There is a time for everything in the world, a time for death, a time for life, a time for loss , a time for gain , and a time for love...

01. The story of life. More than ten years ago, a friend of the businessman told him that there was a master from Mount Emei who had profound attainments and could not only cure all kinds of problems. For miscellaneous diseases, it can also solve problems for those who are destined to have it. The businessman is in a critical period of his career. His father's condition is gradually getting worse. He is anxious both internally and externally. He is at a loss and exhausted both mentally and physically. Even if the master can really cure all diseases, at this moment the businessman is more concerned about how to get rid of the difficulties in his career. No matter how talented a mountain Taoist is, it is impossible for him to solve his business problems. With the strong persuasion and recommendation of his friends, he Still, he came to the master's residence with the greeting ceremony.

When the businessman saw the master, he asked respectfully:"Master, my father is seriously ill at home and his career is in a quagmire. How should we solve the problem?"

The master looked at his face carefully, turned around and said:"Born into death, the disciple of life, ten There are three; three out of ten people die; three out of ten people are born and die. If you belong to the top three, you should let nature take its course." (From birth to death, there are three out of ten people who live long and short-lived people. There are also three out of ten people who could have lived longer, but there are also three out of ten people who commit suicide. Your father belongs to the three tenths who live a long life, and he should let nature take its course.)

These words surprised the businessman, His father was almost 90 years old. Although he was treated at all costs, he knew that he was just lingering. He asked for advice again:"Master, if I leave within this year, it will definitely affect my career."……"

The businessman had a big project in his hands and it was almost certain, so he made a lot of initial investment and was just waiting for the land to be obtained. The merchant's father was an upper-level official in the deep courtyard. The person who was now in charge of the land approval was once his father's subordinate and was single-handedly promoted. Everything was originally settled, but the approval was delayed. He searched many times and began to use various methods to I gave excuses, and then I was either in a meeting or on a business trip, and I kept hiding. The project was delayed again and again, and he was very anxious. After asking around, he learned that there was another person who also wanted the land. He also had a strong background and had strong connections. The proposed planning plan was more reasonable, more beneficial to regional development, and he was determined to win it. The person in charge of the approval document was in a difficult position. On the one hand, he was out of favor with the old leader, and on the other hand, he did not want to offend the forces on the other side, so he kept delaying it. Two years have passed in this way. The land price has increased several times in the past two years. If there is a new bidding, The company will definitely fail. If his father died at this time, there would be no hope for the project at all, his previous investment would be lost, and his career would be in jeopardy.

The master walked up to the businessman and said,"Whatever needs to go will go. What's yours is yours.""

"Can the master make it clear?"Businessman."

The master said:"It's like a piece of armor or a snake falling off. It's paradoxical." It can be said that a snake sheds a cicada and becomes an immortal, abandoning the secular world and becoming an immortal."

The businessman still didn't understand:"Master, what does this mean?"

"Your father's life is closely connected with your career. His departure is like a cicada shedding its armor or a snake shedding its skin. It is not death for your career, but a new life, and new life brings a new atmosphere. Snake skin and cicada armor may seem to be protecting the body, but sometimes they may be a constraint. Now only if you take them off, will you be able to clear up the clouds in your career and receive wealth and honor from heaven."

"Master is saying that if my father is gone, my career will be better?"

"You will know after 7 days."The master replied confidently.

The businessman seemed to understand. There was a beautiful girl accompanying the businessman, who was nominally his assistant. He heard the conversation between the master and the businessman outside the door. After returning home, the businessman's father passed away suddenly that night. , on the first seven days, he did get the land approval document, which meant that he would be able to make a lot of money.

Soon the businessman came to thank the master again. The thick gift showed his sincere admiration for the master, and also revealed his Ambitious, this time beautiful girls also came in.

Every girl with outstanding looks has a dream of being a star. They believe that beauty belongs in the spotlight, and this girl is no exception. She wants to be a movie star. She considers a businessman as her godfather. The reason why I stayed with him as an assistant was because he said he could introduce her to the film industry. She did play a few small roles in these years. Like a small stone thrown into the sea, it sank without even a ripple. When the girl met the master, not only did she let The godfather's career has come back to life and has reached a higher level. However, he has been with his godfather for so many years and has grown older, so he behaves like a spoiled child and pesters his godfather, hoping to get some advice from the master. The godfather then tells the master about the girl's Wishes, the master looked at her face, her big eyes were quite special, and then asked the girl to take off her clothes and spin around.

The businessman asked:"Master, how can I make her blush?""

"Even though your eyes are big, you still need to be able to captivate people. Only charming eyes can get ahead in your acting career."

"How can eyes be charming?"merchant

"If you want to act with your eyes, you also need to change the screen. The big screen belongs to fire, and the eyes belong to wood. Wood will inevitably be burned when they are combined, and the light of the big screen is too bright for a short time and it is difficult to catch eyes. The small screen is different, it is made of gold, and if the wood is plated with gold, it looks like gold. The name also needs to be changed, to Swallow. Now the swallow in front of the hall can fly into the homes of ordinary people. When it is transferred to the small screen, the road to stardom will be opened. The swallow dances and sings, and good fortune comes."

The agent of the originally scheduled heroine of a TV series suddenly turned it down due to schedule conflicts. The director was looking for someone else. At a cocktail party, an investor looked at Yan Zi a few times, and Yan Zi teased her with her eyes. After careful consideration, Yanzi successfully got the opportunity to use the mirror. She followed the master's instructions and used her eyes to express her emotions. Once the TV series was aired, Yanzi became famous overnight. The innocence and agility of the princess was successfully displayed in front of the audience. Swallows suddenly became very popular. Swallows really flew into people's homes. Swallows were printed everywhere on pencil boxes, diaries, school bags, calendars, playing cards, bedsheets, and slippers. photo.

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