Ke Xue: Miss Haiyuan wants to attack the police again today?

Chapter 101 I nominated Police Officer Higashino for an exceptional promotion!

Should I say it or not? Shigeyan's words made Higashino feel a little excited.

But it's not time to be happy yet. After all, this is not a job that can be promoted immediately after submitting the draft. There are still many procedures to go through.

That's what he said again.

Since it was not recommended to open champagne at halftime, why did he tell Takagi Wataru in advance and even drag Miyamoto Yumi and the others out for a dinner?

"Sure enough, if you have Sister Tongzi with your back, you will subconsciously feel a little drifting?"

Dongye Ning reflected on it carefully and decided that it would be better not to do such things again in the future.

It's okay to tell Takagi Wataru and others, and they can still control the scope of the situation.

If others knew in advance, he would most likely fall into a very difficult "self-defense" situation.

Although he did not have to defend himself, the public opinion ferment behind it was still not something he could easily resist or deal with.

It's great, there is new progress every day.

Higashino Ning returned to the monitoring room and told Takagi Wataru that Shigehiko was preparing to go out. The two of them mobilized the rest of the people to wait downstairs. During this period, they also had to make relevant reports to Memu Shisan.

It didn't take long for Zhongyan to come downstairs.

The other party was wearing a new suit. If the frustrated expression on his face disappeared, he would be a politician with a pretty good appearance.

In the past, Tonkou Shigehiko had a driver to pick him up when he went out, but today the driver was just replaced by Takagi Wataru.

It's not that Higashino doesn't want to drive, but Takagi Wataru feels that Higashino's driving style is very similar to Sato Miwako, and it's better to be more cautious when driving a congressman.

Submitting the draft system requires going to the venue.

The timing of Shiratori Rensaburo's election is also very suitable, because today there happens to be a proposal called "Electoral System Law Amendment" that needs to be voted on by members of parliament.

The target of this amendment is the "Public Office Election Law", and its purpose is to reduce the number of seats to alleviate the problem of "unequal votes" in the House of Representatives elections.

There are currently 475 members, each serving a four-year term.

This amendment hopes to reduce the number of parliamentary seats to 465.

When Higashi Yening and others arrived, the outside of the venue was already crowded with reporters, and it was packed with people.

It's still broad daylight, and all kinds of flash lights can blind people.

For formal admission, you need to verify your identity before entering in order.

Higashino Ning and Takagi Wataru stood beside Tonkou Shigehiko and continued to wait quietly.

Soon it was their turn to enter.

It was the first time for Higashino Ning and Takagi Wataru to experience such a big scene.

As a person in the spotlight recently, Tonkou Shigehiko was asked crazy questions by reporters.

Higashino Ning had no choice but to act as a temporary bodyguard to help block people. Fortunately, Tonkouzhong Yan made up his mind and entered the venue directly without saying a word.

The venue of the House of Representatives is still very grand, but the style is similar to that of other countries, with semicircular sections and gradient seats.

Sending Shigehiko Tonguchi here was already the limit. Higashino Ning and Takagi Wataru could not continue to follow up.

Time continues to pass.

The "Amendment to the Electoral System Law" was formally declared to have failed to pass, leaving it for further discussion.

Later, some new proposals were introduced. A group of congressmen listened carefully and then chose whether to agree or not based on their own positions.

Many of these proposals were even predicted to not be passed, but thoughtful people still chose to make those proposals disgusting.

At the end of the meeting, Tunkou Shigehiko finally appeared.

Standing again in front of the podium where he once spoke with high spirits, he seemed to have regained a lot of his energy.

"The bill I submitted this time is not very complicated. It only concerns the promotion rules of the country's police system."

Shigehiko swallowed and turned over the manuscript in his hand.

"It must be clear to everyone from the summary over the years that promotion in the police system seems to be only related to seniority, while merit accounts for a very small proportion."

"In such a huge and important system for our country, too many people are wasting their time, and too many people are talented but have no room for improvement."

"Relevant survey reports show that 79% of junior police officers expressed dissatisfaction with the current career promotion rules. Even among mid-level police officers, 53% clearly stated that the practice of determining position based on years of experience gave people a sense of hopelessness."

He raised his eyes and looked at the Speaker, "Police is a profession that requires full enthusiasm and motivation. Everyone must agree on this."

"But today's rules make low-level police officers content with reality because they see no hope of promotion, while middle-level police officers feel that they will naturally be promoted if they wait for more years, so they become negligent when things happen."

"I think the traditional promotion rules have seriously affected the healthy development of the entire system."

"So, I now formally submit the "Amendment to the Police Career Promotion Rules" to the House of Representatives, and nominate the outstanding police officer Higashino Ning who has recently shown his prominence for career promotion opportunities!"

"Ning Higashino is the inspection chief of the third department of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Violent Criminal Investigation Section 1. Although he comes from an ordinary background, he passed the promotion exam with excellent results for the first time."

"He has recently cracked several influential cases one after another. A few days ago, he was even more fearless in death. He single-handedly arrested the most vicious and well-known international criminal Shi Kaobing on the Suzuki Consortium's luxury cruise ship."

"If such an excellent and capable police officer is buried waiting for seniority, more talents will be buried in the future."

Yankou Zhongyan's words were loud and his tone was extremely serious.

He rearranged the manuscripts in his hands and put them down, turned around and looked around everyone, and then spoke softly into the microphone.

"If this situation really happens in the future, you and I here will all be sinners."

"Everyone, let's start voting."

After saying that, Zhongyan walked to the side and sat down quietly.

He has done everything he should and can do, and he is just waiting for the results.

The Shiratori Consortium does not have a large number of fixed votes, but the parties behind it have enough votes.

Since the White Bird Consortium, including that organization, asked him to speak, it means that the things behind it have been almost settled, and now it is just a formality.

But the fact is that the voting process did not end quickly, and he could even see the expressions of consideration on the faces of the minority parties.

Zhongyan swallowed and his expression became serious.

But his doubts did not last long.

301 votes passed, 35 voted against, and the rest abstained.

The advantage is not huge, but the attitudes of the various forces are obvious enough, in line with Shigehiko Tonkou's expectations.

When he spoke just now, he was rather vague, but in the draft it was clearly mentioned that Higashino Ning would be promoted to the police department.

As for whether it was the police department or the police department that made up for it in the end, it really had nothing to do with him. It was true that he had tried his best.

There is a long break at noon.

Higashino Ning still accompanied him at the afternoon press conference.

After Shigehiko Tonkou attended, he spoke in detail about his idea of ​​introducing a new amendment "by himself" and continued to remain silent on issues such as bribery.

The press conference was followed by a large dinner.

Higashino Ning and Takagi Sheba stayed there and continued to work as minions, only eating a staff meal.

Waiting until after ten o'clock in the evening, Higashi Yening finally returned to the villa with Tunkou Zhongyan.

At this time, his eyes were almost exhausted.

go home?

What home to go back to.

I'm going to sleep here. If I don't sleep, I'm going to die.

Dongye Ning dragged his heavy steps into the guest room, lay down on the bed and disconnected directly.

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