The receptionist led them into the lobby on the first floor, which should be a leisure area. On one side were rows of low sofas and glass coffee tables, and on the other side there was a bar with a variety of drinks, especially foreign wines, including Lafite wine. Further inside, there is a circular pool in the center, which looks like a big trampoline. There is a large crystal lamp hanging above the head. You can tell at a glance that it is expensive and it should be very domineering when it lights up. Zhou Meichen followed behind, scanning quickly with her eyes. There were speakers in every corner. When she passed by, Zhou Meichen glanced at the sign that said it was the top speaker in the UK. The room was a bit dim without the lights on, but everything shone with a luxurious luster.

After passing through the hall, we came to a corridor. The corridor was mainly decorated with gold. The walls on both sides were covered with oil paintings. There were sculptures at both ends. There was a long red carpet in the middle, just like a European palace. Through the corridor, they came to a relatively bright room with large floor-to-ceiling glass windows connected to the garden outside. This should be a dining place.

An older lady was sitting by the glass window. Her eyes were slightly tired, but this did not affect her smart and capable image. When she saw Zhou Meichen walking in, she immediately stood up and said,"Director Zhou, please sit down."

The receptionist helped Zhou Meichen. After pulling out the chair and sitting down, the middle-aged lady introduced herself:"I am Eva. I am responsible for the daily affairs here. How can I help you?"

Along the way, Zhou Meichen has noticed another smell, what kind of place it is. She already had a rough idea, so she said without courtesy:"Why do you have to make an appointment to come in? What kind of school are you?"

"I'm really sorry, Director Zhou. We are a private school here and are not open to the public. I apologize for the inconvenience caused to you."

It's obviously a standard rhetoric. Zhou Meichen glanced around:"It's not open to the public, so what group is it targeted at? Eva understood what she meant:"We are targeting successful people who have their own careers. Their requirements are relatively high, so our threshold here is a bit high.""

"Successful people, what else do they come to learn?"Zhou Meichen

"Some have encountered bottlenecks in their careers and want to recharge their batteries, some want to enrich their knowledge, and some just for fun... We will customize suitable services for them."

"For example?

Eva paused:"For example, a few days ago, someone wanted to learn about European court culture, so we arranged for him to go to the Roman palace to observe and learn on-site. There was also a person who wanted to learn Latin, so we hired a nun from the Catholic Church who knew Latin. Teach him, and some of them want to skydive, dine at a Michelin three-star restaurant, watch fashion weeks, participate in film festivals, etc. We can arrange it. Even if they want to travel to space... As long as they want to dream, we can find a way to help them realize it. They call our place the fourth space."

It feels like a lofty concept. Zhou Meichen has only heard of the third space:"The fourth space?"

"Yes, a space of desire outside of family, work, and leisure."Eva explained

"So the tuition is expensive?"

"Yes, so we are not for the general public, but for the upper class who have conditions and specific emotional desires."

"Do you all go out to serve like this?"Zhou Meichen

"Nor, according to the wishes, going out is just our high-end service"

"Do you have a teaching space here?"

"Of course there is upstairs."Eva replied

"It's Monday today, why didn't I see anyone coming?"

"Most of them have their own careers and are usually very busy. The time is based on their free time. Our model is a bit like adults staying at night."After Eva finished speaking, she glanced at the time and then looked at the receptionist. The lady immediately brought the menu.

"It's lunch time. What would you like to eat, Director Zhou? We ate and talked."Eva tried.

Eva acted very diplomatically. Zhou Meichen knew that she couldn't get anything out of the question, so she went straight to the core question:"No, thank you. It's inconvenient because I have official business. I came here to ask if Lilly works for you?"

"Yes, came to us almost 1 year ago."Eva said calmly

"Can I meet her?"

"She's not here now, she's out."Eva

"When are you coming back?"

"It may take several days, it depends on the situation"

"Are there any pictures of her?"

19.Light in dark night


Eva's tone is calm and calm, she always smiles and is very polite. Zhou Meichen has always been wary of people who are too polite. Confucius said that too much courtesy will lead to deception. Although the answers she received were reasonable and flawless, Zhou Meichen's intuition from many years of work told her that she could not completely believe that there must be a problem somewhere, but what was certain was that Lilly worked here. From the various signs observed, no matter what kind of place this is, there must be a lot of articles in it.

After returning home, Zhou Meichen and her young colleagues began to check the school. The registration information showed that it was a private school that had not been established for a long time. The school focuses on private customization, and its teaching scope includes politics and economics, film and television, exotic cultures, various arts and languages... The official homepage is not much different from other private schools, except that there are no dynamic updates, and the frequency of legal person changes is also somewhat high.

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