Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 249 It's all the beauty's fault

The speed of the speed boat is not inferior to that of light armor, but the flying skills of the two morning light armor are much better than that of the speed boat. They kept flying in an arc, and from this look, the two morning mechs should be trying to capture the little stone alive.

Xiao Shitou's performance surprised Ye Zhong.

The two morning mechs were biting the speedboat tightly, not relaxing at all, and constantly trying to achieve a pincer attack.

Ye Zhong couldn't help being a little surprised, Xiaoshi's flying skills can be seen to be not very good, but he can escape from the encirclement every time.

Whenever two morning mechs were about to form an encirclement, the speedboat was like a small fish with a keen sense of smell, always able to find that thread of life from the encirclement.

Zhu Ling's eyes also flashed a little bit of surprise, it is very rare for a non-combatant to be able to survive the pursuit of two morning mechs unscathed.

As soon as the scene on the holographic screen changed, countless data filled the entire holographic screen, constantly changing. Only then did Ye Zhong feel shocked. Judging from the holographic screen, at just a moment ago, almost all the lines of the speedboat were blocked. Only one flight path has the possibility of escape. This flight route was marked by Shang with a bold and red line. This is theoretically the only escape route. Otherwise, the speedboat would definitely encounter two mechs. If a speedboat lacking weapons is touched by a morning light armor, the result can be imagined.

Ye Zhong understood that all the data on the holographic screen were added by Shang, and that escape route was the best result obtained by Shang using his powerful computing power in a very short period of time.

Among all the people, only Ye Zhong understood that the guardian's automatic analysis system made him very sensitive to the data, so he could see the clues at a glance. And the tacit understanding between him and Shang made him immediately understand Shang's meaning.

Almost as soon as Shang marked this red line, the speedboat driven by Xiao Shitou flew completely along the trajectory of this red line, and escaped from the attack of the two light armors again in the blink of an eye.

It was a perfect escape. Ye Zhong believed that even if he was driving the same speedboat, he couldn't do it better than this. Such precise calculations are not what he is good at.

Little Shitou is indeed a genius, to be able to complete such a complicated calculation in such a short period of time, it is too powerful!

The two morning mechs were not in a hurry either. The prey in front of them made them find unexpected fun, and they started planning a new round of encirclement again leisurely.

Little Stone obviously saw the Playboy, and the speedboat immediately turned around and flew towards the Playboy.

Only then did the two morning mechs start to look at the dark red spaceship. The shape of this spaceship looks quite eye-catching. However, the two teachers did not have much vigilance against the spaceship. The only ones who like to paint beautiful pictures on spaceships are playboys, and these people are almost all idiots.

The eyes of the two masters of the sect were full of sympathy for this rather good spaceship. In their view, good equipment fell into the hands of these playboys, which could be described as a hidden gem. But they can't be bothered to take care of this right now, the most important thing is to seize this speedboat right now. Unexpectedly, this speedboat was so weird. Both of them felt that the speedboat pilot's flying level was not outstanding, but every time they fell into a siege, the other party was able to escape with great danger.

What a weird speedboat!

Two morning-style mechs passed by the dark red spaceship, and the stunning face of the peerless beauty spray-painted on them flashed in their minds, but left them with a deep and incomparable impression.

So far, the dark red spaceship has not shown any hostile behavior, which greatly relieved the hearts of the two morning light armors, and they have already started a new round of encirclement. For the pilot in the speedboat, the two had already sincerely admired them, and only then did they deeply feel how wise Master Feng Su's instructions are. Light armor is much stronger.

Lord Feng Su, something flashed in the minds of the two of them, Lord Feng Su... ah...the two exclaimed almost at the same time, they finally knew what was going on.

hateful! In an instant, anger rose in the chests of the two, and they ignored the speedboat at all. The two light armors turned around and drew two arcs, and rushed towards the dark red spaceship at the fastest speed.

The dark red spaceship was getting bigger and bigger in their eyes, and the huge picture of the beautiful woman spray-painted on the bow was also clearer in their eyes!

It really is Master Feng Su! Master Feng Su is the most beautiful and mysterious ace teacher in the sect, she is almost the goddess in the eyes of all the male teachers in the sect. Now that someone dares to blaspheme the goddess in his heart like this, how can these two people not be surprised and angry.

If, they mean if, if they bring this dark red spaceship into the sect, they are sure that no matter how strong this spaceship is, it will definitely be turned into a fire in the anger of all the male teachers in the sect. Fragments!

However, they could no longer tolerate the existence of this dark red spaceship for even a second longer.

Seeing the two Chen-style mechs suddenly abandon the speedboat and rush towards them aggressively, Ye Zhong was quite puzzled, and couldn't help asking: "What's going on?"

Shang didn't take it lightly and said, "Maybe they think we're too handsome." The two Chen-styles, whether it's Ye Zhong or Zhu Ling, can easily take them down here.

Shang's words won Lian Yue's heart, Lian Yue kept nodding, and said in agreement: "Yes, yes." He stood beside Zhu Ling with his chest up and his head up, looking proud.

Zhuling glanced at Ye Zhong, and said coldly: "In the sect, the popularity of Nieyu Fengsu is unimaginable to you. Printing such a picture on the bow of the ship is tantamount to declaring war on the entire sect."

"Haha, let me tell you, our Xiaofengsu is so cute..." Shang's laughter was somewhat embarrassing.

Ye Zhong glanced at Shang, and Shang immediately laughed dryly aside like a child who has done something wrong.

Although the dark red spaceship in front of him was a colossal monster, in the eyes of the two sect masters, it was nothing more than a paper tiger with a strong outside but a dry inside. They have enough confidence in their own strength.

Suddenly, as if something hit the light armor, the two looked at the holographic screen suspiciously, but nothing was found on the holographic screen.

Is it an illusion?

Although puzzled, the two mechs still flew towards the dark red spaceship without stopping.

The closer the huge portrait of Feng Su to the bow of the dark red space ship becomes, the clearer it becomes. The coquettish look between her eyebrows and eyes makes one feel as if one's heart is about to jump out. The two became more and more angry. Nieyu Fengsu was inviolable in their hearts. It is unforgivable that someone would insult her in this way!

The two had quickly drawn up a battle plan, and they were going to teach the owner of the spaceship a lesson he would never forget.

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