
They discussed for a while, and finally Deputy Director Zhang decided to let Zhou Meichen go in to see the situation. I don’t know why, but the blue uniform didn’t make Zhou Meichen feel intimidated. She walked over without hesitation. The blue uniform stood at the door as if waiting for her. Zhou Meichen’s behavior made the male colleagues present feel a little embarrassed. After Zhou Meichen stepped in, , Blue Uniform glanced at the people outside before closing the door.

The clouds cover the moonlight again. In this chaotic night, wherever the sky is, how big the earth is, there is sound but there is no sound, and the color is black. No matter how dark the night is, there will still be light. This courage, this responsibility and this responsibility shine alone in the dark night. The light of this person who dares to walk in will surely illuminate the entire night.

Zhou Meichen first looked at Zhang Guo and the vice president and secretary in the corner. Her eyes were searching for other people. She noticed that Lan Yi was following behind him with his mobile phone to take pictures. Zhou Meichen looked back and judged that this person was pretentious and narcissistic. I have learned about similar cases in school textbooks. Some arrogant criminals will take photos of their crimes and keep them as their own works. After so many years of handling cases, this is the first time Zhou Meichen has encountered it.

15. Normal life

Zhou Meichen saw some workers lying in the corner. The camera on her mobile phone followed Zhou Meichen's gaze. The workers were wearing the same blue uniforms and dust masks. They had no work badges and were lying around. Zhou Meichen took off the mask of one of them. The blue uniform did not stop him. Instead, he took a close-up, confirmed his breathing and pulse, and took off another mask. They were probably just unconscious. The camera follows Zhou Meichen to another place, where he is also unconscious. Zhou Meichen randomly checks one of them. There are like 5 places in total. Zhou Meichen mentally counts the number of people. They are all here, and they should all be in a coma.

Then Zhou Meichen checked the back door of the factory. There was no trace of movement. Her eyes fell on some waste paper slurry and buckets, cans and bags of chemical reagents. She could also feel that the water in the big pool had calmed down just now. come down

"This is white oil, this is sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, alkali……"The blue uniform introduced the place where Zhou Meichen's eyes passed.

There was nothing hidden in the blue uniform for Zhou Meichen to see through. Zhou Meichen observed very carefully, not wanting to miss anything, and did not pay too much attention to what the blue uniform was saying.

After completing a circle, Zhou Meichen's attention was caught by the table next to the door. There was a bottle of wine and two glasses on it. The crystal clear high-end wine glasses were particularly eye-catching at this time and were incompatible with the dust and obsolescence of the factory. , how can there be wine? There is another question in Zhou Meichen's heart. The weirdness and mystery everywhere have already covered the danger. This night is bound to be emotionally turbulent.

After Zhou Meichen finished reading what she wanted to see, she asked,"Can I ask you a few questions?"


"Are you the only one here?"Zhou Meichen

"It's as much as you see"

"Why harm these hardworking and innocent workers?"Zhou Meichen.

Blue Uniform turned the camera to the workers lying over there, and said after a while:"You shouldn't think so too, do you really think it's me who is hurting them?"

Zhou Meichen looked sideways, and Lan Uniform added:"The coma can only last about 6 hours and will not cause any harm to the body."

Judging from his tone, he must be telling the truth. Based on Zhou Meichen's current understanding of him, he will not hurt these people. Zhou Meichen stared at his glasses, trying to see what kind of heart was under the lenses. The yellow lenses It was like a warning, making people unable to see anything.

Then Lan Uniform put the phone on the stand aside, moved a stool to the table, stretched out his hand to signal, Zhou Meichen sat down calmly, Lan Uniform faced Men sat opposite Zhou Meichen, everything seemed ready.

Looking at the wine on the table, Zhou Meichen felt complicated. She knew she shouldn't be in this mood. This was not her usual style. She was disturbed...

Zhou Meichen He took off his guard and asked curiously:"Why do you do this instead of living a normal life?""

"Normal life! what is that?"The blue uniform asked calmly.

"Find a real job and earn money to support your family."Zhou Meichen

"Like them?"The blue uniform asked again.

"why not?"Zhou Meichen

"Young and strong enter the factory, endure the noise, breathe harmful gases, receive unmatched wages, have children, drink cheap milk powder, cannot afford to eat in high-end restaurants, have no decent clothes, and do not travel or go In the movie theater, I only take the bus, and I don’t dare to smoke too many cheap cigarettes. The only fun is probably watching short videos that I don’t understand. I haven’t reached the retirement age yet, but I am already sick. Then I retire early, the mortgage loan has not been paid off, and the children have not yet paid off. Without independence, you will not earn much in your life, but most of it will be taken away by your mortgage. In life, you must not only plan carefully, but also be cautious and always worry about misfortune. Is this the kind of life you live? Do you think this is what is called normal life?"Blue Uniform's tone was calm, but his words were very powerful.

"I? ……I have no idea."Obviously it was Zhou Meichen who was asking him, but he was speechless when he asked back.

Zhou Meichen had never thought about this. Her family environment meant that she had never experienced this feeling for a moment, and she never had to think about it. Obviously she did not approve of it. This kind of life, the ratio between today's housing prices and wages is indeed a bit inconsistent, and it does allow some people who plan to settle down to live such a life. Even if it is not exactly like this, most people are not much better. However, different places naturally have differences. No matter where you are or where you are, not everyone can live in a way that satisfies them, and not everyone has the conditions to pursue their ideals. We only pray that the relationship between ideals and hard work will be closer.

Zhou Meichen Then he asked:"What grudges do you have with Zhang Guo?"

The blue uniform looked at the equipment inside:"Grudges? Do you know where the raw materials for processing come from?"

"have no idea."Zhou Meichen

"These raw materials are imported, but they are actually waste that needs to be processed from abroad. Can you imagine imported waste?"Blue uniform

"It is still a legal trade practice, and if it is legal, it should be protected. We have a large labor force and can increase employment. Her company has contributed a lot of tax revenue here and promoted regional development."Zhou Meichen has heard that every year, a lot of waste is shipped from overseas to China for processing. It is the foreign garbage that people often talk about online. This kind of trade is indeed very uncomfortable.

Wei Zhen WillNox's novel

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