At this moment, in the infinite Chaotic Source space, Brolin's body is like a bottomless black hole, constantly sucking in the power of the Chaotic Source around him!

A terrifying storm was sweeping across, and terrifying power that could shake the source world was constantly being injected into his body!

His body continued to grow rapidly, and soon reached the point where it was on par with a source world!

This is undoubtedly very terrifying. The size of a source world cannot be counted in light years. It is so vast that it is boundless!

However, this is not the limit. His body is still absorbing the power in the infinite Chaotic Source Space and is still in a state of growth!

"The body has surpassed the size of the ordinary source world. Is he following the route of divine power? Using force to break magic?"

In the Temple of the Void, the seven Hunyuan Lords looked at Brolin, whose body continued to grow in size, in the light and shadow projected by the mirror. Each of them showed a look of surprise. Even Yuan, his eyes were shining brightly. Light, staring closely at Brolin's body in the light and shadow.

As we all know, there are two main cultivation paths for creatures in the source world, one is the law path, and the other is the divine power path.

Like the master of the universe who breaks through to the realm of true gods, he either understands the laws of the universe and promotes the evolution of his own kingdom into a small universe. In this way, the genetic level of the divine body will naturally jump, and he will eventually become a true god.

Or go the other way and take the divine route. In this way, in the stage of being the Lord of the Universe, one must first improve one's own genetic level to a perfect level of 10081 times, and finally break the shackles of this perfect genetic level, allowing one's own divine body to break through first, thus driving the evolution of the Kingdom of God and stepping into the realm of true God. .

The latter is undoubtedly more difficult than the former.

In the same way, if a god-king level powerhouse wants to break through to the Chaotic Source Life Form, he can also choose the divine power route.

In the original universe, the upper limit of the genetic level of living creatures was 10081 times. In the source world, the upper limit of the genetic level of living beings is 100,000 times, which is the level reached by Luo Feng in the original plot!

Even if he is a God-King-level expert, his genetic level can only reach a hundred thousand times at most, which is the limit of perfection.

Therefore, if there is a creature that can break through the genetic restriction of 100,000 times, even if it only reaches 100,001 times, then he can use the divine power route to break the law with force, break the shackles of the source world, and then enter the Chaotic Source Space and become Chaotic Source Space. Source of life!

However, this method is extremely difficult and almost impossible to achieve. After all, just achieving a hundred thousand times the genetic level is already extremely difficult.

Like in the original plot, Luo Feng's achievement of 100,000 times the genetic level was achieved through countless chances and coincidences. It is almost impossible for others to achieve it. Even the Mountain Guests regarded it as a legend. Obviously, no one among the many god kings in the entire Origin Continent had reached this level at that time.

As for achieving 100,000 times the genetic level, it will be even more difficult to further break this perfect prison.

In a source world, even in countless eras, a Hunyuan life cannot be born, and if you want to take the path of divine power and use force to break the law, which is the most difficult road, it is even more hopeless.

However, although it is difficult to give birth to a Hunyuan life in one source world for endless years, there are countless source worlds on the side of practitioners, and there are also many powerful Hunyuan beings. So although it is difficult, not everyone can succeed. Among the many powerful Hunyuan beings on the practitioner's side, there are still some who have managed to break the law with their strength.

For example, the seven Hunyuan Lords have all followed the strongest path. Brolin's use of strength to break the law cannot theoretically surprise the seven Lords, because they have all done it before.

The reason why they showed shock was because Brolin's use of force to break the law was to directly become the Lord of Chaotic Source, rather than simply breaking through Chaotic Source. This meaning is far different!

"If you break through one hundred thousand times the genetic level, you can use your strength to break the law and become a high-level chaotic source life. But if you want to directly become a lord-level existence, it is not just as simple as surpassing one hundred thousand times!" A lord exclaimed.

"Twenty-nine thousand six hundred times! His genetic level has reached the limit in Chaotic Source Space, and he has directly become the ultimate life form!" Another lord spoke, his eyes flashing!


“To be able to do this is actually beyond me!”

The seven lords all sighed and were moved, even Yuan was no exception.

The genetic level exceeds 100,000 times, which can only allow god-king-level beings to break the cage and become high-level Chaotic Source beings. They cannot even become world-class Chaotic Source beings. They need to continue to control the Source World.

Only by reaching the perfect limit gene level in the Chaotic Source Space, which is 129,600 times, can one directly become a lord and step into the category of the most powerful ultimate life form, invincible in the Chaotic Source Space!

"Amazing! In this case, his body strength can compete with those of the most powerful ancestors of the Hunyuan Life Lineage?" A lord sighed.

"Yes, it's comparable to that infinite snake!" The lord who destroyed the demon clan nodded, with a hint of envy in his eyes.

You must know that in the Infinite Chaotic Source Space, although the seven lords of the cultivator lineage are recognized as the most powerful single beings, that refers to the comprehensive combat power and does not mean that their bodies are also the most powerful. of.

The power of the lords is that they have mastered the complete Tao of Hunyuan level and have all kinds of incredible methods. Although the born ancestors of Hunyuan life do not have this ability to master the Tao, their bodies are generally more powerful than the lords.

Like some of the ancestors of Hunyuan life, they are almost impossible to kill. Although they do not control Tao, their bodies themselves are the embodiment of Tao!

For example, among the natural ancestors, the one named "Primordial" has a huge spherical body comparable to the origin world. It itself represents the most powerful way of defense. Even if the seven Chaotic Source Lords attack together, they cannot Kill it, or at best, seriously injure it!

There are other ancestors, and their bodies also represent other powers of Tao, which are extremely powerful!

Generally speaking, the body of the Hunyuan Life Ancestor is superior to that of the seven major lords.

Of course, despite their physical disadvantages, more than 90% of the Hunyuan Ancestors were still no match for any lord in a single duel.

After all, the innate Chaotic Source beings are born powerful. They were born in the infinite Chaotic Source space and are born to be the controllers of the Chaotic Source power. They can control the Chaotic Source power without any training or comprehension. This also leads to their own lack of experience.

The lineage of cultivators is different. No matter what form of cultivators they are, such as the human race or the destroying demon race, they are all born in the source world, not in the chaotic source space. They are born weak and need continuous practice to gradually become stronger, and finally break the shackles of the source world, enter the Hunyuan space, and become Hunyuan beings.

Therefore, although beings born with Hunyuan are born powerful, practitioners who eventually achieve Hunyuan through cultivation can come from behind and become even more powerful.

Like those Hunyuan Ancestors, they were born invincible and their bodies were stronger than those in the Origin World. However, because they had not experienced cultivation from a weak age, their understanding of the Tao was very low. Even though they were powerful, they were unable to truly and master the complete Hunyuan. Compared with the Tao Lords at the source level.

In the Infinite Chaotic Source Space, there are more than a hundred natural ancestors, but only five of them are considered to be the most powerful single beings like lords. The other more than a hundred ancestors are still far away from this level. gap.

The bodies of the five Hunyuan Ancestors who are comparable to the lord level are as strong as the infinite Hunyuan Space allows. Their genetic levels are also 129,600 times higher. They are born with perfect bodies and can never be killed. The ultimate existence!

"I didn't expect that in our lineage of practitioners, there would be a lord with a perfect body. It's incredible!" A lord said with emotion.

"His body can be compared with the Infinite Serpent and the other five ultimate life forms. If he masters the Hunyuan level Tao in the future, maybe even you, the veteran thief, will not be his opponent in the future!" The one who destroyed the demon clan The lord joked.

Hearing this, Yuan smiled and said nothing.

But several other lords shook their heads.

"That's not the case."

"The body has reached perfection. Although it is powerful, it is not invincible. The ultimate power in the infinite Chaotic Source Space is still the Tao!"

“Only by mastering more ways can we stand at the top!”

"The Infinite Serpent and the others have bodies that are almost indestructible, but so what? Facing a few of us, they can only remain undefeated. They will never be able to surpass us!"

"Yes, the veteran thief has the largest number of Tao masters among us. His strength is obvious to all. Even if he is not the ultimate body, even in the eternal land, his strength is definitely among the top three!"

Several lords sighed and looked at Yuan one by one with dissatisfaction. This old guy is the oldest and has survived for endless years. As the Lord of Hunyuan, he has the highest realm and controls more than one avenue of Hunyuan.

Although those who are powerful enough to reach the lord level are almost impossible to kill. No matter how many powerful people attack them, they will not fall. However, there is still a difference in strength between them. Strong Ru Yuan, although he cannot kill other lords, he can suppress others if they really fight. After all, he has the most knowledge.

"What a perfect body. If I had persisted for a while longer..." a Hunyuan Lord suddenly sighed.

Hearing this, several other lords also showed some regret.

Using force to break the law, pushing the body to the limit of perfection, and becoming the Chaotic Source Lord is undoubtedly the most difficult path. But it is also the path with the greatest benefits.

One hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred times the genetic level, this is the limit that living beings can reach in the infinite Chaotic Source Sky. There is no body more powerful than this.

Even among the more than one hundred Hunyuan Ancestors, only the five Infinite Serpents have reached this point, and none of the seven lords including Yuan have reached this point.

Of course, this does not mean that the lords are not as good as the Infinite Serpents. The genetic level of the five Chaotic Origin Ancestors is naturally perfect and they did not achieve breakthroughs through their own cultivation.

The seven lords grew up step by step from the weak in the source world, and their starting point at the genetic level was far inferior.

"Speaking of which, when I broke through the cage of the Origin World and broke through the level of Chaotic Source, I also followed the path of divine power and used strength to break through the law. However, it was not a breakthrough with perfect genes." A lord said with some emotion.

"Why am I not? At the beginning, I broke through to the universe god realm with a perfect limit of 100,000 times the genetic level allowed in the source world. Later, I even broke through the genetic level to nearly 120,000 times!" Another lord said. , with memories in his eyes, "When I reached that point, I could break through the Chaotic Source at any time, but I was unwilling to do so, so I spent endless years trying to go one step further and improve the genetic level to perfection."

"Unfortunately, that was too difficult." He sighed slightly, "I spent endless years, but finally gave up, entered the Hunyuan level in an imperfect state, and then took control of my hometown, the Origin World, reaching the world level. Finally. Relying on the power of constantly controlling the Tao, I became a lord."

"I thought that after entering the lord level and accumulating time, I could slowly improve the genetic level to perfection. However, I never thought that after reaching the Hunyuan level, it would be even more difficult and almost impossible to improve the genetic level."

Hearing this, several other lords also sighed, even Yuan was no exception.

Aren't they like this?

When I first broke through Hunyuan with an imperfect genetic level, I thought I could slowly accumulate and eventually perfect myself. However, I never thought that it would be more difficult for the beings in Hunyuan to improve their genetic level than the creatures in the origin world, even if they reached the lord level. , it is useless to use countless treasures, the body level is almost fixed.

"We, the lords, control the essence of Tao, but do not have the ultimate body. The Infinite Serpent and the others are born with Chaotic Source beings and possess the ultimate body, but cannot control the essence of Tao." Yuan Qing sighed, "Now, after all, There is such a creature that will control these two powers!"

Hearing this, several other lords nodded, with envy in their eyes, and they all looked at Brolin in the light and shadow.

Due to the signing of the contract, the new book will not be updated for the time being, but I am working on the manuscript. It will explode after the signing of the contract, so I hope you can support it. . . Please recommend me for collection or something. . .

Yesterday it was number 23 on the new book list, and today it is number 31. I don’t want to be in the top three, but at least in the top ten. .

As long as you give the piaopiao to the old book to the new book, it can definitely be done, please. .

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