Tan Da thought that this was just a small accident. The master had predicted that there would be twists and turns, so he was very calm. He thought that the situation was still on the established track, and comforted him:"Don't worry too much. Since the master said that there will be noble people to help you in times of trouble, I believe that my daughter can Any misfortune will turn into good fortune, and any misfortune will turn into good fortune." Then he ordered:"Go to Lilly, call her back no matter where you are, and supply them with double the cost."

Eva said hesitantly:"Mr. Tan...I'm afraid I can't find her back."

"how? She resigned?"Tanda

"Mr. Tan, a month ago, the prince came and failed to control the situation properly. He died."


"Yes, Mr. Tan."

Tanda knew that her son often failed because he couldn't control himself, and it was Eva who took care of the consequences. Mrs. Tan didn't know, and she couldn't stand upright after hearing this. Tan Da quickly helped her sit down. Eva brought a glass of water, and Mrs. Tan glanced at She glanced at her and didn't answer, so Eva had to put it aside in embarrassment. Tan Da's expression was serious. Her daughter had experienced many twists and turns along the way. Is this the twists and turns that the master said? Tan Da was no longer so confident. The situation seemed After losing control, I thought for a moment and asked Eva:"Who could this person be?"

"Mr. Tan, he knows a lot about the school. Alang and the lady went to Haotian Mountain together. I speculate that Alang and him should be in the same group."

"Together? Could it be that Alang took such a big risk just to help others find his fiancée? What is the relationship between Alang and that person? Didn't he think about the consequences of kidnapping my daughter?

Eva said cautiously:"Mr. Tan, Alang is Lilly's brother." Eva

's answer made Mrs. Tan angry:"Isn't there a rule that relatives are not allowed to work together? Why wasn't there an investigation?" Eva quickly admitted her mistake:"Madam, it was my negligence. Alang first came and was always working as a chauffeur for drunken guests. Later, Lilly, she didn't go out, and her usual work didn't overlap. I undoubtedly heard the following people talking about it in the past two days. A while ago, Alang was secretly inquiring about Lilly. We found something wrong. After investigation, we found out that they are brother and sister."

"Why not report it immediately? Mrs. Tan said angrily

"I only found out yesterday that the prince is in this situation. I thought it would only last a few days and nothing would happen, but I was afraid of upsetting my wife so I didn’t report it immediately. I didn’t expect him to be so obsessed. It’s my fault. lady."Eva continued to admit her mistake.

"Isn't there some trouble now?"Mrs. Tan reproached her, her children becoming like this has something to do with Eva, and she even doubted whether Eva did it on purpose.

Tan Da saw his wife's suspicion, and he looked at this confidante again. His career today is indispensable for Eva's shrewd play. Li, as a confidant, Tan Da believed in Eva's absolute loyalty and would never do anything to harm the child. Mrs. Tan had already blamed her for neglect, so Tan Da didn't say anything more. The top priority was how to solve the problem. Eva knew very well about Tan. Tan Da couldn't hide anything. She had never been too careful.

After all, Tan Da was the big boss and quickly sorted it out:"So it means A Lang is the one behind this.""

"I also think Alang is the mastermind."Eva

"Will they hurt their daughter? Mrs. Tan asked anxiously

"Since they want to replace Lilly, they should not mess around. I have tested this Alang's blood and it is quite pure. With his care along the way, I believe he already has some feelings for his daughter."Tanda is confident in her daughter's appearance. They have always been aware of what happened in shopping malls, parking lots, highways and small town clinics.

"He is in his prime and is indeed the best candidate. I have also observed him for a period of time. He treats people sincerely, values ​​feelings, and is principled in his work. The fact that he did not call directly shows that he has scruples."Eva glanced at Mrs. Tan first and added

"What if they can't see Lilly?"Mrs. Tan

"Knowing who our opponents are will give us space. As long as we hold them steady, we won't be able to control them when we get there in three days."Although it is a bit tricky, Tan Da believes that the situation is not completely uncontrollable.

The trend on the Internet caused by the incident on the road can be said to be the result of their operations. What they want is for their daughter to attract the attention of thousands of people.

For the sake of safety, Tan Da convened a group of people. A group of people are on standby at any time. The three people upstairs were discussing. Mrs. Tan advocated looking for them immediately. Finding a person in the mountains is like finding a needle in a haystack if they know the general direction. After a while of analysis, they decided to wait for the call. As long as they need it, there will be a way. I'm afraid What is true is that people have no desires or desires




40. As the sky changes, so will the path.


In the cave, Alang's mind gradually cleared up. He looked at the younger brothers and said,"Shouldn't you follow him and make the same mistakes again and again?"

The younger brothers did not dare to look directly into Alang's eyes, and felt somewhat guilty for their betrayal. After all, back then, When they were bullied outside, it was Brother Lang who helped them stand up. After a while, one of the younger brothers explained:"Brother Lang, it's all a transaction anyway, why don't you ask for more money?"

"I don't want money involved, I just want my sister back."

After one spoke, the other said:"Brother Lang, don't be so arrogant. If you don't want money, you can give it to us. We need money."

"If you need money, you can earn it yourself"

"Aren’t we making our own money now?"My little brother's guilt gradually disappeared.

"If there is still some affection, let them both go."Alang

"We didn't dare to leave us behind after you left. We were often bullied when we went to town to buy and sell cattle and sheep. It was your cousin who helped us, and now he is our eldest brother."Little brother.

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