Korean Entertainment’s Future Insight

Chapter 452: Four Seasons Hotel (last)

Everyone is weighing in their hearts, not for weighing themselves, but for weighing others.

In Park So-yeon’s heart, Luo Junning is an out-and-out radish. When the old boy failed to propose to Kwon Jeon-ri, she still felt sorry for the old boy. But later, this old boy of the same age suddenly met Jung Soo-yeon. After coming together, if it’s just that, let’s forget it, but a few months after they got together, they got involved with Kwon Yeon-ri again. What’s even more surprising is that Jessica and Kwon Yeon-ri did not exist for each other. The accident was average, and I got along very friendly.

what is this?

Seeing that these two proud sisters were willing to share the same big boy with each other, Pu So-yeon immediately turned away from Luo Junning.

However, this does not mean that Park So-yeon has ignored Luo Junning's other advantages.

When Luo Junning first discovered the strange relationship between Jung Soo-yeon and Kwon Yoon-ri, Park So-yeon had done a lot to save the two sisters who had been'confused' by Luo Jun-ning, just to find Luo Jun-ning’s flaws. In the end, it was discovered that Luo Junning did not seem to have any flaws. Not only was he handsome and talented, but he also had the stability and maturity that boys usually did not see. The most important thing for girls was that Luo Junning made Zheng Xiuyan and Kwon Jeonyul's smile was full of happiness.

Even though Jung Soo-yeon and Kwon Yoon-ri sometimes show worried expressions, they can’t hide the happy smile when they talk about Luo Junning. Therefore, Park So-yeon gave up to persuade them to leave Luo Junning’s heart. Big Carrot's plan-from this point of view, Luo Junning had to give Pu Soyan a red envelope.

now what?

Park So-yeon suddenly discovered that this big boy seemed to know herself very well, and even when she was comforting herself, her words directly touched on the softest position in her heart. What made Pu So-yeon more alarmed was that she actually had a bit of resentment towards Luo Junning. , Not because of Jessica Jung and Kwon Jeon-ri like before, but only because of the perfunctory support of this big boy.

In Pu Soyan's view, Luo Junning's last remarks were perfunctory to herself.

Obviously, they have successfully signed Jung Soo Yeon, Kwon Yoon Ri, Lim Yoona, Kim Tae Yeon, Sunny, but now when talking about themselves, they have more than enough energy?

Park So-yeon took a peek at Luo Junning. At this time, the big boy was smiling and looking at Jung Soo-yeon and Kwon Yoon-ri not far away. He felt imbalanced again, and said angrily: "Are you looking at which of them will be eliminated? ?"

"What?" Luo Junning turned his head in surprise.

Park Soyeon snorted and said, "Don't say you don't know. As you said just now, the women's team needs special features, but they don't need the same colors, and we are just a reserve team. Can we go all the way? In the end, it’s hard to tell. Take what you just mentioned, Yoona and Yunxi both have their own works. You said that Yunxi has already achieved some results, so you’re surprised to appear in this preparatory team. But you forgot, Yoona also had a good performance in your "Coffee Prince No. 1 Shop". She is also an actress. If she wants to choose, will the company keep them together? I see It's difficult. Also, Li Yin has already made his debut, and he has a lot of popularity. He can be a candidate for the lead singer, but Taeyeon and Sika are not inferior to Li Yin in strength, even... even if we are now With this number, there are fewer than three lead singer-level trainees in a team, so who will leave in the end? Excluding someone's relationship factor, it must be competitive with strength. In the coming months, Haha, I hope it doesn’t become too difficult."


Pu Soyan looked at Luo Junning who was applauding in amazement, and suddenly blushed and said, "What are you doing?"

"Applause for your wonderful analysis." Luo Junning said of course: "I found that I like you a little bit."

"You...you still like your Sika and Jeonyul, go, I don't like your kind of radish like you!" Pu Soyan left a back of her head and left angrily.

Luo Junning shrugged depressed, he found that Park So-yeon should have misunderstood herself. What he said was not like between men and women, but felt that the girl’s potential was really good, if it weren’t the constraints of her birth and trainee’s restrictions. I think she will have a lot to do with her vision, but even so, what Park So Yeon is showing now is more than enough as the captain of a women's team.

Just like Luo Junning said before.

In his opinion, the captain of a women's team does not need to be too good or even too good. The biggest role is to connect the entire team, adjust the atmosphere in the team, and negotiate with the outside world.

Among the dozen girls in front of him, Luo Junning had never considered his two girlfriends at all for the captain of the team. First, he didn't want them to work too hard, and second, he felt that their personalities were inappropriate, and among the other girls he knew well. , Lin Yoona is still a child who has not grown up. Kim Taeyeon is good, but she is still lacking in communication. It is better for Huang Meiying to be a cute smiley before she learns Korean completely. Sunny is not able to control her emotions. Being a child is too'righteous'. As for the other girls, he is not very familiar with it. So no matter how you look at it, Park Soyeon should be the best candidate for the captain.

Of course, the choice of the captain should be Jin Yingmin's business, but Luo Junning also believes that Jin Yingmin is not blind.

"Oppa, what did you talk to So Yeon Ouni just now?" Jung Soo Yeon sat down, her small hand directly grabbed Luo Junning's big hand, this was the first time she took the initiative to pull Luo Junning's hand like this today, and this subtle act It was the eyes of the few girls who were newly joining the small team, and there were some unknowable things in their eyes.

Luo Junning squeezed his girlfriend's hand and said with a smile: "Just to talk about the future captain. If there are no major changes, she might be your future captain."

"Soyeon has always been the one who takes care of us the most. It must be the captain. What do you need to say?" Jessica snorted dissatisfiedly: "I just want to know if you are tempted by her!"




After a while, the girls consumed enough energy and generally calmed down. Just when Luo Junning wondered if they had enough vent, a sudden sentence made him have the urge to hit the ground with his head.

"Shall we go to the karaoke room?" Lin Yuner suggested with high interest.

"Good!"* (N-Luo Junning)

"No, haven't you enough trouble?" Luo Junning asked tangledly.

"Oppa, what do you mean by making trouble? Are we making trouble? We are obviously practicing, okay, you know we are members of the women's team, we need to practice our voice! Now there is no way to practice in the company, so I'm just going to the karaoke room. This proves that we are working hard, isn't it? Obviously the company gave us two days off today. We are using the holiday to practice. How can we say that it is a trouble? I..."

"Stop! Whatever you say." Luo Junning quickly interrupted the girls' ‘justification’, then ran out of the private room and went to checkout. He didn’t want to be talked about by the girls again.

Seeing Luo Junning's back in panic fleeing, the girls suddenly let out a burst of crisp laughter.

Of course, girls are not excuses for playing.

In South Korea, due to the development of the artist’s career and the large number of trainees, a karaoke room with professional equipment and space has been derived to provide guests with high-quality karaoke services. At the same time, it also provides a good place for these large numbers of trainees to practice after class. After all, not many trainees will prepare advanced practice equipment at home.

When Luo Junning followed the girls to the best karaoke room nearby and asked for the largest room to put all a dozen girls in, he only wanted to understand this after seeing the equipment clearly. At that time, Lin Yuner had already picked up the microphone.

The night was getting deeper, and the girls who had sang enough finally woke up Luo Junning, who was constantly nodding his head, and prepared to leave.

"Oppa is really good, you can fall asleep even if we sing so loudly, it's really good!" Lin Yuner looked at Luo Junning with admiration, but she was ridiculing.


"Oppa! People are complimenting you, you hit them too much, isn't it too much?!!!" Lin Yuner covered her forehead with a sorrowful accusation, but all she got was the back of Luo Junning's head. They can only ask for help from Jessica and Kwon Yoon, but the result is obvious. How could Jessica and Kwon Jeonj protect Lin Yoona in such a situation?

Fortunately, not just the four of them, but other girls as well.

"Yoona, you are so stupid. You know that they are a family and still toss, don't you find it uncomfortable by yourself?" Kim Taeyeon said funny.

Lin Yuner was quite wronged: "But she is also Oppa's sister?"

"Is there a blood relationship?" Huang Meiying suddenly leaned over and killed Lin Yun'er in one sentence.

Is there a blood relationship?

Lin Yuner stayed in place, looking at the intimate appearance between Luo Junning and Jung Soo Yeon, and Kwon Jeonyul, the first time she felt-very dazzling.

Although Luo Junning’s car has been modified according to his interests one after another, it has not made the original space bigger, so after sitting down four girls, he can only let other girls take a taxi. Fortunately This street is very busy and it is not difficult to take a taxi, so the girls returned to the dormitory in this way.

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