"What?" Ye Zhong lifted his spirits.

"Someone sent an encrypted and camouflaged signal to the outside, and I intercepted it!" Ye Zhong knew it wasn't Mu, but Shang when he heard the Youyou tone! Mu has never spoken in such a leisurely tone, he has always spoken in a calm and calm manner without any ups and downs. On this point, Ye Zhong was greatly influenced by Mu.

"Shang, is it time for you to come out today?" Ye Zhong greeted Shang.

Shang smiled triumphantly: "I didn't expect to encounter something interesting just after I came out! Ye Zi, tsk tsk, don't keep learning about animal husbandry, life needs fun! Hehe, that chick in exercise clothes is really classic, leg strength You foot! It’s nostalgic! Tsk tsk! Ye Zi, how are you there? I remember she kicked you! Talk about your feelings at that time. It’s such a pity to have that opportunity!”

The figure of Rui Bing in white exercise clothes could not help appearing in Ye Zhong's mind, and the strange fragrance and smooth touch involuntarily popped out from the depths of Ye Zhong's heart.

What a strange feeling!

Ye Zhong knew that if he didn't interrupt this guy at this time, this guy would definitely talk about this issue endlessly. So Ye Zhong quickly changed the subject of Shang: "Shang, you just said that someone sent a signal outside?"

Shang said: "Well, to be precise, someone should have preset a smart program to send a specific signal to a certain place every once in a while!"

"Oh, what did the signal say?"

"The current location of this ship!" Shang replied.

"Will this matter affect us?" Ye Chong asked.

"Insufficient information, so I can't judge, hey, Mu's catchphrase sounds terrible!" Shang muttered, and then said in an exaggerated tone: "Yezi, there is no doubt that someone wants to harm this ship. God, don’t you have a sense of chivalry that draws swords to help when encountering injustice? According to this year’s online survey, this item is one of the must-have temperaments that are most popular with women this year! Ye Zi…”

Faced with Shang's chatter, Ye Zhong's eyes were loose and his expression was dull. He almost felt like he was going to faint!

It took a full twenty minutes before Shang stopped his free play on this topic.

Ye Zhong's expression was sluggish, he was dying!

Shang asked Ye Chong in an expectant tone: "Ye Zi, how is it going? Let's find out this internal agent and fight for justice! Haha!"

"No!" Ye Zhong resolutely ignored the guy who had fallen into madness, and walked away.

Quietly soaking in the micro-rotating jacuzzi, countless tiny whirlpools in the water swim around every part of Ye Zhong's body, the slight itching makes one feel extremely comfortable. Ye Zhong didn't have an expression of enjoyment on his face, but was in a daze.

Without Mu, Shang makes people really feel insecure! With Mu, Mu seems to be an omnipotent leader. But with Shang, Ye Zhong realized that he was the leader. However, thinking of Shang, Ye Zhong couldn't help but smile a little. Shang also secretly controlled the optical brain of the entire spaceship, monitoring everyone on board! Regarding Brant and his uncle Fred, Ye Zhong did not dare to take it lightly. It was much safer and more reassuring to take everything into his own hands than to bet on others! Although the relationship with the two of them seems to be good now, but what can't happen? It's better to be cautious!

There was still a trace of worry in Ye Zhong's heart, about the signal that Shang just said. Although he didn't know what was going on, Ye Zhong still hoped that there would be no accidents. What he tabooed most now was showing his face, and now that he was so close to Blue Starfish, it would be troublesome if he made any noise!

With his eyes slightly closed, Ye Zhong lay lazily in the tank, and only now felt comfortable! Ye Zhong's skin was very sensitive, and these tiny whirlpools felt like living creatures in the water. Ye Zhong's heart skipped a beat, and his playful heart arose. He closed his eyes, immersed his hands in the water, and tried hard to feel the subtle changes in the water flow near his hands. His hands dodged the irregular eddies like dexterous fish. If you really can't avoid it, you stretch out your fingertips to break the vortex, but in this way, the change of the water flow in the micro-rotating massage tank becomes more chaotic and more difficult to figure out.

Ye Zhong had a great time playing in this micro-rotating jacuzzi by himself.

Many kinds of active substances are added to the water in the micro-rotating massage tank, which can effectively eliminate fatigue. Ye Zhong's spirit is much better now, and his whole body feels lighter! However, if Ye Zhong knew that the amount of gold diamonds he spent on taking a bath was almost comparable to that of a light armor, I don't know what he would think!

Only the Sri Lankan-class luxury spaceship will have this kind of thing as a standard configuration! How can people who can afford this kind of spaceship care about the little money in their eyes?

A refreshed Ye Zhong ran into Brant just as he came out of the bathroom. Brant reached out and grabbed Ye Zhong, and said with a smile, "Quentin, I've been looking for you everywhere, so you're hiding here!"

Ye Zhong turned sideways subconsciously, and Brant grabbed the air with one hand. He couldn't help being taken aback, and smiled mischievously, feeling a little embarrassed.

Ye Zhong asked lightly, "What's the matter?"

Seeing Ye Zhong's indifferent and calm expression, for some reason, Brandt couldn't help but sighed slightly, but he still smiled and said, "It's really boring to be stuck in the room these days. Uncle is also obsessed with your mech armor Quite, I have never seen my uncle admire a light armor so much! I guess he won’t pay attention to us now, so I will show you around this ship at this time. To be honest, I still have I haven’t been to many places! Why don’t we take this opportunity to go shopping!”

Ye Zhong thought for a while, and thought to himself, this is a good opportunity to get familiar with this ship. Although Shang is already very familiar with this spaceship, it would be even better if he could get acquainted with it. With this in mind, Ye Zhong agreed.

Since most of the people on this ship were employed temporarily, and the ship was given by someone else, Brandt was not familiar with everything on this ship. Brant attached great importance to Ye Zhong, who might become his junior brother. He thought that his prospective junior brother probably had too little contact with people, which led to his indifference to others.

So he thought of this method.

The two were accompanied by Captain Hardik. Of course, the employer's requirements must be met as much as possible. On this point, Hardik is still very professional!

The Saber spaceship is ten kilometers long from end to end, and the entire ship looks like an island. It is a luxurious spaceship itself, so the facilities are also very complete, even luxurious! Captain Hardik also had a lot of emotion in his words during the introduction. He has been the captain for so many years and has commanded countless spaceships, but this is also the first time for a spaceship like the Saberi.

The three of them walked to a large hall, where dozens of game pods were placed, and on one side of the wall was a bar counter, and many tables and chairs were placed in the corners of the hall. Even most of them are actually made of wood, with beautiful and gorgeous hand-carved patterns, which makes it look more like a work of art than an object for rest.

And every corner has a holographic screen with various angles.

The hall was overcrowded, very noisy, people were sitting everywhere, and even many people were standing, some were chatting while drinking, some were singing loudly, some were walking back and forth from time to time, but most of them were staring Holographic screen, without blinking your eyes!

Ye Zhong frowned slightly, Ye Zhong didn't like places that were too noisy. Ye Zhong's expression was completely caught by Brant, who smiled slightly, obviously very satisfied with this place.

Captain Hardick said: "This is a game room. There is no doubt that this is the most luxurious game room I have ever seen. When it is free, the boys like to come to this place for entertainment, and the drinks here are all free. It’s heaven for a guy who’s drunk and has no money!”

"These luxury game warehouses are usually rare to see. Now I can try it for myself. For these boring people, this temptation is too fatal! Now it is crowded with people every day, and many people are looking for these dozens of people. Hehe, fortunately, there are almost no accidents during this journey, otherwise, I can only use the power of the captain to close this place, lest these little guys play too much!"

Ye Zhong raised his head and glanced at the holographic screen in mid-air, on which two light armors, one red and one blue, were engaged in a fierce battle. Ye Zhong sighed lightly, obviously the content of the game was beyond Ye Zhong's expectation. The technology of the two light armors on the holographic screen is quite good. The red light armor has a strange style, while the cyan light armor is very solid. Today's Ye Zhong is no rookie in the past. win. Although on the surface it seems that the two light armors are fighting inextricably, but Ye Zhong can still see at a glance that the cyan light armor still has some power left. If the red light armor does not have any killer moves, the winner will most likely be the cyan light armor. light armor.

Captain Hardick saw that Ye Zhong was quite interested in the battle on the screen, so he introduced: "Master Fred has a prominent status, so safety issues cannot be ignored. Almost all the guards hired this time are relatively well-known in the industry. Everyone has two brushes! It can be said that there are many masters. The one above the two in cyan light armor is Yu Jie, and the one in red light armor is Douglas. These two are quite famous in this world, whether it is They are very good at master skills and bodyguards. There are many masters like them in this group of people. But, hehe, real masters generally don’t make shots easily.” How much did Hardik say when he said this? Some meaningful flavors.

As soon as Captain Hardik finished speaking, the battle was over. Sure enough, as Ye Zhong expected, the cyan light armor Yu Jie won. Immediately there was a lot of cursing below, of course, some people's complacent laughter was also mixed in. Ye Zhong was slightly taken aback by how devoted these people were.

Brant was also a little surprised. Obviously, this was the first time he had seen such a scene, and he couldn't help but look at Captain Hardik.

Captain Hardick's expression was slightly awkward, but he still explained: "According to the usual practice, both sides of the game have to bet for themselves, and most of the people around them will also bet on the side they are more optimistic about. The winning player can not only Winning the opponent's bet will also take one-tenth of the harvest of every audience who buys him to win, this is the usual practice!"

Seeing the disapproving expression on Brant's face, Captain Hardick shrugged: "Although this is also a kind of gamble, it is undoubtedly a good way for those of us who spend most of our time drifting in space. A pastime! Also a way to relieve stress!"

Brant let out an oh, expressing his understanding! Ye Zhong's expression didn't change at all. His attention had long since stopped. Instead, he carefully scanned every corner of his surroundings. It had become Ye Zhong's instinct to get acquainted with the environment immediately.

The three of them have already walked near the bar. Everyone greeted Captain Hardik enthusiastically along the way, and Captain Hardik also warmly returned the salute. It can be seen that these people have sincere respect for Captain Hardik, which made Ye Zhong and Brant look sideways. Fan.

"Hey! Head! Why are you here today?" The fat man in charge of bartending greeted Captain Hardik.

Captain Hardik chuckled: "I'm here to accompany the two gentlemen for a walk, you boy, you are definitely at the place closest to the wine!" After speaking, he turned his face and introduced to the two: "It's Keno, a fat man Alcohol sucks, but the bartending skills are top-notch. What do you want to drink? Just order! This guy has always boasted that there is no wine he can’t mix! Hehe, Gino, give me a glass of fruit beach. "

"Okay!" the fat man yelled, but the movements of his hands made people dazzled for a while. After a while, a glass of yellow-white wine with fine froth was placed in front of Captain Hardik. Ripple open.

Brant has been with Fred for many years and has been hanging out in the upper class for many years. He is also a master at it. He ordered an Ignaz. The fat man couldn't help but look at Brant more.

When Ignaz, who was slightly turbid in blue and purple, was placed in front of Brant, Brant took a sip and couldn't help praising: "Good wine! It really is a master! The taste is very good!" thumb! The expression on the fat man's face suddenly blossomed with joy, and he looked proud!

Ye Zhong, who had never drunk before, followed Brant and ordered a glass of Ignaz. Following Brent's example, he took a sip, and a strange taste erupted in Ye Zhong's mouth. Putting down the glass, frowning.

The fat man looked at Ye Zhong with more disdain!

Brant drank the whole glass of Ignaz in one gulp, looking extremely happy.

Two people just came out of the game room. Brandt smiled slightly, pointed at the game room, raised his eyebrows, and said, "How about it? Quentin, let's play a game!"

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