Konoha: Uchiha’s Counterattack

Chapter 165: The Final Battle 12

Slowly, Namakaze Minato confirmed his guess. All the sand ninjas who besieged him only moved within a certain range when chasing him. When he exceeded this range, other ninjas immediately besieged and killed him.

The regional defensive formation, they didn't receive any instructions, obviously they had practiced it long ago, waiting for their arrival, and even coming here by themselves was considered accurate.

Namikaze Minato's movements accelerated, all of which indicated that this battle was a ridiculous surprise attack at the location arranged by the opponent and under the tactics formulated by the opponent, which would only bring about a disastrous defeat.

I don’t know what’s going on with Anbu and other troops. By the way, Uchiha Yang will also be targeted by the opponent. Now it’s up to me and him to get out first and go to support other battlefields.

"C5 area 023 and 055 quickly use the kunai mechanism to c7 area." Zi Shaoshangren said to a ninja, and then the ninja cut a thread in the command room.

Namikaze Minato, a Flying Thunder God, just left a certain distance, Kunai shot straight at him, and immediately used Flying Thunder God again, whoosh, a Kunai scratched his left arm clothes.

Namakaze Minato was shocked, and already understood that the opponent had already grasped his Kunai's position, as well as some of his fighting habits.

When everyone is fighting, they will unconsciously use the tricks and moves they are used to. Minato's Flying Thunder God also has his own habits, such as the foothold, he likes to move to the direction of two o'clock first, and then to the direction of 9 o'clock.

These things that I didn't pay attention to before, let the opponent find out first, which is not easy to handle. Some habits can't be changed just by changing them. Minato uses Flying Thunder God, and most of them will use ninjutsu according to the habit in an instant.

If you want to reflect it now, the time to cast the spell will be longer, and you can't guarantee what the end point will be. Who can know what the opponent will do, now he knows your next move, you have to change your moves, and bet whether the opponent will still guess.

It won't work like this, I'm like being caught in a spider's web. If you can't break the web, you have to kill the spider first.

Namikaze Minato must know that he would only kill him, and after learning about it, Kosho Jominin nodded and used his strength to break the trick, but my place is not so easy to attack.

He made a gesture, and just as Namikaze Minato was approaching, an enchantment was erected around the command room. Zi Shao Shangnin locked himself in the seal.

Namikaze Minato didn't expect the other party to do this, but he didn't panic, and immediately tried three ways to break the barrier, and found that there was only one way, which was to use extremely destructive ninjutsu outside to attack At one o'clock, send the Flying Thunder God Kunai in, and then use the Flying Thunder God to enter.

Kosaki Kami Shinobi walked out of the command room, and Namikaze Minato just looked at each other face to face. He is so young, although he already knew the age of the other party from the information, but from the moment he saw the other party, Zi Shao Shangren regretted it!

He should use all his strength at all costs to kill him. The potential of this person cannot be described literally. This is a person who is more important than hundreds or even thousands of Konoha ninjas.

This person's undead Konoha will go to the next level, not to mention there is a Uchiha Yang who is faintly ahead of him! God is really kind to Konoha. The genius gave one and one, and the genius still has this kind of Hokage capital, or one or two! The previous generation had Sannin, and the next generation also had Golden Shura and Golden Flash.

Zi Shao Shang Shinobi is envious, jealous and hateful! Why! My heart is full of calculations about the feasibility of another plan.

The moment Namikaze Minato saw the other party, he knew the other party's identity from the other party's eyes. I also understood the other party's intentions, Sand Ninja Village also has masters, and the staff of myself and Konoha were careless this time, and they were too eager for quick success.

The resulting consequences are likely to lead to the collapse of the entire situation. I have to take full responsibility, and my mentality is out of balance, so I have such an irrational plan. Although this plan is the most ideal at present, it is also relatively risky.

All I can do now is to complete my own goals first, and it's useless to think about anything else, let's save everything for later.

Zi Shao Shangren winked with several people in the enchantment class, and the faces of the few changed, and then cast admiring gazes at Zi Shao Shangren.

Namikaze Minato resisted the interference of sand ninja outside, while using his current strongest attack skills.

"Dayu Spiral Pills"

Namikaze Minato's spiral pill hit the barrier, and a small hole leaked out of the barrier, and then Namikaze Minato's will trait Kunai flew in, and then Fei Leishen activated.

The barrier was closed in an instant, and Minato Namikaze also rushed in successfully. Zi Shao Kami Shinobi didn't say any unnecessary nonsense, and ran directly into the command room. Namikaze Minato's instant movement technique was activated, and he reached the door ahead of him, blocking the way of Kosho Kaminobu.

"Golden Flash, your Konoha ninja is being slaughtered, there is nothing wrong with it, it is slaughter, that kid named Uchiha Yang has been trapped by the barrier, and now he may have been captured alive, or killed directly.

You Konoha lost, hahaha even if you kill me, you can't undo all this. All this is because of you, your own calculation is wrong, hahaha will of fire, shit. "Zi Shao Shang Ren yelled and cursed.

Namikaze Minato didn't give him another chance to speak, and directly launched the instant body technique, aiming at the opponent's heart, it was a thrust.

The strange thing is that Kosaki Jominin didn't dodge, but went up to him, and then grabbed Namikaze Minato's arm, and said to Namikaze Minato, "Your Hokage dream can be broken! Hahaha"

Then Zi Shao Shangnin vomited blood, but at this moment the entire command room and the barrier suddenly exploded, and the power was astonishing, even directly shattering the barrier from inside.

Although Namikaze Minato escaped at the last moment, he was still affected, his body was in a mess, his back was blown to a bloody mess, and his right hand, which was caught by Kaminin, was also covered in blood.

This means that even if he can arrive, his combat strength will be greatly damaged, not to mention that he will not be able to turn the tide, and he will die for it.

Namikaze Minato admired the sand ninja commander. Even this situation has been calculated. It was clearly a suicidal plan to use his own name to win a war.

Is it worthwhile? From the perspective of sand ninja, it is too cost-effective. It is very cost-effective to win a war if one person dies. But from the perspective of a planner, there are very few people in the world who can have such courage.

Exhausting conspiracy and conspiracy, just to blow up! Is this something normal people can think of? Either a genius or a lunatic.

Or a mad genius, but now he has no choice, even if he dies, he must die with everyone. Others can escape, but he can't, he is the commander of this unit, he is the golden flash - Namikaze Minato

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