19. Dining (The Past of Tao i)


On a weekend, the wind was beautiful and the sun was shining warmly on the earth. The streets were busy with traffic. The busy city had no holidays and was always full of vitality. This kind of vitality was unprecedented and unique.

In the square in front of the shopping mall, sun umbrellas cannot block the bright flowers. The flat streets show the majestic momentum of various cars. They come and go, showing their charming youth all the time. The smell of wealth is everywhere, and affluence is everywhere. Walking quickly with beauty on the avenue.

When Tang Jiahui opened the door of the shopping mall and entered, Daozhi would glance behind him habitually. If someone wanted to come in, he would hold the door open. Several people followed in. They didn't seem to be together, but their actions were consistent. They all looked calm and enjoyed the service of others opening the door. The first time Daozhi encountered such a situation, he immediately looked at himself. He didn't look like a doorman or service staff. He didn't think about it later and just continued to do so.

"They didn't even say thank you."Tang Jiahui, who was standing aside, couldn't see it.

"This is their business, I don't expect it anymore, not everyone deserves to ask for it."Daozhi

"Why are you holding the door open for them?"Tang Jiahui was a little confused.

"It’s not that I want to open the door for them, but I think it’s a good habit and I want to keep it."Daozhi.

Tang Jiahui doesn't agree with Daozhi's approach, thinking that it is an unnecessary habit and does not need to be done.

When I came to a very unique restaurant in the shopping mall, I ate many times over many weekends. Every time Every time I go to Dao City, I will take Tang Jiahui to different restaurants, all kinds of Chinese food, then Japanese, Korean, Thai, Italian, Spanish food, etc. This is the first time for a French restaurant.

"Why are you here to eat French food now?"Tang Jiahui

"French food ranks first among Western foods. Once you get started with it, it’s difficult to appreciate other Western foods. You often only know which ones are really good after comparing them."Daozhi

"Do you really know how to eat?"Tang Jiahui

"Of course you need to know what you put into your stomach"

"Is French food the best in cooking?"Tang Jiahui

"It varies from person to person, not for me."

"So what do you think is best?"

"Of course it's Chinese food"

"What about French food?"

"It can only be said to be a higher-end delicacy in Western food."

"Food is also graded?"Tang Jiahui

"Of course, everything has a grade. Even if everything in the world is of the same quality, it will be different. It can be as small as an ingredient or as large as a country."Daozhi


"For example, in the development of French cuisine, food ingredients are classified into different grades. Foods that grow in the land are often of low grade, and those that grow in the air are of high grade. For example, potatoes are a low-grade food. At first, potatoes were not included in the dinner plates of nobles. Potatoes were used by serfs to satisfy their hunger. There was a famine and food shortage during the reign of Louis XVI. The king wanted potatoes to become a staple food, so he held a potato conference, which allowed potatoes to enter the tables of the nobles. Only then did the upper class slowly begin to accept this food. As a result, potatoes made a comeback. Now potatoes There are 2,000 ways to do it. (See"Taste French Food Sentiments" China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Press 2016)

【Sensitive topics involved, paragraphs deleted]

Personally speaking, it is natural for everyone to move higher by realizing their own ideals. But now too many people only focus on material things. Blindly pursuing material things and ignoring spirituality will result in high material level and low spiritual level. Simply put, they are only rich but not noble. This is not a coordinated state. At this time, we must make up for it as soon as possible. Spirituality, we often ignore this point. Some people begin to degenerate after material satisfaction. Without spiritual support, no matter how high the material level is, it will not be stable. As the old saying goes, if morality is not supported, the material level will decline.

If the material level is high and the spiritual level is also high, you are a true aristocrat and a pillar of society. There is great virtue in ancient sayings. What is valuable is that some people have low material levels but maintain high spiritual levels. They are very worthy of respect, either because they have firm principles or because they have unshakable beliefs and pursuits.

Everyone has their own place in society, both materially and spiritually. Everyone has their own pursuits, whether to maintain their original status or improve their current situation. People are also working hard for their pursuits. , there are changes in position, but not everyone can clearly understand these changes and coordinate them."Daozhi

"Who are the spiritually advanced people?"

"Su Wu, Yue Fei, Zheng He, Wen Tianxiang, Shi Kefa, Qi Jiguang, etc., they have firm beliefs, and there are too many in history."Daozhi

"Are these so far away from us?"

"In modern times, there are also Mr. Sun, Deng,..., He Xian, Henry Huo,... and Mr. Ren."Daozhi took out his Huawei phone and added a name at the end.


With his ears, Tang Jiahui enjoyed the history of the development of French cuisine and the history of Chinese civilization told by Dao Zhi, and with his mouth, he enjoyed a delicious meal of French cuisine. It may not be as authentic as the local one when you come to a foreign country, but it still fully reflects the role of sauce in French cuisine. With Tao Zhi's explanation, food becomes more delicious in this magical land of China. Tang Jiahui was very happy, and so was Dao Zhi. Perhaps the only shortcoming of the French meal was that it was not paired with wine.

"Go back and have some more wine."Daozhi pressed the door to the parking lot.

The car was about to drive out of the parking lot when he accidentally saw a fashionable woman in front of her swinging out of a car that had not stopped. She seemed to be saying something, like There was a big quarrel. The car stopped in the middle of the road, and a middle-aged man got out of the driver's seat and took the girl's hand. The girl wanted to throw it away angrily. This scene attracted Tang Jiahui's eyes, and the car slowly approached, carefully At first glance, I realized that I knew this fashionable girl. It turned out to be her.

"It's Meng Meimei."Tang Jiahui shouted, and Dao Zhi stopped the car. Tang Jiahui unbuckled his seat belt. Even though they had had unpleasant things happen to them, they were still classmates compared to outsiders. The kind-hearted Tang Jiahui was about to get out of the car.

"Wait a moment."Daozhi stopped Tang Jiahui. Daozhi didn't know Meng Meimei. She didn't take a literature class.

In this kind of scene, I believe no one would want to be bumped into by a classmate, but if the man made a move, of course he couldn't sit idly by and watch. , watching with cold eyes.

Daozhi's car window glass was completely transparent. At this time, Meng Meimei also noticed Tang Jiahui in the car. She didn't know if it was for the sake of face or something else. She tried to break free from the man's hand, but the man pressed harder. He pulled Meng Meimei back, then slapped Meng Meimei on the face, and cursed fiercely and unpleasantly. The man was not tall, and Meng Meimei was a little taller than him in high heels. He is middle-aged, stout and a little bald. He is wearing a gray Paul T-shirt, a gold watch on one hand, and a string of Buddhist beads on the other hand. The T-shirt is tucked into khaki pants and tied on his round belly. The H Hermès belt is particularly conspicuous. Next to the slender Meng Meimei, the middle-aged man is short and squat. At a glance, he can tell that his body is a little exhausted.

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