14. Time (The Past of Tao i)


On the day she left, her mother sent Tang Jiahui to the airport. Good times always passed quickly and it was hard to leave her. Tang Jiahui hugged her mother and said,"Mom, I fell in love with someone.""

"You are not young anymore, it is time to have your own love."My mother didn't object, Tang Jiahui was very happy.

"How about that person?"My mother paused for a while and asked

"He is a very nice person, very knowledgeable and treats me very well."Tang Jiahui

"That’s good. Good moral character is really good. Get in touch with and understand more, and see clearly."My mother told me

"Don't worry, he is a nice person and has noble character."

"I'll take it back to my mother if I have the chance."My mother believes that knowledgeable people are better than clever people anyway.

Tang Jiahui smiled and nodded, turned around reluctantly, and took just a few steps.

"Jiahui, stick to your original true feelings, don't compromise easily, don't be influenced by others, love boldly when you feel right."The mother shouted and warned.

Tang Jiahui turned around, and after hearing the words, she ran back and hugged her mother again. Her mother had never found the right person in her life, and hoped that her daughter would meet a good person.

At night, her mother sat alone at the table, surrounded by darkness. Facing everything, the desk lamp is like a weak sun. Under the faint light, the past can be seen clearly, but the future cannot be seen.

On the plane, Tang Jiahui stared at the small window and looked at the vast land of this city. 7 days , 7 days turned out to be so short. These 7 days changed Tang Jiahui's understanding of her mother, and she began to be reluctant to leave this so-called home. This was the first time in so many years that she didn't want to leave home. Although she didn't want to leave, she had to go. She had to go to class tomorrow.

After her daughter left, the room suddenly became quiet. The silence made the mother feel helpless and clueless. The mother sorted out her old things and suddenly found a diary that had been hidden for many years. She had kept this diary secretly since the college entrance examination. It was sealed and never read again, and there was no chance to read it. It had been forgotten in memory.

Under the desk lamp, she read every line of words carefully. Every word contained deep longing, and the emotions at that time were once again It surged in her cells, as if the squad leader was right beside her. After reading to the end, she wrote a poem. What made her feel strange was that she had no impression of the poem. Touching the last cover, she found something hidden in the cracks. She was holding a photo of the class monitor, a photo that had been forgotten for 20 years, which made her particularly touched.

They prepared early that day and told their parents that they were going to study at a classmate's house. They took a long car ride and walked for a long time. The road had just arrived, and my mother fell into memories. At that time, the monitor was walking up the mountain. The apricot blossoms were blooming on the mountain. She was tired from climbing, so she called monitor from behind. The monitor looked back, smiled, and took this photo. Not far behind was the apricot blossom forest. The monitor used a camera that he liked very much. He said he wanted to record the beauty of nature, the beauty of growth, beautiful smiles, and beautiful apricot blossoms.

In the apricot blossom forest, apricot blossoms bloomed, some fresh and bright red, some red and white. , and some are like white clouds lying on the earth. Apricot flowers are always the first to bloom. When people are not aware of the spring, the flowers have already bloomed. When people are ready to welcome spring, the flowers are gone and they can only remember the blooming time. The haziness and short-lived enthusiasm left only the emptiness of the earth and the sad and desolate night.

The sky was already dark, and the mother looked around the empty surroundings. The sky suddenly became cold, and the cold air invaded the mother's heart. The mother left tears, Cry, cry loudly, tears drip on the photos, flow into the notepad, and melt into the poems


《Time》/Wei ZhenWillNox/2019


The voice of my heart washed over the years floats in the autumn wind, reaches my daughter’s ears, and floats into my heart.


Youth was once at my feet.

From my distant hometown,

I crossed the mountains and drifted across the ocean to the other side of the world.


Literature and art dance together with the dust, eventually becoming fine wine or the slurry at the bottom of the bottle.

What is familiar and unfamiliar is no longer familiar.

What is unfamiliar is the vicissitudes of life.


A sip of old wine

, the aftertaste is fragrant, and tears fall.

The village of the past is struggling, and the hometown can only wander in the echoes in the heart.




《The Past of Tao i》Part 3

~Wei Zhen by WillNox




In the breeze, I looked towards the sun and found a golden light shining, illuminating my heart and giving me a golden ideal.……


15.Tao Zhi


When the plane landed, the sun was about to set. Tang Jiahui grabbed her luggage and rushed out. She didn't want to stay for a moment longer. She forgot about tiredness and time, and hurriedly got into a taxi.

Parting is a beautiful light that illuminates the love in the heart.

On the last day of vacation, as the sun sets, I look out at the glow from the window of the study room on the 20th floor. The earth is infinitely wide and my heart is infinitely far away. This is the most intoxicating time of the day. The glow spreads on the earth, and the city seems to be wearing a beautiful lace nightgown. It may be dawn in another place on the earth. Dawn is thought-provoking, and dusk is intoxicating. Everything is quiet in the golden light.

Cars parked on the street are waiting for the smiles of the stars, hard-working people return home and enjoy the warm lights, and mobile phones can finally lie quietly beside the bed to rest. At this time, everything belongs to its destination, and relationships are no exception.

It would be such a wonderful thing if someone could cuddle up and watch the glow together. Tang Jiahui suddenly flashed in his mind. She is a good girl, pure and gentle, like a piece of uncarved jade, naturally beautiful.

Walking out of the study, I picked up the wine bottle on the dining table. With a bang, the cork popped out, as if a heart had been popped out, turning from buds to flowers. The mellow fragrance rushed towards me, a long-lost taste, and the same look. I poured a little into the big crystal cup. The wine in the cup was not calm yet. I picked up the cup and shook it gently. The grape juice rolled on the edge of the cup, like the distant glow. I enjoyed the growth, the joy of passion, and the freedom of swimming. I picked it up and was about to take a sip.

"Boom boom...boom boom..." The door knocked lightly a few more times, the sound was not loud, and the knocks were very careful, with a sense of urgency and probing. The cup was slowly put down, and it rang a few more times. It was indeed my own. The door is ringing

"why you?"

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