Candice came to this house because she wanted to meet Misha and thought her son was lonely, but of course, this stubborn son of her wouldn't admit it.

However, what Candice got was an extraordinary surprise. She felt like her soul had left her body when she heard Misha's confession.

"She is my daughter," Misha said in a firm voice, he looked directly into his mother's eyes, indicating that he meant what he said.

For a moment, Candice wanted to laugh and say her son was joking, but she couldn't even do that because of how serious Misha looked at the moment.

"Are you being serious?" asked Candice in a choked voice. She felt her whole body tremble when she heard that.

"I am serious, mother, Mika is my child." Misha knew that this was a shock to his mother and could see by the way the blood flowed down her mother's face which still looked beautiful.

"But… she… how old… how old is she?" Judging from the food served, it was certain that this was an older child and not a baby.

"Three years old," Misha replied.

"Three years?!" Candice widened her eyes. She had been a grandmother for three years and she didn't even know that?! "How could that be?!"

And an unexpected reaction came from Candice, she hit her son's arm many times. Even though it didn't hurt, it was certain that this was one of the things she did to vent her frustration on Misha.

"How could you hide this for three years!?" Candice exclaimed in great annoyance.

Misha then waved his hand at the babysitter to go first to deliver food to Mika, because he didn't want his daughter to eat late and get sick again.

"How could you hide this from your mom and dad all this time?!" Candice shouted again.

Meanwhile, Misha took all the spanking and scolding from his mother quietly. He neither fought nor denied her, because he knew his mother too well.

The first thing to do in a situation like this was to remain silent, because Candice needed to let out all the emotions she was feeling and only then could she hear other people's explanations and digest them better.

It wasn't until Candice's emotions calmed down and she was a bit calmer to talk that Misha brought her to sit on the couch and started talking to her.

"How could you hide this for three years?" Candice looked at Misha in disbelief. She tried to think what the possible reasons could be for Misha to be like this, because all this time she thought the relationship between the two of them was fine.

"I only found out about her existence six months ago and the situation between myself and the mother of the child is a little difficult and complicated, so I can't tell you this." Misha sat beside Candice and explained things calmly, but she knew her son better. Misha was actually holding back his feelings and trying to patch things up.

"Six months ago?" Candice frowned. "How did you find out you were a father six months ago?" this was the most ridiculous situation that she had ever been.

And then, as if Candice remembered something very important, her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Tell me, that woman, the woman you brought to the Tordoff family reunion, is the mother of your child, isn't she?" asked Candice with fiery eyes. She would be able to tell it straight away if Misha ever lied to her at this point.

"Yes, Kia is the mother of Mika, my daughter," said Misha honestly.

Candice looked very shocked, but then she immediately recovered from it and started asking questions again. How did Misha just know that he was a father?

Long story short, Misha told about what happened four years ago.

He didn't go into details, because even for him to bring it all back up, it would be embarrassing. He was not proud of what he had done at that time.

If he could return to the past, he would beat himself up for being such a jerk to Kia. He couldn't even believe that what he was telling now was all about himself.

Every word that left his lips regarding what happened, he could see the look of disappointment and anger from his mother that made him feel even worse.

Misha thought Candice would get mad and beat him up again like earlier, but all that came out of her mouth was one sentence that hurt even more than the bullet wound.

"I raised you better than that. I'm really disappointed in you." Candice didn't even raise her voice, but the disappointment was so thick in every word she said and this made Misha lower his head in shame at what he had done.

"I have nothing to say to you, mother. I know I am at fault here," Misha admitted his mistake and for a few moments, there was silence between the two of them, while Misha bowed his head solemnly.

But then, Candice stood up and said coldly to Misha.

"I want to see my grandchild," she said. "Where did you hide her?"

Misha cringed when he heard the word 'hide', because that was exactly what he would have done had Candice not accidentally found out about it.

"I don't hide her, she is in the room right in front of mine," Misha said, standing up with his mother.

Hearing this, Candice softened a little and nodded.

The room that Mika was currently occupying was the second largest room in the house, so it was without a doubt an excellent place.

Candice then walked toward it and stopped right in front of her door when she heard the sound of a small child whining.

She wanted to open the door, but she still needed a moment to calm herself down.

Candice took a deep breath, she just stood there listening to the sound of the child refusing to eat through the slightly open door.

It wasn't until she heard the child's cries that she opened the door and stepped inside, while Misha was standing right behind her.

"Don't want… don't want to…" Mika cried, she covered her mouth with both hands. Even the cute food the chef had made at home didn't catch her eye. Not only rabbits, but there were also pandas, a new animal that had become her favorite. "I want mom… Mika wants mom…!" she cried in the middle of her sobs.

Seeing Mika crying like that, Misha immediately approached her and picked her up, her body started to feel hot because she was upset and missed her mother.

"Mika has to eat, if you don't eat you will get sick and you won't be able to meet Mama," Misha said gently as he carried Mika toward the balcony and ordered the babysitter out of the room.

Mika didn't want to be with strangers and for her, the babysitter was a stranger. The little girl only calmed down a bit after Misha picked her up.

And at that moment, Candice could see Mika's face clearly and it was undeniable that this little girl who was crying sadly was her granddaughter, because her face was very similar to Misha's when he was a child.

It was as if she saw little Misha in a girl version. Instantly, Candice's heart melted as the little girl looked up at her with her large eyes filled with tears.

Candice then followed Misha to the balcony, where he was still trying to persuade her to stop crying and eat.

"Why are you crying, sweet girl?" asked Candice with a motherly smile on her lips. She didn't look pushy nor did she try to approach her. She even stood two Steps from Misha who was holding Mika.

Mika blinked her large eyes and a few drops of tears fell down her flushed cheeks.

"Why are you crying? Is there anything you want?" she asked.

"I want my mother," Mika answered between her sobs. She understood what she was asked and this made Candice happy, she looked smart and perceptive.

"Where do you think Mama is now?" Candice asked again and Misha held his breath.

He still hadn't told where Kia was now and why Mika was now with him, and Candice also didn't think about asking this, because she was too surprised by Mika's existence.

"Mama is in the hospital," Mika answered and then she started crying again.

Of course, this answer surprised Candice. She thought of bringing Kia and Mika together so the child would eat, but Kia was in the hospital?

Candice immediately looked at Misha, who made a gesture that he would tell this to his mother later, because now he couldn't say it in front of Mika.

Candice took a deep breath and then readjusted her expression.

"Why is mom in the hospital?"

Mika rubbed her face and answered the question based on what she knew. "Mommy is sick. I can only see mama once after sleeping for seven nights."

Candice assumed that it was on the weekend. What was wrong with Kia? The last time they met, she seemed fine, had she met with an unexpected accident?

Candice shook her head silently, because she didn't want to assume anything bad without certainty.

"Oh, I see, so mom is sick," Candice validated her feelings. "In that case, Mika is sad when mom is sick?"

Mika nodded her head and her hair stuck to the sides of her face as it fluttered in the wind.

"Then Mama will also be sad if Mika gets sick because she doesn't eat."

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