricks.

Although it was a lot, it was still a drop in the bucket for Bai Bart's 20,000 yuan.

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