Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 213 Spaceship Transformation Plan (Part 2)

Faced with a mountain of items, Ye Zhong began to work hard, Mu Shang was replaced by Mu to control, Shang lacked even the slightest enthusiasm for this kind of boring work.

The three largest independent rooms were converted into a metal laboratory, a training room and a modification room, and the surrounding rooms of the three main rooms were converted into warehouses. These warehouses are now filled with corresponding materials.

Although the metal laboratory is not too big, its configuration is quite luxurious. Ye Zhong is not familiar with metallurgy, these equipments are all purchased by Mu, and all of them are the most advanced equipments that can be seen in the market. Of course, being advanced means being expensive, as for how much Ye Zhong spent, I don't know. In fact, even Ye Zhong himself never looked at the price when purchasing these devices. Ye Zhong will learn the knowledge of metal science here, and Mu seems to be quite good at this aspect.

As for the training room and modification room, Ye Zhong designed and laid them out by himself. Ye Zhong has been learning the knowledge of training and training, but he has no chance to practice it. With this training and training room, Ye Zhong can carry out various training and training experiments. No matter which trainer saw the equipment in Ye Zhong's small training room, his eyes would turn red immediately. Self-controlled incubator, plasma constant temperature room, double-fermentation rotary machine, these super first-class instruments that can only be seen in top laboratories, are fully prepared here.

The modification room is the largest of the three laboratories. There are not only various instruments for light armor modification, but also some instruments that can be used to make bone accessories. However, there is no special equipment for making bone parts on the market, most of them need to be made by Ye Zhong himself. Fortunately, the light armor modification equipment market is extremely rich, and Ye Zhong's modification room is not much more advanced than the top-notch light armor modification room of Blue Sea Star in Blue Sea College. Because some instruments are too expensive and need to be booked in advance, Ye Zhong had no choice but to book in advance, but there is still a long time before the delivery time.

Finally, the three laboratories were established, which made Ye Zhong slightly relieved. But it's far from complete. These most advanced instruments on the market are not so perfect in Mu's eyes, and Mu made suggestions for modification of these instruments. Of course, the discussion between Ye Zhong and Mu was indispensable for this. There is no doubt that this discussion also benefited Ye Zhong a lot.

Modifying instruments is an extremely delicate job. These instruments are originally precision instruments, and extremely slight deviations may make them scrapped. This extremely precise operation made Ye Zhong very unaccustomed, but Ye Zhong's strong learning ability was fully displayed at this time. After scrapping several instruments, he finally mastered this operation method which is very different from ordinary operations. This also made Ye Zhong require more precision in various operations than before. Of course, the cost of developing such a good habit is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people.

The first step was finally completed. The three laboratories had been completed. As for the light armor training room, it was much simpler. Ye Zhong picked the largest warehouse, bought some light armor training equipment, and completed the establishment. Ye Zhong's light armor manipulation skills can no longer be improved solely by proficiency.

After completing the first step, Ye Zhong quickly started working on the second step.

Compared with the harmless work of the first step, the second step of the transformation work is a bit more hideous. Ye Zhong saw several sets of complicated firepower systems in front of him, which dazzled him. Mu said that these are several relatively simple firepower system diagrams in his information base. If there is no firepower system, once encountering an enemy, Ye Zhong can only rely on Ye Zhong to drive the light armor, and the Playboy will become a huge target.

Although the five major star domains banned any research and development of warships, it was obvious that this order could not bind Ye Zhong in any way. Ye Zhong, the Shuangyue frigate of the Teachers' Association, has witnessed its true colors with his own eyes, and the Black Horn Sect also owns battleships. Even the Promi Group probably owns battleships.

Ye Zhong agrees with both hands to the transformation that can increase his own safety factor. One's own destiny must always be defended by oneself!

It's just that Ye Zhong never expected that this would be the most troublesome part of the whole renovation plan.

This was Ye Zhong's first contact with the firepower system of a battleship, and he found that he couldn't understand the whole schematic diagram. Ye Zhong is very familiar with the light armor's firepower system, but the battleship's firepower system is much larger and more complicated than the light armor's firepower system. It is very unrealistic for Ye Zhong to learn the battleship firepower system in a short period of time. The huge knowledge system behind this seemingly simple firepower system will never end in a poor man's life.

However, just because you don't understand it doesn't mean that Ye Zhong can't make it. The most important thing is that there is Mu.

Mu divided the whole process into hundreds of specific steps, each step has a detailed operation method, and Ye Zhong only needs to follow the above steps. Moreover, Mu himself was on the sidelines to supervise. Ye Zhong was full of confidence in completing this transformation.

The most critical thing in the entire firepower system is the production of the electromagnetic gun, and the production of the barrel of the electromagnetic gun is the top priority. The electromagnetic gun accumulates astonishing energy in a very short period of time, and then releases it. The gun barrel has to withstand such a high energy without deformation. Ordinary metals have long since melted into a puddle of molten iron under such a high energy.

There are countless high-quality ores piled up in the warehouse of the metal laboratory. Ye Zhong suddenly remembered that Mu seemed to know the formula of many special alloys. Sure enough, as Ye Zhong expected, Mu took out a black gold mine with a diameter of about half a meter. Ye Zhong once collected a large amount of black gold ore in the rubble star belt around Black Horn. Black gold ore is a special product of Black Horn, and its performance is excellent. Black Gold is contained in Black Horn's mask and combat light armor.

The black gold ore is very heavy, Ye Zhong took a lot of effort to move this piece of black horn ore into the magnetic control metal separator. Looking at Mu, Mu didn't have any intention of taking out another piece of black gold ore .

Ye Zhong couldn't help asking strangely: "Mu, is this one enough?"

"Well, it's enough. It's a waste of resources to use black gold to make electromagnetic gun tubes. Unfortunately, we don't have amphibole or reactance crystals. And we don't have enough materials to make electromagnetic gun tubes." This is not the optimal choice very helpless.

Ye Zhong didn't know the rarity of black gold ore at all, and Black Horn's battle light armor, such as Xingyan, was only mixed with a small amount of black gold. And the black gold content in Black Horn's mask is even negligible. If Ye Zhong had not been brought deep into the gravel star belt by the gravel vortex, he would not have been able to collect so much black gold ore.

Through the observation window of the magnetic control metal separator, Ye Zhong only felt a humming and light vibration, as if he heard a light "peng", and the black gold mine with a diameter of half a meter in the separator turned into black. Ash, in an instant, the entire separator was filled with black smoke. Immediately afterwards, countless strands of fine black water meandered down from the inner wall of the separator, and finally converged into a stream of black and shiny molten iron. The inner wall of the separator is not known to be made of something, but there is not even a drop of black water on it, and it is as clean and shiny as ever.

The pooled molten iron eventually condenses into a cube-shaped ingot. Ye Zhong held it in his hand, it was heavy, surprisingly heavy, and it was shiny black.

Then, under Mu's guidance, Ye Zhong melted the black gold into other alloys bought on the market. Since the laboratory is relatively small, there is only one electromagnetic gun tube to make, and Ye Zhong has become quite proficient from his hands and feet at the beginning. Gradually, Ye Zhong began to use these instruments in the metal laboratory with ease. Although I still don't understand the principle, it doesn't hinder the use.

Fifty-two electromagnetic gun barrels are stacked together, and the dark gun barrel has a chill in it, and the smooth barrel body is cool in the hand. Compared with industrial mass production, this is a real laboratory product with first-class quality. Of course, its cost is also several times that of industrial mass production. However, expenses have never been the focus of Mu Shang and Ye Zhong's considerations.

Ye Zhong was exhausted to death after finishing all the work on the production of the launching device, the electromagnetic base, and the connection of the optical path. This is simply not a human job. Even Ye Zhong, who is so resilient, is about to collapse. It can be seen.

Phew, Ye Zhong finally heaved a sigh of relief, and finally the last step was left: the installation of the electromagnetic gun. The installation position of the electromagnetic gun has been determined by Mu early on. After Mu's calculation, these fifty-two positions are enough to cover the entire battleship without shooting dead ends. This time, Mu couldn't help. Ye Zhong drove the engineering light armor alone, and got busy by himself. Compared with making electromagnetic guns, this work is really not technical.

The fifty-two gun positions are all designed as hidden shooting positions, and the appearance of the Playboy has not been changed in any way. In the eyes of those who don't know it, this is still just an ordinary Ska-class spaceship.

In the entire firepower system designed by Mu, the electromagnetic gun is only an important part, but it is only a part. The 180 laser launchers distributed in every corner of the battleship have faster response speed and more flexible direction changes. They form a firepower network with a range of 50 kilometers for Playboy. These laser emitting devices are mainly used to deal with light armor that has approached. Fortunately, these laser emitting devices are commercially available, and many light armors use them. However, when Ye Zhong placed such a large order, others thought he was a purchaser of some light armor production group.

If it is said that Shang's characteristic is surprise, then Mu's characteristic is carefulness and thoroughness. Once Mu is stalking him, it will undoubtedly be an extremely terrifying thing. This characteristic of Shangmu is undoubtedly reflected in the deployment and control of the firepower system of this spaceship.

Cooperating with these laser firing devices are countless bolt launchers. This is the inspiration that Mu got from Yu's vase. The endless variety of auxiliary bombs can play an extremely important role in the entire battle process. Cooperating with these laser emitting devices, it will definitely make those light armors that are already close to the battleship fall into this "swamp".

The entire process of arranging the firepower system of this spaceship was quite boring, because Ye Zhong didn't understand most of the things. And making these various auxiliary bombs is the only thing that can make Ye Zhong feel the fun of it. Ye Zhong had to admire that old man Fred, he was so insidious and creative at such an old age.

Firepower system is finally complete! The interior of the Playboy has also undergone earth-shaking changes, and now the Playboy has become a veritable battleship, a rather terrifying battleship. Ye Zhong spent a month on it, which far exceeded Ye Zhong's estimate. Looking at the pile of waste products, Ye Zhong felt a little headache. These were all failures, so Ye Zhong simply returned them to the furnace to re-smelt them into alloy ingots, and then put them into the warehouse.

Shang once said that Playboy is a butcher with a handsome appearance!

As for the third step of the spacecraft transformation plan, it had to be temporarily abandoned. Now Playboy is obviously strong in offense and weak in defense. Its original armor does not meet the specifications of a battleship at all. But for such a huge Ska-class spaceship, it is an extremely ambitious project to replace the armor, and it is impossible for Ye Zhong to complete it by himself. And more importantly, if one wanted to meet Mu's standard, the amount of rare materials needed would reach an astronomical amount. Ye Zhong is not the Black Horn School Teachers' Association, although he has a little reserve, but this is probably not enough to fit between his teeth. Many of these rare materials cannot be bought in the market at all, but in Jiukai City, these materials are just some common materials.

In terms of resource ownership, compared with the Black Horn Sect Teachers Association, the Five Star Regions are as poor as a beggar.

However, this is not something that Ye Zhong needs to care about. He doesn't bother to care about the five star fields and the three major forces.

In any case, the transformation of this spaceship has finally been completed. As for Playboy's engine, it is no better than a light armor engine. Although Mu has many transformation plans, it is impossible to transform it under the current situation. The rational Mu quickly gave up this idea.

After the transformation was completed, Ye Zhong planned to leave Blazing Wind Star and fly directly to Minghong Star. This transformation took a lot of time, but Ye Zhong thought it was worth it. The more prepared you are, the more likely you are to succeed. Moreover, Ye Zhong believed that the current Playboy was no longer just a warship, but could completely serve as a space base. Ye Zhong even thought that if he didn't want to live on a certain planet in the future, it would be a good thing to drive a playboy and wander in the universe.

From the interstellar map, Ye Zhong suddenly found that Minghong Star is very close to the garbage star of Faer 6, which made him think that Gao Shichang of Promi Group is the father. Everyone is like this, as long as it is related to their closest relatives, they often cannot maintain a calm heart, which is also human nature.

Thinking that Dad also has a lot of research on light armor, Ye Zhong's guess that this Gao Shichang is Dad can't help but increase a bit.

However, everything is speculation, and if you want to know the truth, you have to verify it yourself.

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