Kiss Me Not

83 My Greed

Cedric did not waste any time and instructed his people to make arrangements for his travel back to Derhan Palace of Country B, with Brione. He was in such a hurry that Brione did not get a chance to check even his instrument skills.

However, she speculated, Cedric should have a lot of instruments in his wing at Derhan Palace.

"Just be yourself Bri, when you meet and talk to my father. Do not pretend to be someone you're not just to please him because I will always have your back," Cedric commented as they sat on their seats in the plane.

Brione chuckled and said, "You always say that I shouldn't be nervous, but between us two you look more worried."

Cedric chuckled too and gently held her hand and kissed her knuckles. He was indeed worried but it was more for Brione. He did not want Brione to feel uncomfortable or do something that made her uncomfortable.

"Don't worry. I'm fine, really," Brione reassured him with a smile. In truth, she was really worried because she wanted to make a good impression before Cedric's father and his whole family.

"By the way, we must have a stopover, alright. I need to buy presents for your family. I will feel embarrassed, visiting them empty-handed. And don't you dare insist that it's okay," Brione insisted.

Cedric laughed and caressed her cheek as he nodded.

The plane took off. It would be hours before they reached country B so Brione could not help but comment, "You could have just asked me to fly to you. Look at you, traveling back and forth like this."

She felt Cedric's hand interlocking their fingers together as he whispered, "It's alright. What if you can't come to me? Then I won't be able to see you. I told you, I miss you like crazy Bri."

Brione's heart was beating hard, almost slamming inside her chest. Her face reddened as she felt butterflies in her stomach. She was biting her lower lip because she was speechless. Cedric's effort to win her heart… Only someone stupid would not fall for someone like Cedric. She silently complimented herself for not being stupid and let someone like Cedric pass her by.

She wanted to tell Cedric how she felt, that she was falling for him, but her guilt for Gavin was stopping her from doing so. Brione sighed when she felt Cedric's head on her shoulder.

"We have a private room, to rest if you want to rest, Sweetheart," Cedric reminded. Her face reddened as she whispered, "No, I'm comfortable like this. I am rested enough."

Cedric chuckled and said, "Are you worried I will try something while you rest? I promised I will behave myself, so let's go inside the room, I want to sleep. It will be a long journey and I want to comfortably cuddle with you," Cedric commented.

"Alright," Brione muttered helplessly and Cedric guided her into the private room on the plane. She lay down stiffly and Cedric whispered, "Relax," burying his face in the crook of her neck while hugging her tightly.

"Do you know how to play the piano?" Brione suddenly asked.

"Hmm, I guess I do, seeing that I have a piano in all my houses, except in the one I just brought near your penthouse," Cedric whispered, his hot breath tingling her skin.

"You bought a house in my country?" Brione burst.

"Yes, I did. It's a beautiful villa, not as big as the Palace, but nice enough. I think you will like it there. I will take you there once my team has finished preparing it. We will go once we return. You can choose whether you want to stay there with me or I could stay with you in your penthouse, whenever I visit you. Either way is okay with me as long as we are together," Cedric explained.

"Don't you wonder of the possibility that you might just be obsessed with me? That what you are feeling is not actually love? Maybe it's just my body that you want?" Brione asked, stuttering because she had also thought of that possibility. Cedric might just be smitten and once he had his fill of her body then he would realize that he was not really in love.

Supported by his elbow, Cedric raised his head and frowned at her.

"How could you say such absurd things? Didn't I make myself clear? I told you I love you and I'm waiting for you to love me back. I already see you as my partner for a lifetime, don't you get it? I want us to get married as soon as you agree to it."

Brione gulped and could not meet his gaze as she whispered, "I'm sorry. Maybe I'm just shaken by how things are moving ahead so fast."

Then she felt Cedric pull her close as he kissed her forehead and whispered, "What do I have to do, Bri, for you to see my sincerity? Do I need a reason for loving you? I just feel it Bri… Of course, I want your body, I will not lie about that, but it's not just your body. I want you completely… body, heart, and soul. All of you, I want all of you, Bri.

I do understand your worries, especially because things are moving fast. It's just that my feelings for you are so strong that I don't want to waste another moment. My greed to make you a part of my life is too strong and is taking over all reason."

[My greed in having Bri as part of my life, more than a mere friend, is too strong and taking over…]

That same statement was written in Gavin's journal.

Brione's body quivered and she tilted her head and stared at Cedric without batting an eye.

"Play me a piece of music on your piano once we arrive at the Palace, will you?" she whispered.

Cedric chuckled and said, "Ah, Sweetheart. I'm confessing my feelings to you right now and here you are asking me to play the piano when I don't even remember if I know how to play it or not."

Brione forced a smile and whispered, "But I would like my man to play me something."

"Alright, we will see when we arrive at the Palace," Cedric whispered as he buried Brione's face on his chest. He sighed because he had an idea why Brione was asking him to play the piano.

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