Galaxy Shattering Blade

Galaxy Shattering Blade Chapter 753: Left hand stick right hand

The main hall.

"Huh?" Lin Feng saw She Manzi at a glance, but the latter was abnormally wearing a white gauze and a long skirt in plain dance, which was different from her charming dress in red. There is a sense of holy charm on the face of Shi Shidai. If a fairy goes down, Lin Feng is shocked.

This dress...

Like an extremely fairy fairy.

"Does it look good?" As soon as she opened her mouth, she met the familiar She Manzi, and she blushed.

Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh: "It looks good, but it's not like you."

She Manzi's long eyelashes are light: "Don't you like the woman pretending to be holy like Ruo Meng?"

"Who said?" Lin Feng was surprised.

When did you get in touch with Ruomeng Fairy?

"Isn't it? Then why did you give her the title of the Star Wars Champion?" She Manzi's eyes were enchanting and intriguing.

Lin Feng shook his head: "Because it was me that defeated that day."

She Manzi blinked: "Really?"

Lin Feng said: "My relationship with her is not so general, it is far better to have a close relationship with you." As soon as the words came out, Lin Feng knew that he was wrong. She Manzi rarely showed a bit of shame, and the pear blossoms drooped. Lin Feng immediately said: " You and I once killed Nirvana Mountain together, a real life and death."

She Manzi smiled: "So my position in your heart is more important than her?"

Lin Feng hesitated for a moment, then said: "Of course."

"Then I understand~" She Manzi smiled lightly, and the holy expression with a touch of charming, gently leaned on the seat: "Speak, find someone else."

Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

But unconsciously, Man Zi took the topic so far away.

"That's the case." Lin Feng said about Ye Xia's previous incident. His time to enter the Glory League was too short, so many things were not well understood, but Manzi should know a lot about Ye Xia. If not, she would not leave the four words, please take care of Ye Xia herself.

as predicted--

" still happened." She Manzi snorted.

"Oh?" Lin Feng's eyes widened.

Yuma Yuling was filled with two cups of flower tea. She Manzi flourished and said: "∽☆dǐng∽☆ǎn∽☆Little ∽☆ said, ♀≯s_(); you guessed it right, Ye Xia is indeed troubled by love, it is us The Ji Zixuan that I saw before. She and Ye Xia are really stunned, it is a passion."

Lin Feng's head.

Ye Xia once mentioned. Ji Zixuan's father owed a huge amount of money due to his obsession with gambling. She was very filial to help her father carry this debt. Ye Xia carried the debt for Ji Zixuan, so he agreed to the Kui team's invitation and received a huge amount of commitment money.

It seems...

The matter is not resolved.

"There is a big problem with this woman's conduct." She Manzi said: "As far as I know, she used to be involved in many people. Before Ye Xia, she was in love with another ace sergeant. And know."

"You mean...she is on two boats with one foot?" Lin Feng understood what She Manzi said.

She Manzi smiled softly: "It's light to pedal two boats, but it's just playing with emotions or swinging. The most feared thing is-the left hand sticks to the right hand."

Lin Feng's heart twitched. Look dignified.

As She Manzi said, it's not really a matter of one foot and two boats. After all, some people are hesitant and hesitant about feelings, and some people are not serious about feelings, but just use it as a game. These are just cheating feelings. But sticking the left hand to the right hand is more than just cheating.

"You mean she and Ye Xia together. Not for love, but for wealth?" Lin Feng wrinkled his eyebrows.

She Manzi nodded gently: "And it may have been instructed by the ace sergeant. Otherwise, a promise of money would be enough for her to eat and drink without worry."

One battle is equivalent to 10,000 battle coins, a promise of gold ranging from hundreds to thousands of battle achievements. Taking Ye Xia's strength potential into consideration, this pledge is about 800, 1000, which is definitely for the average person to be rich.

Ji Zixuan is just an ordinary woman. Never greedy to this point.

"Who is the ace sergeant?" Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

"Rookie Wang last year, currently ranked 13th in combat power points, ranks as the chief of the ace sergeant, as a sergeant to become the deputy captain of the Kui squad-Huo Shan." She Manzi stared coldly: "Hypocritical goodness."

Huo Shan!

Lin Feng is no stranger to this name.

One of the six members who joined the ace team as a sergeant, and is the strongest one. To join the ace squad. The ace captain's combat power points must exceed the qualifying line by 4000 points, and the ace sergeant's combat power points must exceed the excellent line by 4500 points.

Huo Shan's combat power points reached 5750 points.

Far beyond!

"I found out that I was tired of it, and I had contacted the captain of the Kui Squad, Qianhe, before I was sure to guess." She Manzi lightly said.

It turns out so.

Lin Feng thought of the feminine man outside the territory, but he was wrong. No wonder Manzi hinted at Ye Xia that the Kui team was not very good at the party. But after all, Manzi and Ye Xia are just ordinary friends. Some things are not easy to say. After all, they are outsiders.

Even myself...

Telling Ye Xia about this matter, he may not believe it.

Throughout the ages, too many people have been blinded by love, and Ye Xia first tasted the forbidden fruit. From his performance, he has almost lost his ability to judge, leaving Ji Zixuan to leave. Some things are useless by mouth.

"Thank you, Manzi." Lin Feng thanked.

If it were not for Manzi to sort out this matter, I am afraid that it would take a lot of effort.

"It's just a trifle." She Manzi said softly: "What are you going to do?"

"I haven't thought of it yet." Lin Feng groaned, his eyes suddenly gathered, "But... I won't let Xiao Xia mud sink deep, swallow the belly, I will let them spit it out more!" Lin Feng flashed by, He has always reported wrongs and revenge.

He treats Ye Xia as a brother and will never let him be bullied.

The man is righteous, he is a two-ribbed knife.

"I really envy you." She Manzi held her cheeks in her hands, arrogantly, muttering to herself.

Lin Feng got up and smiled: "I will do the same for Do my best."

"No skins are allowed." She Manz blinked charmingly.

"Of course." Lin Feng smiled bitterly, too.

Immediately bid farewell to Manzi, and soon left.

In the hall, She Manzi skirt danced, the harmonica sounded slowly, and there was a trace on the flawless face. I was still pitiful, and the young lady Yuling stood nodding and waited. As the song fell, She Manzi's beautiful eyes glanced into the distance, and the light shone brightly.

"Don't think I can't hear your voice outside the string." She Manzi softly smiled.

"People don't want to be your brothers, one day, I will let you fall in love with me..."

She Manzi charmingly smiled.

The sound of the harmonica blew again, and it was three feet round the beam in the hall.

…(To be continued.)

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