"What does his sister have to do with us?"My classmates are not fully aware of the whole incident.

"His sister works for her father……"Cousin.

Alang shouted helplessly:"Stop talking, please stop talking."

Seeing his cousin's painful look, his cousin got some satisfaction in his heart, and walked up to his cousin forgetfully:"You have suppressed me since you were a child. You hugged me and didn't let me do this or that. That time someone came to your door, you apologized to them humbly and begged for forgiveness. You just ignored me if you didn't help me, and you even slapped me a few times in return."

"I'm doing it for your own good. You stole someone else's cow, and they brought someone to ask for an explanation, but you still want to beat them up."Alang explained

"His cattle got into my land and ate my banker"

"You can't kill other people's cows and eat them either"

"I didn’t eat it myself, I shared it with everyone."My cousin argued

"You are afraid that you cannot bear the consequences alone, and you want everyone to bear it for you. If you make it clear in advance that the beef is stolen, will they still want it?"

"Okay, even if you are right, let me ask you again, why did you stop me from being with my cousin?"

"You just need her to like you"

"If you don't interfere, why doesn't she like me?"

Alang felt that he was wrong and did not answer. He was indeed preventing his sister from meeting him. His cousin continued:"I know that you look down on me from the bottom of your heart and think that I don't have enough education. You want her to live in the city and don't want to be with people like us. Mixed together, now what? You can't survive in the city anymore, and you want me to help save your sister."

Alang lowered his head, and his cousin said bitterly:"Aren't you always good to me? You think you are right about everything and I am right about nothing, so what? You have nothing now and you have even lost your sister. I have had enough of your tricks for a long time. The cousin walked up to A Lang and lowered his voice:"

I might as well tell you that the night before my sister went to college, you went to town to prepare things and didn't come back, and she didn't come home either. Do you know what she was doing?""

Alang felt something was wrong when his sister left. At that time, he thought it was because he was sad to leave his grandma. Alang's eyes suddenly showed a fierce light, and he stared at his cousin fiercely. The cousin said proudly:"Just like you today, After I got drunk, I stayed with me all night. There is really nothing to say about my cousin’s health. When I woke up the next day, she cried like a child. Do you know why she didn’t tell you? I told her, your brother and you When you go to the city, your grandma will still be here. If you don’t want her to have any accidents, don’t tell anyone. Instead of taking advantage of the people in the city, it’s better to take care of your own family, right, cousin."

It stabbed Alang's painful area, his clenched fists were trembling, and the iron chain cut the skin. With another fierce force, a nail awl came away. Just as he was about to pounce, his cousin took a step back in panic. Fortunately, Before the other hand could free itself, his cousin picked up a stick and hit him on the head. Perhaps the alcohol residue reduced the physical pain, or perhaps the anger in his heart made him ignore the pain. Alang fought hard He tried to break away, but his cousin continued to beat him mercilessly until his head was bruised and bloody, and he could not move. It seemed like he was venting his anger, but also like he was trying to show his authority. The younger brothers were all stunned by his cousin's cruelty.

The body was hanging from the hanging broken arm, blood flowed from the eyes, and fell to the ground drop by drop. Alang never expected that the playmates who had grown up together would suddenly be so strange, the former brothers , How could he be so ruthless and cold-blooded? Just a few years after leaving the village, he felt like he was a world away. He originally thought that only the earth in the city was cold, but now the earth in his hometown was no longer warm. The world was chaotic and people were frightening. He looked at it with difficulty. Glancing at the entrance of the cave, it may be the last time I feel the moonlight. People say that only the moon in my hometown is warm and amiable, but now the earth under the moonlight is so cold and ruthless. The cousin walked up to the pink girl, and the classmate blocked the front with his body. :"Don't hurt her"

"As long as you obey the rules and don't get in the way of getting money, I won't hurt you."The cousin replied coldly.

The younger brother tied up Alang tremblingly, and then he and his cousin went outside to eat meat and drink wine to celebrate. The moonlight was bright outside, and my heart was surging. Inside, it was gloomy and dark, and the lonely night was wailing, and the classmates were ruthless. Staring at A Lang, A Lang held his breath in his heart.

At night, a boy came in with a bottle of wine:"Brother Lang, it's really helpless that it happened like this, and we didn't want to, so don't blame us. After saying that , he poured the wine into Alang's mouth, and suddenly his cousin appeared:"What are you doing?""

"I didn't do anything. I was afraid he would die. I gave him some wine."

"die? If you can't die, get out."The cousin reprimanded.

After the younger brother left, the cousin squatted in front of the pink girl and touched her face with his hand. He could feel the excitement in his heart. The classmate was very nervous and did not dare to speak for fear of irritating him somewhere. His eyes Not daring to leave his hand for a moment.

Suddenly someone came in:"Brother, there seems to be someone over there? Are they coming?"

My cousin got up and followed to check, and scolded:"You are a pig, it takes a day or two to get here from the city."

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