No one was found in the restaurant, so Mao Lilan stayed in the hotel lobby with Conan.

Not long ago, Conan tried to join the crime-solving group chat, but was forced to disconnect by Mao Lilan.

The two of them went straight to the crowded hotel lobby like "princess on the run" and chatted quietly for a while.

There was nothing ambiguous about this whisper. The main topic of conversation was "Don't talk nonsense".

After all, both of them are quite shy. Conan had firm confidence before and said that he wanted to advance the relationship with Mao Lilan, but now he should maintain the status quo.

Seeing Dongye Ning and Fei Yingli coming over, Mao Lilan seemed a little nervous and uncomfortable.

Especially the look in Fei Yingli's eyes made her feel that her "underground love affair" with Conan had been discovered.

Conan was relatively calm under this situation. He spoke first, "Higashiye Police Department, Auntie, has the investigation been concluded?"

He is naturally concerned about the progress of the case.

In his opinion, with Higashi Yening's ability shown before, if not completely solving the case, at least half of it should be solved.

This is indeed the case.

The target of the suspect has basically been identified, and even the motive has been figured out. All that is left is decisive evidence.

Conan felt a little pricked when he heard the news.

Seeing Dongye Ning solve the case so crazily, he also wanted to get involved.

Of course, Conan was also secretly thinking, if he had participated in the entire investigation, the case would have been solved by now.

Fei Yingli didn't notice anything unusual between Conan and her daughter. She sat down next to Mao Lilan and asked, "What did Conan eat?"

Conan still holds a spoon in his hand and there is sauce at the corner of his mouth.

Mao Lilan subconsciously answered for Conan, "It's beef and onion rice bowl."

Did you really eat it?

Higashino Ning is narrow-minded and doesn't like others, so he looked at Conan a little annoyed.

I want to eat too!

Higashino Ning raised his hand and called the waiter over, "Beef and onion rice bowl, one for each person."

The waiter nodded and turned to leave, but suddenly turned his head and looked over, "Mr. Police Officer, by the way, I suddenly thought of something."

"Oh? Please elaborate." Dongye Ning became interested. Usually, there are important clues about to appear.

The waiter pondered for a moment and said, "It's just that the room where the murder occurred is a bit weird."

Mao Lilan, who was originally full of curiosity, became nervous instantly, with a frightened expression on her face, "Could it be haunted already?!"

"No, no," the waiter quickly waved his hand, "Yes...Oh, anyway, Mr. Officer, just listen to me."

He immediately began to recall and recounted everything he had seen and heard.

To put it simply, the lawyer Lin, who did not show up, called the hotel twice, hoping to be transferred to the deceased.

When the waiter first went there, there was no answer when he knocked on the door.

The second time he went there, a "Do Not Disturb" sign had been hung on the door handle, along with a note that said, "Sorry, please tell him I'll give him the money."

The waiter felt a little baffled, so he told Lawyer Lin exactly what he said, but Lawyer Lin also looked confused.

After listening to the waiter's words, Higashino Ning and Fei Yingli looked at the beef and onion rice bowl in front of Conan at the same time, and then smiled together.

The reason... is also very simple.

The note found in the trash can actually said "Meet Lawyer Lin at two o'clock."

However, "Lin" written in Japanese can also mean "beef and onion rice bowl."

In other words, Hoshi Saku saw the waiter when he was committing the crime in the room, and mistakenly thought that the deceased ordered rice bowl. In order to prevent the waiter from disturbing him when setting up the secret room, he hung a sign and a note on the door.

At present, it is only reasonable to think this way.

"Is that note still there?" Higashino Ning looked at the waiter.

The waiter nodded and took out a folded note from his pocket, "I took it off and put it in my pocket."

Dongye Ning took it and looked at it. The handwriting on it was very abstract, and there was no point in comparing the handwriting.

So from what angle should we start to do something interesting?

"Secret room... alibi..."

Dongye Ning suddenly thought of a more suitable angle.

He now does not need to find evidence that the other party has killed anyone, he only needs to prove that the other party has entered the deceased's room in advance.

After all, the deceased never came out after dinner, and died during that time.

OK, the plan goes through.

Dongye Ning clapped his hands and said, "Everyone, listen to me."

He expressed his idea, and Fei Yingli and others thought it was feasible.

Then do it!

Dongye Ning immediately walked aside and called Yamamura Cao.

As a result, just as the call was connected, the angry voice of Saku Hashi came from the other side.

"How could you police detain me like this without any evidence!?"

Dongye Ning: "..."

Brother Fuck, I asked you to keep an eye on him, not to guard him.

You were detained and fucked with chicken feathers!

"Mr. Police! What should we do now?"

"The suspect is too tough. I can't talk to him. How about you come back and talk to him?"

Dongye Ning has nothing to say now.

I've tried all my damn tricks and finally lost to you?

Now that Fashi Saku knows that he is the police's primary suspect, he will definitely be 100% vigilant.

In this way, the fishing law enforcement plan he had just imagined went bankrupt in an instant.

From now on, you should keep Yamamura Cao with you. If you let him out of sight, you will be troubled. At least you can respond in time when you are around.

Now what?

Higashino Ning hesitated and said again and again: "Police Officer Yamamura, please bring Mr. Mori and Mr. Saku here now."

Putting aside everything else, at least Yamamura Cao was indeed obedient.

Putting away his mobile phone, Higashino looked at Fei Yingli and others, and said regretfully, "The plan failed, let's think of other ways."

Fei Yingli and the others were all dumbfounded.

It only took just one phone call, but the plan has already failed?

Why should it be so abstract?

Conan felt that now was the moment when Dongye Ning needed him most, so he immediately activated his brain power and started thinking of a new fishing plan.

Time passed little by little.

Yamamura Cao came back with his people.

As soon as he entered the door, he shouted: "Mr. Police! I have brought the suspect here and my camera. Please start reasoning immediately!"

Let me give you a hammer!

Higashino Ning walked up to Saku Hashi with a polite smile, "Lawyer Saku, please go to the deceased's room and wait for me first. I still need some preparations here."

Saku Hashi had already adjusted his mentality on the way and snorted coldly: "Forget it. If you have anything to say, police officer, why don't you just say it here, lest you secretly lynch me."

Dongye Ning shook his head, "It's okay. Lawyer Fei and others will come with you later. We just need to make some preparations to replicate your secret room techniques. It won't be too long."

Having said this, Saku Hashi couldn't continue to refuse the police's request. After all, this was to ask him to cooperate with the investigation, not to forcibly restrict his personal freedom.

Moreover, Sakubo Hashi recalled carefully and did not think that he had any leftover things that he had not dealt with, so he hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement.

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