Jedi Scientist

Chapter 108

Because the more people know about magic, the mystery of magic will become lower and lower, resulting in a decrease in the practicality of magic, so magicians have been working hard to hide this technique.

In the concept of magicians, the magic they use is a technique that is unknown to the general public.

However, the fact that the public does not know does not mean that a few people are not aware of what the magicians have been doing.

The tactical terminal in Fang Yi's hand kept jumping out one message after another, and among these messages, Fang Yi was able to deduce an astonishing fact.

"I see, I see, I ...... so"

Looking at the information on the screen, Fang Yi nodded with satisfaction with a narrow smile.

"From the Heiankyo period, did the upper echelons of Toei know where the magic was? Those self-righteous magicians still thought they hid themselves carefully enough, and hummed......"

"It turns out that their bottoms have been stripped naked a long time ago. "

Eastern Empire, Celestial Empire, United States, France, England, Germany...... One great nation after another knew about the existence of magic long before the First World War, but because the magician's magic was so powerful, they had to hide their own malice and intelligence, pretending not to know anything.

It is precisely because of this that after sending soldiers, the American garrison will continue to send tanks and terrifying steel weapons to surround and kill Fang Yi - because they knew from the beginning that those soldiers were only easy to kill for magicians.

After hacking into the communication system of the American garrison, Fang Yi finally knew that they did not hesitate to send tanks and cause international disputes and wanted Fang Yi to take action.

These politicians, after seeing through the remote vision that 'someone has eliminated magicians and followers with technological weapons', are enthusiastic in their brains, and in their opinion, as long as they can get their hands on this weapon for mass production, they can sweep those magicians who have been arrogant for decades directly into the trash.

Under such a terrible temptation, all the costs were worth it, and now the American garrison, after the defeat, is not at all discouraged, on the contrary......

They even guessed some information based on the dilapidated trucks that those colleagues had appeared, and now, Fang Yi's arranged railguns had been approached by those jackals who smelled the smell of meat.

"Well, if you want it so much, I'll give you these things. "

After a few light touches on the tactical terminal, Fang Yi gently threw the tactical terminal and wantonly looked around the back of his head with both hands.

"Well, if you want it so much, I'll give you these things. The farce of the Holy Grail War is almost over. "


On the outskirts hundreds of kilometers away from Fuyuki, groups of soldiers, sheltered by armored vehicles and tanks, cautiously approached those 'targets'.

On top of those dilapidated pickup trucks, silver-white railguns stood proudly above the carriages, looking at the metallic weapons, the leading officers knew......

- This is the treasure they are looking for!

"Attention units, after getting close to those weapons, they must be powerless as quickly as possible! Our goal is to capture and not destroy, remember!"


They are like hunters who have their prey, and they move forward gently without a trace, but ......

Through the peep of military satellites, Fang Yi had already seen such a ridiculous move of a soldier, and before putting aside the tactical terminal, he only gave two simple orders to these railguns.

"First of all, on the stage of Fuyuki, let your last light shine!"

The soldiers near the railgun suddenly found that the tanks and armored vehicles they were riding in had lost the ability to move forward, and they could only watch as the railguns emitted magnetic fields launched an attack on the sky.

"Hey, isn't it?!"

"In this direction—it's Fuyuki!"

Hundreds of railguns aimed their blows at the peaceful city of Fuyuki, and before the soldiers present could figure out why the armored vehicles could not move, those railguns shot a devastating white light.

Although they were very far apart, the soldiers present were all robbed of all their strength by the dazzling light, and when the light disappeared, they regained some of their vision a little.

With the restoration of vision comes a sense of fear that goes deep into the bone marrow.

They are all veterans of a hundred battles, it can be said that they have long regarded life and death very lightly, and the reason why they came to Dongying as a garrison army was just to take a good rest after the war, but when they witnessed the light, they finally recalled the fear of being dominated by artillery fire, and the humiliation of almost dying on the battlefield in vain.

They can endure dying in battle, but they can't bear to die without even knowing the true face of the enemy, and the power shown by the railgun is obviously beyond their understanding, and these veterans are even too afraid to forget what to do next.

After completing the attack on Fuyuki, Fang Yi looked at the railcannons that began to emit restlessness, and muttered to himself indifferently.

"And then—in front of those wolves, turn into corpses, you are the crystallization of human ingenuity, and you should not be taken away by those politicians for these dirty reasons. "

At the same time, the railguns in front of the soldiers suddenly made an unsettling noise, and some of the soldiers had already sensed some ominous signs through this unusual situation.

In the past, when I was on the battlefield, something seemed to make a similar noise before it was about to explode?!

At the thought of this hopeless possibility, the soldiers desperately opened the door to escape from the dead land.

As for saying that he will become a deserter in the future?

Live and think about it again!

However, their idea, while good, was too late.

In the sky-high flames, the self-detonating magnetic railcannon, with incomparably strong flames and electromagnetism, swallowed everything around it.

Trees, insects, animals, humans and their creations were all burned and reduced to ashes in the light of the fire.

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