League of Legends: My Age

Chapter 399: "You can't see me"

The players of the Wolves are naturally very happy. In fact, a small field lost to Lid has made the old ball vigilant. The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed in the ant's hole and cannot be taken lightly. This round of performance gave him a sigh of relief.

Frankly, Zhuo Yunhai's overall performance was not good, and he was a little behind his previous performance. When facing Li Mu, his emotions could not be concentrated in the game. The Czar was sanctioned by the prince, and playing with one hand did not fit well. Although his Titan character is right, he obviously did not give enough calm support in the teamfights, leading to the defeat of Woe. The genius' growth path obviously needs to be sharpened.

At the end of the game, the old ball slipped out for a while. He went to find Luo San Pao. Today Luo San Pao is definitely a help. As an old gun in the e-sports circle, obviously Luo San Pao knows what the Wolves are missing now. This commentary gave the Wolves enough attention, and the status and situation of the Israeli three guns are definitely intentional.

The gentleman's friendship is as light as water, and there is a kind of friend.

This battle made the name of Wolf King killer really loud. In the past, the passerby king was more of a gimmick, because in the passerby king there is no egg use in the professional arena, but now it is different.

This new team of "pick-ups" has won four consecutive victories. At present, there are still two teams that have maintained a winning streak. They are all giants of lpl, img of group a, and evg of group b.

The new team may have achieved some results because of unfamiliar play, but after these four rounds, those who know it should be able to see that this team, which claims to break the operation, has deep operational accomplishments. Because they know the operation, they know this tactic and The fit and scary version.

But if LPL wants to win the s championship, it must find the possibility among the impossible and discover another characteristic of League of Legends.

Maybe it's against the mainstream, but don't try it, who knows?

The major e-sports media have also begun to face this team, rather than just ridicule at the beginning of the season.

On the order 008, after joining the Wolves, he gradually found his confidence, and he was still the lpl's front-line order.

Playing wild tank, reckless play may be difficult for other teams to survive, but it is very suitable for this Wolves team, and also fits the coach's "ambition", and the tacit cooperation of Nakano supports his play.

Xia Bai Bai Ye group, fans have nicknamed twin brothers, complement each other's personality, full of patience, Xiao Ye is gradually maturing, and Xiao Bai, absolutely worthy of the two words of talent, both have a focus on lol and desire to win the championship.

The two are the silent killers of the Wolves. When other teammates attract attention, they can join forces to make the ultimate harvest.

Coach Zhang Qiu, if he thinks he's spitting words at the beginning of the season, then the game is the most real, and his abilities are shown to the fullest. At least some people start to seriously think about the possibility of breaking the operation. At least he dares to think that he can lead A brand-new team with impulse to reproduce the glory of the old woe, lpl needs a hundred flowers.

In the end, the Wolves will come down to one. The soul of the Wolves, killer, is just like the powerful Tenjin sk has only. League of Legends is a team game, but it is indispensable. Like the name, this is a hero game.

Any team needs a hero!

He has the technology, tenacity, unremitting efforts, and never-ending focus and pursuit of the championship.

There are only a handful of people who can finally do it in today's world.

Can killer enter this rank?

No one knows yet, but he already has this qualification.

Among professional players, everyone doesn't really care about Killer's past. To put it bluntly, the card needs players to play out bit by bit in the game. At present, killer is not enough.

But in the fan circle, there is a completely opposite boiling situation. The professional is rational, but the audience is emotional. The past videos that are not very clear have been turned out. A special feature called "You Can't See Me" Fire, tens of millions of clicks, straight to the hot.

At that time, the boxer picked 28 people and fought for more than nine hours until the exhausted miracle. The stubborn look in that young boy's eyes!

In that year's Xinghai hegemony, in the desperate situation, the super-god double-strike the dragon, and changed his life to defeat the legend, the cruel look of the young boy who just grew up!

The video is blurry and the cheers are blurry, but the feeling is even more real.

Now killer is back!

The Golden League has broken the collection of wolf domination, led the Wolves to crush the kings of the various regions, the singles, junglers, assists, adc, middle singles ... have even played, and with the bgm heated, the highlights come In the inter-city match, yes, an inconspicuous inter-city match, but the opponent is still Zhuo Yunhai. In the case of five battles, his right hand was injured, and the situation was resurrected, but killer was still the killing god, left hand changed his right hand, and staged the inverse again. Days change lives.

There is no "give up" in this man's dictionary!

Suddenly everyone understood why the sister-in-law would be crying after the game, not because of a failure in the regular season, but because he prepared too much for this game and expected too much, but this talented boy did not get out of the intercity game Nightmare was ruled again.

That's why he is called "Ionian Fear".

img club ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As the next opponent of the Wolves, img is naturally extremely serious. At present public opinion, they will not tolerate slack, and do not want to become the cornerstone of Wolves growth.

lunch break.

Wata is staring at the computer screen in a daze. The video "You Can't See Me" is over, and it also brings back many memories of him.

Top came over, saw his friend daze, patted his shoulders, and smiled in Korean: "Look at the beauties, stay like this, ... what is this?"

Wata didn't talk, just opened a return visit. Top didn't care. He was not very interested in the previous games, so there was no sense of substitution. As for the left hand to right hand in the intercity match, it was quite fun.

"Interesting, is the balance right and left, but it is useless. There is no changeover in the game, unlike you." Top doesn't pay much attention to such gimmicks. For him, the championship is the best proof.

Wata grinned, "There is no me in it ..."

There is no place for him in the brilliant highlights of his opponent who almost destroyed his gaming career ...

Nothing is more tragic in life.

It was because of his failure that South Korea sent a look that year. However, he retired with no trace and no interest. Although he proved himself in lol, his failure was always his heart.

"Take care to let him know that the world has changed in the years since he disappeared."

Top looked at Wata in amazement for a long time. I haven't seen such strong murderousness and warfare for a long time.

"Okay, together!"

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