Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 51 The first snow under the clear sky

"Could it be that these worker ants left?"

System shook his head. Although he had not instilled in these ants that he was the queen of ants these days, these ants still regarded him as the closest existence and would never disobey his instructions.

Even if the worker ants are venturing out of the temporary nest, they should return to the nest and continue feeding the larvae as instructed by System.

System also didn’t get any clear answer when he asked Shava.

If it wasn't for System's inquiry, Shava, who was eating slime gelatin, didn't even know that the number of worker ants in the temporary nest had decreased.

Although Shava has a certain amount of wisdom, he has always been insensitive to numbers, and so far he can't even figure out addition and subtraction within ten.

System was also helpless about this.

And while System was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a special feeling.

This special feeling comes from his ability [intuition].

System selected a worker ant and took it away from the nest.

System got a certain feeling that as long as he went out with one worker ant, he could find out the truth about the disappearance of the two ants.

The group of ants that had been patrolling the entrance of the cave had been transferred by Shawa to build a winter nest not far away.

However, because it was very close to the ant colony of the black and brown ants, it didn’t take long for System to encounter an “ant search team” responsible for foraging.

One of the ants in this ant team found him and gradually approached him, as if to find out what he was.

However, before the ant approached, the worker ant brought by System greeted him.

The two ants touched each other with their tentacles, as if they were communicating, but suddenly the two ants seemed to sense something was wrong, and in the blink of an eye, the two ants were biting together.

Seeing this, System immediately separated the two worker ants with his tentacles, and twisted the ant's head with his tentacles.

These two worker ants were originally descendants of the same queen, but at this time they met like enemies, and there was an endless feeling of immortality before each other.

Even if System was not here, the two worker ants would fight without hesitation.

Watching the two worker ants fighting, System could easily guess the reason for the disappearance of the two worker ants. It should be that they went out from the temporary nest and died of the fight when they came into contact with the black-brown ants. .

Unlike Shava, these ants hatched by System have an innate hatred for the ants in the ant nest.

When System used [Teleportation] to question this worker ant, he got a very clear answer from the worker ant—the enemy.

Not food, but enemies.

It was like the anger and hostility that System had conveyed to him when he deceived the ants into saying that they were the same kind.

"...So that's how it is."

Taking the worker ant to jump on the branch of the plant, System observed the ant nest not far away, and he quickly thought of a more reasonable explanation.

The ants raised by System and the ants in the nest are descendants of the same queen.

But because of the different growth environment, it produced a slightly different smell, and it has become a new nest of ants.

This may be the habit of ants. Two ant colonies of the same species in the same area are destined to survive only one.

Now that I think about it, in fact, he deceived the ant that he was the queen ant. Perhaps the ant did not discover that he was a grasshopper, but regarded him as an ant of a hostile group.

Otherwise, the ants would not be so angry at that time.


But no matter what, the matter has come to this point, what System has to do is not to recall the past, but how to deal with this ant nest.

As the new queen ant raised by System continued to produce offspring, he was bound to have a war with the ants in this ant colony.

Even if this war doesn't happen this fall, after this long winter, next summer, if System still intends to live here, his ant people are destined to have an undead encounter with this ant nest. endless war.

Within a dozen or so meters around here, there can only be one nest of ants.

After a winter, System couldn't tell what would happen. Besides, if he fought against this ant nest next summer, his ant people would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

After some deliberation, System has made a choice between spending the winter smoothly and then migrating tomorrow spring, and erasing and occupying the ant colony this autumn.

System finally chose the latter.

In the final analysis, System now has two groups of slimes as his thugs, and when winter comes, these two groups of slimes may disappear, and System does not want to miss this excellent opportunity.

These two groups of dark green slime gelatin are much stronger than his old friend's brown slime in terms of size, elasticity and digestion.

It should not be a problem for this medium-sized ant nest of about 100,000 ants.

And with him in command, he can take the initiative to control the slime to leave after he finds that the slime's phagocytosis ability has declined.

With slime's powerful digestion speed and recovery speed, it must be much faster than the queen's hatching ant speed.

Even if the first two attacks of two slimes won't have a fatal effect on the ant colony, multiple attacks for a few days will definitely cause heavy losses to the ant colony.

At that time, let Shawa kill the queen, and then let Shawa direct the worker ants to carry the ant eggs, larvae, and pupae in the ant nest, and wipe them all out.

In this way, the colony of ants has been declared completely extinct, and the ant colony that has lost all the ant eggs has no possibility of producing new queens.

And with his action, the death rate of this ant nest will be further accelerated.

After that, let Shawa lead the ant construction team to expand the ant nest, and then he can clean up the remaining ants, occupy the magpie nest and occupy the ant nest in a grand manner.

There is enough food for hundreds of thousands of ants to spend the winter in the ant nest, enough for him to cultivate new queens for development, and it is not impossible to raise a small slime with these food to provide stable glue.

The more System thought about it, the more he felt that killing this nest of ants this fall would be a wise choice.

And even if it fails, it will not have any effect on him. The big deal is to let his ant people not go out in the autumn, and they will migrate in the spring tomorrow.

It's just a pity that the wintering nest that he had let Shawa lead the ant construction team to excavate completely lost its function.

But if he could occupy the ant nest as System envisioned, then such a trivial matter would be irrelevant.


System, who made the decision, was very efficient. After ordering Shava to keep watch over the ants in the temporary nest, he spread his wings and flew to the swamp where the slime was.

Today, System will control two slimes to attack the ant colony for the first time...

However, while System was flying, he suddenly noticed that many white ice crystals—snow—were falling in the sky.

There is not a cloud in the sky, and the temperature is as mild as in early autumn, but snowflakes are scattered in the sky like this, and more and more snowflakes are falling...

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