Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 36: 1 things after that

It's the sound of gunshots!

Just after catching up with Xiaolan, Conan, who had not had time to relax, turned his head to look in the direction he came from.

Sorry, Ye Genyi and the others are over there...

Conan suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Sister Xiaolan, you stay here and wait for the police!"

I don't have time to think about it, the people around me must not be involved in the matter of the man in black.

Through layers of containers.

At the location where Akemi Miyano was shot, a long blood trail was shocking!

Looking ahead along this striking clue, the end of the road is the sea.

Conan has automatically figured out that Ye Genyi carried a series of pictures of Akemi Miyano on his back in order to escape the pursuit of gin and vodka.

"Brother Gengyi! Miss Yami! Where are you!"

"Damn it! Shouldn't it be..."

The sea breeze on the shore of the port blew, Conan half-squatted and looked down, the ocean was full of water, and his face was very pale.

On the other side of the coastline, a position that is extremely difficult to detect with the naked eye.

Two figures sneak up quietly.

"Brother Gengyi, this should be no problem..." Kuroba Kaito said a little embarrassedly, "What is the holy grail of that little devil, I just played a little joke with him, I didn't expect him Guess where your trade is."

Ye Geng looked at him with a dead fish eye: "There are still more things you didn't expect. Next time you are in such a wave, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing anyone!"

"No... not anymore."

When things turned out like this, he really needed to take most of the responsibility...

"What are you waiting for? Take off your clothes." Ye Genyi said.

"Ah? Take off... take off your clothes... Gengyi, don't you want to make a fire here?"

"Idiot, change your clothes. I'm going to change back to my identity now."

Ye Geng immediately removed Miyano Akemi's disguise. He looked down, and sure enough, the blood on his abdomen and thighs was gone.

Since the blood bag had already dried up in the sea water, even if he wanted to disguise the clothes as if he had carried Miyano Akemi on his back, he couldn't do it.

"Oh..." Kuroba quickly understood. After taking off the same black casual clothes, he wore a pair of boxer pants and put his arms around his chest, muttering, "Oh... it's really cold..."

After looking up to confirm that the product has returned to its original appearance.

While changing clothes, Ye Geng received the reward of this event card.

[Storage space +1]

"Cold? Let's take it as a lesson for you."

"Ah?" Hei Yu Kuaidou's heart skipped a beat.

Not right! This guy is going to cheat!

"Wait, Brother Gengyi, what do you want to do!"

"I will contact Mr. Terai, so before that, let me see your talent as a phantom thief..."

As soon as Ye Geng finished speaking, he instantly turned the changed clothes into particles, turned around and ran towards the shore.

Σ(⊙▽⊙!!!... Kuroba Kaito was shocked!

God TM talent!

Give me the clothes back!

Ye Gengyi's body has a very strong explosive power. In addition, in order to create the scene, Kuroba Kuito ran all the way to the beach with him on his back, and his stamina has long been exhausted.

After only a few seconds of delay, the distance between the two was opened by dozens of meters.

Knowing that there was no hope of pursuing him, Kuroba stopped decisively.

Thinking about the half-baked swimming skills of Ye Gengyi in the water just now, and the way he relied on himself to get ashore, he suddenly came back to his senses...

Can't swim and jump in any sea?

This guy, shouldn't he have been thinking about how to trick himself early in the morning!

You bastard!

The sea breeze continues to blow...

A certain thief hides in a tree, weak, pitiful, and helpless...

He only hoped that when Ye Geng returned, he would not forget to call Father Terai, otherwise, depending on the weather, he was afraid that he would have to wait until night before he could find a way to go out...

Of course, Ye Gengyi didn't bring his cell phone, and Kuroba Kuito's was naturally washed away by the sea, and it was completely soaked into a piece of scrap iron.

I heard sirens and ambulances over there.

Ye Gengyi knew that Qin Jiu and the others must have evacuated ahead of time.

He couldn't show his face right now, the body could not be found, and the bullet casings left at the scene were also thrown into the sea by him along with the pistol.

If there is only one clue of blood, let's not mention whether the police will believe a child and a girl.

I'm afraid Conan himself won't tell them about the Black Organization.

At the end of this matter, I am afraid it will turn into a search for people.

After 2 hours, many people no longer have expectations for this search and rescue.

"Mr. Ye and Miss Yami, shouldn't she already..."

Looking at the salvage search and rescue fleet of the Marine Police Department, Xiao Lan quietly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Conan lowered his head and said nothing...

If it wasn't for his carelessness this time, maybe things wouldn't turn into this situation.

Recalling the appearance of Miss Yami lying in a pool of blood, and the brain-filling picture of Ye Gengyi being chased by Qin Jiu and having to jump into the sea.

"Did that guy really die like this..."

Conan felt like a huge boulder had been placed on his chest, which was depressing.

Those nasty **** in black! One day, I must bring you to justice...

"Conan..." Xiaolan squatted down and hugged him gently, "It's enough to have me and my father here. You go to the police officer and their car first."

"No..." Conan shook his head, "I want to see the body of Gengyi's brother or..."

"Hey... corpses or something, coming out of your mouth is really scary, problem kid."

Ye Geng appeared as soon as he counted the time, and just as he was about to come over to say hello, he heard the curse behind the back of a certain death god.

I actually wanted to see his body...

(⊙o⊙)! ! !

"One more brother!"

"Mr. Ye!"

"Although it's nice to see you I'm terribly cold now..." Ye Geng stared at a certain death god.

In order to ensure the authenticity of the matter, especially in front of Conan, Ye Gengyi did not dare to wring the water off his clothes without authorization...

Seriously speaking, during these two hours of torment, he was no less relieved than some phantom thief in the tree.

"Ah! The ambulance is over there! I...I'll call the doctor right now!"

After Xiaolan left, Conan looked at Ye Gengyi's embarrassed appearance and said, "Brother Gengyi, Miss Yami, she..."

"I don't know... After jumping into the sea, the two of us were swept away by the sea. I'm afraid she was injured at the time..." Ye Geng shook his head and did not continue.

Conan thought for a while, "Did you see who the people who were chasing you were?"

"I didn't see it clearly, they were hiding in the dark and shooting." Ye Genyi continued to answer ambiguously.

"Is that so..." Conan didn't doubt that he was there. Judging from the situation at the time, it was the best outcome for Ye Gengyi to save his life.

Ye Geng squatted down and looked at Conan: "Miss Yami, she also told me something else..."

"Wait a minute! Big brother!" Conan's expression changed greatly, he noticed the approach of Xiaolan and the medical staff over there, and said eagerly: "Can you please, don't tell Xiaolan and the others beforehand, I...I... ."

"Ah? But it's very dangerous to put 1 billion yuan at the front desk of the Rice Flower Hotel..." Ye Gengyi deliberately put on an educational tone and said, "You are not a good kid. It's illegal to know if you don't report it. Do you understand?"

Conan Doudouyan: "..."

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