Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 12 The Second Degeneration

Because of the accumulation of rain, System did not encounter the hyena-like ants again when he ate the dragonfly corpse. These pesky ants had been severely damaged by the impact of the rain.

However, System did not think that the ants in the forest would die out because of this. The heavy rains for several consecutive days may be accidental, but heavy rains lasting one or two days must be very common in this forest.

The variety of ants in this forest undoubtedly shows that they are not helpless in the face of heavy rain.

The complex and huge ant colony will definitely leave some empty rooms, allowing some ants to linger, as long as the rain has passed, they will crawl out of the ground again.


The speed of feeding was slightly ahead of System's expected time. In an hour or two before the sun went down, System had already eaten the entire dragonfly carcass, and then dragged his bulging abdomen back to the stalk on his branch. Rest in dead leaf lair.

After a day, the forest regained some vigor, and System heard the sound of several cicadas chirping.

As the sky darkened, the moon and stars became brighter.

He even heard the chirping of a cricket, and wondered how the cricket, which would only hide under the rubble, survived the heavy rain.

Perhaps it was the reason for being reborn as an insect, and System gradually understood the meaning of the cricket's chirping, not just because of the knowledge left over from his previous life, but because he really understood the cricket's chirping.

The chirping of this cricket is full of joy in surviving after a rainstorm, and it also expresses an appeal for a mate.

Except for a few of insects' calls to seize territory, most of them are to seek mates for reproduction.

System had never paid too much attention to hearing the sound of insects before, and it was not until today that he suddenly realized the reproduction of insects, and a question about himself——

He is a male grasshopper, which also mates after molting into an adult.

Does he have to find a female grasshopper for mating after molting into an adult grasshopper after level 8?

Find a female grasshopper, show off his strong body, attract the female's attention, and mate with the female...  

Souls from humans made System feel very depressed about mating between grasshoppers.

But what was even more depressing was that when System thought of the scene of the mating of grasshoppers, the blood all over his body trembled slightly, and he actually felt a little excited.


System's body went into a dormant state as usual, but System's spirit did not go into a half-sleep and half-awake state as usual this night.

Until the next morning, System's spirit was still a little confused.

Because of the mating between insects, System's human soul and the instinct in the insect bloodline fought for a whole night last night, and in the end, the human soul had the upper hand.

But System didn't know if this result could be maintained after he molted into an adult for the second time.

You must know that with his current grasshopper body, he is at most an adolescent human child.

After he degenerates into an adult grasshopper and meets a female grasshopper, System is pessimistic about whether he can continue to maintain his sanity.

It is estimated that he will have a hard time controlling himself by then.

System also considered eating less food and trying to delay the time when he became an adult, but he could not escape the fate of becoming an adult grasshopper.

Besides, becoming an adult grasshopper can increase his chances of survival, so he must live as long as possible!

System finally looked at the matter. He still wanted to become an adult worm as quickly as possible. As for mating, he decided to let it take its course and not think about it too much.



Three days passed, and System was not very lucky. Apart from eating a dozen aphids the size of sesame seeds, System did not find any other meat for him to eat.

At the same time, System had a near-death experience the next day. A light green lizard of ten centimeters launched a long-range surprise attack on him from a branch a few meters away.

Because the observation distance of the insect compound eyes was too short, System had not noticed any danger before, so he had to jump into the water in a panic and escaped.

Fortunately, no fish attacked him in the water. His body was so light that he could float on the surface of the water. Finally, he struggled to paddle back to a tree and escaped the catastrophe.

In three days, the stagnant water in the forest depression has subsided a lot, leaving only the last thirty or forty centimeters deep, and some high-lying positions have been exposed to the ground.

By eating plants, System successfully reached level 8 a day ago, and his body size grew to 5 centimeters.

Although he has not yet transformed into an adult, his body is already much larger than the 3.5 cm of an ordinary green-tailed grasshopper.

It may be the food he eats that is rich in nutrients, or it may be that his talent [Numerical Code] optimizes his growth efficiency, or his talent [Degenerate Growth] has a high initial level.

After the level was raised to level 8, System's talent [Metamorphosis Growth] was raised to level 12, and it was only one level away from reaching the full level. Grasshopper to learn more.

The 3.5 cm size of an ordinary green-tailed grasshopper, System was informed by the information in his blood, and he also knew that grasshoppers like him who were born [degeneration] and reached level 10 were very rare. one.

It can be said that even without the talent of [Numerical Code], he is considered a grasshopper with extraordinary talent.


After consuming the leaves all day and storing the food in his abdomen, System began to return to the lair for his second molting.

After experiencing the first molting, System became very proficient in the second molting. He quickly softened his exoskeleton according to the instinct in his blood, and then controlled his flesh and blood to absorb the essence of the softened exoskeleton, leaving behind. The outermost layer of dross.

During the process of degeneration, System didn't need too much control by himself, all the changes in his body would be completed naturally by the grasshopper's body's instincts.

System could feel that the wing buds on his back were growing and expanding rapidly, and at the same time, a layer of softened exoskeleton was gradually wrapped around his wings as protection for the wings.

As expected, the turbulence from the blood came out again, and the [Degenerate Growth Mode] appeared, and System once again got the opportunity to strengthen one of his body's abilities.

This time, System did not hesitate and chose to strengthen his talent [Numerical Code] again, and his spirit also appeared in that sea of ​​numbers of 0 and 1.

System turned into a white light sphere again, and several digital spheres appeared to revolve around him.

The sphere of [Self-Information Generation] is very small, and the speed is very fast when it is far away from him.

The sphere of [Data Storage] is very large, and it is very close to him. At the same time, there are two smaller digital spheres near [Data Storage], namely [Information Entry] and [Information Read]. These two spheres surround It orbits with [Data Storage], like a satellite orbiting a planet.

With the reinjection of the bloodline power in [Degeneration and Growth], the entire digital sea became wider.

The digital sea near System vibrated irregularly again, and it seemed to form a planet composed of 0 and 1 again, and the size of this new planet was several times larger than [Data Storage].

As long as this planet converges successfully, System will undoubtedly gain new abilities.

However, this time, the new skills were obviously not as smooth as the last time. To be precise, the power injected from the bloodline was insufficient. The huge digital planet was not fully formed, and it shattered because of insufficient power. in a coma...

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