Zhang Guo and Lan Yiyi walked towards the factory and left the door of the building. Their eyes were getting darker and darker. When they were about to reach the factory, Zhang Guo stopped to take a breath. Lan Yiyi did not rush.

Seeing him looking into the distant darkness from time to time, Zhang Guo said with emotion:"You want to use darkness to cover yourself, and your prayers will not penetrate. Once you enter the darkness, you will not be able to look back. The light will never accept the darkness.""

"It is human beings who release light, and it is human beings who create darkness. Light and darkness are intertwined and fighting each other. This is the world we are so attached to but so helpless."Blue uniform

"Do you want to live in darkness your whole life?"

"There is light in the darkness, and light is in the darkness. Who can really separate it? People often like to define light with themselves and explain darkness with the behavior of others."Blue uniform

"Aren't you afraid of going to hell?"Zhang Guo

"Hell is empty and the devil is in the world. Do you believe in hell?"Blue uniform

"I believe in Christ."Zhang Guo

"No wonder, then you read the Bible often?"Blue uniform


"Do you think you are a sinner?"Blue uniform

"Everyone is guilty and everyone needs atonement."Zhang Guo

"How do you atone for your sins?"

"Read the Bible and pray before the cross. As long as we are pious, the Lord Jesus will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."Zhang Guo

"Do you mean that after you have done something unjust, you can just kneel before the cross and pray and ask the Lord for forgiveness, and then you can continue to do unjust things with peace of mind?"Blue uniform

"It’s better than not praying at all."Zhang Guo

"What's the difference between this and forgetting what you did when you're drunk? Don't you think this kind of belief is false?"Blue uniform

"Faith always leads people to good things."Zhang Guo

"According to this, you have been doing good deeds for many years and you should be a good person. So do you think you can go to heaven?"Blue uniform

"I didn't kill anyone and set fire to it, why not?"

"Murder and arson are sins. The sin is not just murder and arson. You are a rich man. Since you read the Bible, you should know that it is harder for a rich man to go to heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle."Blue uniform

"Although I am rich, I am not unkind because of my wealth. I am very good to my employees."Zhang Guo

"Is it really good?"Blue uniform

"I pay more than others"

"How does it compare with their efforts and damage to the environment? You have set up factories in other places before, why did you end up here?"Blue uniform

"I'm needed here"

"Yeah? Or do you need it here."Blue uniform


12. Law

Zhang Guo was speechless, and after a while he asked again:"Do you have faith?"

"You mean religious beliefs?"

"Yes, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, Taoism……"Zhang Guo

"I will understand, but I don’t believe it"

"Then you never listen to their advice. A person without faith can do anything."Zhang Guo

"It is even more terrible for people with faith to do bad things in the name of faith. If you look at the history of human development, you will know how cruel and crazy those so-called Christians with faith are."

"That's better than no faith."Zhang Guo

"Not believing in religion does not mean that you have no principles or rules. Religion is not everything. Most weak people and liars need the kind of faith you mentioned more."

"fraud?"Zhang Guo

"Sincere people are magnanimous, but only those with a guilty conscience need religion, and they need a kind of support in their hearts. Otherwise, why would you pray? Do you think your heart is strong enough, like Lucifer?"Blue Uniform.

Facing the calm Lan Uniform, Zhang Guo could not show any momentum even though he had been struggling in society for most of his life. It is indeed difficult to find weaknesses in such a strong heart.

"You are so stubborn. Lan

Uniform looked at Zhang Guo and said:"Since you are so loyal to God, I am a heretic to you. On the contrary, to what I insist on, you are a violator. The massacre of heretics in the Middle Ages was the will of God. Do you believe Your teachings, I act according to my principles. If you want to hunt me down someday, I have nothing to blame you. Today you are in my hands, so you'd better follow my rules."

"Do you really want to fight against the light?"Zhang Guo

"Light, light, how many people hold the light high and lower their heads to do sinful things! You can illuminate the darkness with light, but you are never light."

After a moment, Lan Yi suddenly asked:"But I'm curious, you are no longer short of money, and now you still have a certain social status. Why don't you make money by engaging in scientific research and development, and go to the Internet to teach your experience? Have you ever thought about leaving a good name behind you?"

"Is there anything wrong with sharing my experience with everyone?"Zhang Guo

"If you let young people listen to your high-sounding words, aren't you lying to them?"Blue uniform

"Why is it a lie? Everyone agrees"

"Either the persona is based on reality or it is a lie, and it will be exposed sooner or later. Have you ever thought about what you would do if you overturn one day?"Blue uniform

"So have you ever thought about flipping?"

"In this business, the first thing to ensure is not to overturn."Blue uniform

"How to guarantee?"

"Harry's Law."Blue uniform

"Harry's Law? 'In strategy, a long circuitous road is often the shortest way to achieve the goal.’"This is a strategy in the MBA management course, and Zhang Guo, who is involved in business, certainly knows it.

Lan Yiyi looked at Zhang Guo and said,"It's not you. There are three Harry's Laws that I believe in. First, only take revenge on the murderer; second, don't get caught; third, don't let emotions drag you down."

Zhang Guo followed. Having never heard of this Harry's Law, Zhang Guo continued to try to find his weakness after a moment:"Can you leave a good reputation like this?"

"Maybe not, at least in this matter, others will pay more attention to you because of me, and I think they will scold me less than they scold you."Blue uniform

"snort."Zhang Guo

"You don’t have to believe it now."Blue uniform

"You are so brazen."Zhang Guo disagreed.

"This may be the case in your eyes, and it is the same with you in my eyes. The difference between us is that I say what I really think, and I do what I say. At least I am not a sanctimonious person. Zhang

Guo glanced at Lan Uniform:"Since you are so open-minded, why do you still wear goggles in front of your face?""

"I can take off my mask and glasses, but do you really want to see my true face at this moment?"Blue Uniform.

Wei Zhen's novel by WillNox, welcome to the surreal world of Tao Zhi

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