Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 488: Stars favored

The elevator roared all the way and ran for more than ten minutes, and Wu Hao didn't feel any sign of it reaching its destination.

Seeing those outside disciples who looked constipated, Wu Hao was really afraid that they would vomit out on the spot.

Fortunately, they were also practitioners of the visceral realm during the physical training stage. The internal organs have been strengthened, but they are not as unbearable as Wu Hao imagined.

But in a closed space, the body is still in a state of discomfort, so staying for a long time is by no means a good experience.

Therefore, the elders who led the team were chatting with the disciples, diverting their attention.

Elder Zhao was the only one who was on the scene, and the topic was well-informed. Soon the topics he talked about attracted everyone's attention.

According to Elder Zhao, when it comes to Motianling, it is best to stay overnight before going down the mountain.

Because there may be some opportunities on Motianling.

This is related to the environment of Motianling.

Legend has it that in the ancient times, a series of wars started by Gonggong clan and Zhu Rong clan, and continued to follow, is called the "Battle of Tianqing".

It was called this name because the star realm was greatly damaged at that time.

The sky is in the northwest, and the land is sinking in the southeast!

It is said that it is precisely because of this situation that the northwestern part of the star world is still being burned into an endless desert because it is too close to the sun when the sky is falling.

In the southeast, a vast ocean appeared because of the subsidence.

The southeast and northwest are more affected, so the aura loss in these two regions is also the most obvious. This has led to the cultivation resources in the spiritual world today, with the Western Regions and Lingnan being the most barren.

The East China Sea has also been greatly affected, but because the water is flowing, this impact is constantly disappearing with the changes in the hydrological environment of the star realm.

The Central Plains and Saibei regions are the least affected because they are in the hinterland.

Therefore, the practitioners in these two regions still have the basic benefits of the ancient times before the star realm was destroyed.

That is the favor of the stars.

The reason why the star realm is called the star realm is because of the favor of the stars appearing among practitioners.

According to legend, all the heavens and stars in the star realm have spirituality, and they will pay attention to and care for the practitioners who are predestined with them. This allows practitioners to use their star power to cultivate, cleanse, fight, and possess all sorts of miracles.

Even if the practitioner is favored to a high degree, he can show the true fate of the stars and possess incredible powers.

In the historical changes of the Central Plains, those who have the body of the star life often play a very important role in it.

Among them, the most widely circulated star fate is to kill the wolf!

According to rumors, the seven kills are the thief who disturbs the world, the army breaking is the general of the world, and the wolf greedy is the treacherous and treacherous man!

It is said that once these three kinds of stars appear at the same time, the world will be in chaos.

Of course, it is extremely difficult for a rare star life like Killing a Wolf to be achieved. There are three hundred sixty-five stars in the heavens, and there are three hundred and sixty-five star fate. Even so, there are still very few people who can get the favor of the stars.

That's why Elder Zhao mentioned that this is a chance that might arise.

May appear, another meaning is that it is very likely not to appear at all.

The reason why he mentions this here is because the Shu area also has an environment similar to the Central Plains in some areas.

Because Shu is in the southwest, it is just outside the Central Plains and the northern part of the country, another place that has not been affected by the disaster of the sky.

But there was a wind quake here, which destroyed the original scenery of the Shu area. Only a few dangerous places survived, and there are ancient weather.

Motianling is one of them.

So stepping on the Motianling Mountain is like entering the Central Plains, and there is hope for the stars to take care of.

Of course, that's what Elder Zhao said. The Star Favored this kind of thing is very metaphysical, and there is no fixed law. It means a bit of unpredictable fate.

Those who practice to the world's most invincible, may not be able to get the blessings of the stars. Those who live in poverty all their lives without a tile may not be without care.

It has taken care of it today, but it may not continue to take care of it tomorrow. It has not been patronized for many years, and it may not start to patronize immediately.

It's such a **** thing.

Under Elder Zhao's description, Wu Hao's tone seemed a bit sour.

Wu Hao has also checked some information about the things that stars favored. Because Qian Baoer is the fate of the moon.

Wu Hao knows that most people in Lingnan have this mentality, the less they get, the more they want it. Because in Lingnan, let alone the low probability, even if it is the qualification to be favored by the stars.

So when they come to a place where they can accept the blessings of stars, they can't help but wonder, could that person be me?

Listening to Elder Zhao's explanation, most of the people on the elevator were like this, with an expression of eagerness, as if the favor of the stars would come to them in the next moment.

When Elder Zhao saw this situation, he silently shook his head.

He has eaten more salt than all these guys have eaten together.

These people are still too young.

He has tested it personally, and the chance of being favored by Starlight is definitely not even one in three thousand.

Such a good thing, how can it happen casually.

When Elder Zhao sighed, the elevator finally stopped with a click.

The destination is here.

The people in the lift were impatient for a long time. As soon as they stopped here, they opened the safety bars one after another and went out.

Elder Zhao walked steadily at the end.

He stepped out of the elevator in one step, but he could no longer step out with the other foot.

He was shocked on the spot.

Others may not be able to see it, but he is also practising the path, and he can see it as soon as he goes out. Now the whole Motianling is full of shining stars!

Those disciples who just got off the elevator are now soaking in the stars.

Elder Zhao looked up and saw the sky full of stars, and the stars in the sky were surprisingly bright.

But it's broad daylight...

What do you want to do with such a sign?

He silently calculated against the starry sky, before murmured for a long while: "One party moves, the stars shine, is it you? Ziwei!"

But he reacted right away, swishing down the elevator and rushing into the sky full of stars.

Because he knows that when the stars are shining, it is the best time to be chosen by the heavens and stars as the patrons.

Although he has failed time and time again.

But this time, maybe you will be hit?

However, he had been soaking in the stars for a long time, and he didn't feel the slightest abnormality.

With his current level of divination, if others become the patrons of the stars, he may still not be aware of it. But for himself, he could clearly feel it.

Absolutely not!

Elder Zhao suddenly felt discouraged, followed by numbness.

Love it!

Wu Hao didn't know the mental journey of Elder Zhao. As soon as he arrived on the Motianling, he stared directly at the Huowu Dieyi, and could no longer remove his eyes.

Another QR code appeared.

On the Huowu Dieyi body, the purple QR code!

Wu Hao began to scan when he was conditioned.

Then he was pleasantly surprised to find that the number of his star diamonds was constantly rising.

Huo Wu Die Yi was soaked in the radiance of stars, only she could perceive it. After she came to Motianling, the place was full of stars, and then the stars continued to flood her body like a hundred rivers returning to the sea. It seems endless.

Suddenly, she felt that the starlight rushing from her body seemed to be missing a lot, and UU reading became much thinner.

"Is it an illusion?" Huo Wu Dieyi frowned. "Or a normal reaction?"

It was also the first time she encountered this kind of star force tank situation and didn't understand the key.

"Rising, rising..." Wu Hao excitedly watched his star diamond break through the 10,000 mark again. I can't wait for this moment to last until the sky is old.

He felt that Huo Wu Die Yi looked a lot pleasing to the eye.

Just as he was immersed in the joy of harvest, suddenly there was a reminder of Akrypton.


Wu Hao immediately opened the Akrypton panel and saw the above content.

"You have been followed by Greed Wolf Star!"

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